WWE Vintage Collection Report: November 4th 2012
By Shaun Best-Rajah.com Reporter
Hosted by: Mean Gene Okerlund
This week’s show is all about the Divas, past, present and persona non grata. Let’s begin!
King of the Ring: June 23rd 2002
Women’s Title: Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly
This was the start of Molly’s pure and wholesome gimmick, where she accused Trish and the others of using their assets to get ahead. Molly shoves Trish, before giving the champion a backbodydrop and hair biel. An armbar takedown grounds Trish, who refuses to quit. Trish gets a victory roll and neckbreaker for nearfalls. Trish sends Molly face first to the corner and rolls her up for another two. Molly drop toeholds Trish into the bottom rope and chokes her out with a boot. A basement dropkick puts Trish on the floor. Molly sends Trish over the guardrail. Molly takes her eyes off the action and gets kicked off the apron. Trish crotches Molly on the ropes and brings her down with a headcsissors. Trish chops away, then dropkicks. Molly hits a jawbreaker. Trish ducks a clothesline and kicks Molly down. Molly reverses Stratusfaction into a bridging german suplex for two. The Molly-Go-Round misses as Molly lands on her ass. Trish rolls Molly up, but Molly rolls through, grabbing a handful of tights for the 1-2-3. Winner: MOLLY HOLLY.
Judgment Day: May 20th 2001
Women’s Title: Chyna vs Lita
Chyna had obliterated all her challengers and complained there was no competition, so Lita stepped up. A pre-match hug leads to lots of Lita chants. Chyna shoves Lita down. Lita uses a go-behind to maneuver Chyna into the corner. Lita counters a press slam into a sunset flip. Lita offers Chyna a hand, but gets pulled into a cradle for two. Chyna stiffs Lita with a forearm, kicks to the gut and a couple of hard clotheslines. Lita comes back with a tornado DDT and flimsy punches on the mat. Lita lands a flying clothesline. Lita attempts to work an arm, but Chyna isn’t interested in selling and continually shoves Lita down. A swinging neckbreaker, powerslam and press slam furthers Chyna’s domination. Chyna pulls Lita up at two. Lita surprises Chyna with a cross armbreaker, but she’s no Alberto Del Rio and Chyna reverses into a headscissors. Eddie Guerrero comes out to watch from the aisle. Lita counters a powerbomb with a hurracanrana, but Chyna blocks a Twist of Fate to hit the powerbomb at the second attempt. 1-2-3. Winner: CHYNA. Eddie shakes his head as Chyna scowls. Chyna was taken off TV after this and released later in the year. The title went on sabbatical until Survivor Series when Trish Stratus won a sixpack challenge.
No Mercy: October 17th 1999
Women’s Title: Ivory vs The Fabulous Moolah w/Mae Young
Moolah defeated Ivory in a handicap Evening Gown match to win a title shot. Ivory dropkicks Moolah from behind and goes for quick covers. Moolah misses a splash from the first rope. Mae stops Ivory from pinning Moolah with her feet on the ropes. Ivory punches Mae, tosses Moolah, then dropkicks Mae off the apron. Ivory somehow botches a dive through the ropes onto Moolah. Ivory sends Moolah into the announce table. Moolah sends Ivory over the guardrail, so Ivory climbs onto it to cross body Moolah. Ivory attacks Mae again and grabs her title. Mae yanks Ivory’s hair and takes a belt shot to the head. Moolah rolls Ivory up for the surprise 1-2-3. The title reign would only last eight days, but Moolah could hardly move in the ring, Ivory blew every spot and Mae took the best bumps, when she had no business doing so, given her age. Holy clusterfuck Batman! Winner: THE FABULOUS MOOLAH.
All American Wrestling: December 26th 1993
Women’s Title: Alundra Blayze vs Heidi Lee Morgan
This is the final of a six person tournament to crown a new champion, after the title was deactivated in 1990 and last seen a year prior to that. Heidi chops away in the ropes. Alundra puts her kickpads to good use in retaliation. Alundra shows off her agility by flipping over the ropes. Heidi dropkicks her off the apron and hits a top rope cross body on the floor. Alundra wears Heidi down with a chinlock and bodyscissors. Heidi grabs the legs to slingshot Alundra across the ring. Alundra rolls through a second attempt and lands a dropkick. Alundra misses a missile dropkick, while Heidi crashes and burns on a flying bodypress attempt. Alundra kicks out of a samoan drop, ducks a clothesline and hits a bridging german suplex for the 1-2-3. Winner: ALUNDRA BLAYZE.
Royal Rumble: January 24th 1988
2/3 Falls- WWF Women’s Tag Team Titles: The Glamour Girls w/Jimmy Hart vs The Jumping Bomb Angels (Leilani Kai & Judy Martin vs. Noriyo Tateno and Itsuki Yamazaki)
Jesse Ventura puts Vince McMahon on the spot and asks for the Glamour Girls names. Vince acts dumb and refers to them as “pink” and “red” due to the colours on part of their ring outfits. The Angels hit a pair of dropkicks to start. Yamazaki gives Martin a piledriver suplex. The Angels mainly stay one step ahead of the Girls for a while. Yamazaki traps Kai in an abdominal stretch. Both Angels apply a figure four to each Glamour Girl, then briefly work over Kai’s leg with a modified STF and Indian deathlock. Martin blocks a Yamazaki kick in the corner and drops her head first to the mat. Martin knocks Tateno off the apron. Kai kicks Yamazaki from behind, allowing Martin to hit an overhead powerbomb for the first fall.
Vince starts calling the Angels by their names (someone must have been in his headset) as we get the second fall underway. Yamazaki gets worked over briefly. Tateno gets the hot tag and gives Kai a dropkick, couple of clotheslines and cross body for a nearfall. The Angels double up for a suplex, then put the brakes on to make the Girls collide and bump heads. Martin goes to powerbomb Yamazaki again, but she counters into a sunset flip for the 1-2-3. We’re all level going into the deciding fall.
The Angels give Martin a double clothesline. Yamazaki connects with an enziguiri to Martin. Tateno attempts a fisherman suplex, but Martin blocks and slingshots her across the ring. Kai hits a couple of snapmares then delivers a double underhook suplex for a nearfall. Yamazaki gets a tag, only to get thrown across the ring. She recovers to hit two sit down atomic drops. The Angels give Martin a slam/top rope knee combo. Tateno busts out a double underhook with a bridge for two. Tateno misses a senton from the middle rope. Yamazaki hits Martin with a flying clothesline. Kai breaks up the pin. As Kai argues with the referee, both Angels head up top and give Martin stereo missile dropkicks for the decisive 1-2-3. Winners: THE JUMPING BOMB ANGELS. This match was light years ahead of its time with some innovative offense. It’s must-see. The Angels held the titles for five months, before dropping them back to the Girls in Japan. The belts were abandoned in February 1989 as the women were phased out.
More from the WWE vault next Sunday.
Follow me on Twitter @Shaun_Best.