WWE star and former SmackDown tag champion Matt Hardy took to Twitter earlier today to comment on his very first appearance in the WWE 25-years ago today. Hardy reveals that his “debut” was on a live episode of Raw against Nikolai Volkoff before questioning whether or not Vince McMahon will give him a special celebration.
Today is the 25 year anniversary of my 1st appearance in a
@WWE ring. I was 18 & on a LIVE episode of#RAW against Nikolai Volkoff. Jeff’s 20th year since signing a#WWE contract was commemorated.. Maybe@VinceMcMahon will surprise me with a 25 year celebration on#SDLive.
See Hardy’s Tweet below.
Today is the 25 year anniversary of my 1st appearance in a @WWE ring. I was 18 & on a LIVE episode of #RAW against Nikolai Volkoff.
Jeff’s 20th year since signing a #WWE contract was commemorated.. Maybe @VinceMcMahon will surprise me with a 25 year celebration on #SDLive. https://t.co/3eO0oJ8l9l
— Matt Hardy, REDEFINED (@MATTHARDYBRAND) May 23, 2019