SpaceX capsule arrives at International Space Station

The SpaceX capsule carrying four astronauts docked at the International Space Station (ISS) on Monday, 27 hours after launching from Cape Canaveral, Fla. 

The four-member SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule, which the team named “Resilience,” officially opened its hatch door shortly after 1 a.m. EST on Tuesday, according to Reuters

Footage from the ISS shows the crew of three Americans and one Japanese astronaut emerging from the capsule and boarding the station, greeting the existing crew of one American and two Russians with hugs and high-fives. 


“SpaceX, this is Resilience. Excellent job. Right down the center,” Crew Dragon commander Mike Hopkins reportedly said from the spacecraft after docking. “SpaceX and NASA, congratulations, this is a new era of operational flights to the International Space Station from the Florida coast.”

“The last 27 hours have gone really smooth actually,” Hopkins said after boarding the space station. “We are looking forward to the next six months, and can’t wait to get started.”

The mission, which arrived at the station following a completely automated flight from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, marks the first time Elon MuskElon Reeve MuskTesla set to join S&P 500 Twitter hires famous hacker to head security operations Elon Musk says he ‘most likely’ has COVID-19, questions tests MORE’s company delivered a crew for a full six-month stay. 

According to The Associated Press, the astronauts will remain at the ISS until April, when another Dragon is scheduled to arrive. The crews are expected to continue rotating using SpaceX capsules until Boeing is expected to join with its own spacecraft late next year. 

The trip Sunday had initially been planned for the day prior but was delayed due to offshore winds, according to a NASA press release

In May, SpaceX launched a two-pilot test flight that lasted two months, successfully returning to Earth in August. 

While NASA kept attendance at Sunday’s launch small due to safety concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic, the event saw an appearance by Vice President Pence and his wife Karen PenceKaren Sue PenceThe Hill’s 12:30 Report – Presented by Capital One – World reacts to news of second COVID-19 vaccine with 90 percent efficacy The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by UAE – US records 1 million COVID-19 cases in a week; governors crack down SpaceX rocket takes off with four astronauts MORE, who both wore masks and watched from a balcony.

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Matt Hardy Comments On 25th Anniversary Of First WWE Appearance

WWE star and former SmackDown tag champion Matt Hardy took to Twitter earlier today to comment on his very first appearance in the WWE 25-years ago today. Hardy reveals that his “debut” was on a live episode of Raw against Nikolai Volkoff before questioning whether or not Vince McMahon will give him a special celebration.

Today is the 25 year anniversary of my 1st appearance in a @WWE ring. I was 18 & on a LIVE episode of #RAW against Nikolai Volkoff. Jeff’s 20th year since signing a #WWE contract was commemorated.. Maybe @VinceMcMahon will surprise me with a 25 year celebration on #SDLive.

See Hardy’s Tweet below.