December 9, 2001
Sports Arena, San Diego, CA
As 2001 entered its final month, the Alliance was no more. With WCW and ECW gone as a result of Survivor Series, it was back to business as usual for the WWF. Well, sort of. The next night on Raw, Mr McMahon fired Alliance commentator, Paul Heyman, forced William Regal to kiss his ass (literally) to keep his job, and had Shane and Stephanie leave the building. He would then turn his attention to the WWF Championship, deciding to strip Austin due to his Alliance affiliation and award the gold to Kurt Angle. Kurt was quickly back to his heel roots alongside Vince, saying he only helped Team WWF at Survivor Series for himself. Before McMahon could award Angle the title however, he was interrupted by a very familiar theme. One moment later out walked Ric Flair himself in Greensboro! Flair would reveal that he was the consortium that purchased Shane and Stephanie’s share in the company to finance their purchases of WCW and ECW respectively. As a result, Ric Flair was Mr McMahon’s 50/50 business partner! He would take on the fan friendly authority figure role to contrast Vince’s evil ways. With the WCW Championship (since renamed to the World Championship) still floating around, Flair announced a tournament would take place to unify the title with the WWF Championship, creating the first ever Undisputed title in the process. Thats the main reason we are here tonight, so lets get the show started. As always, please send your feedback to me on Twitter at @Mpmcc91 and spread the word about these reviews.
The opening video package is obviously all about the idea of the first ever Undisputed Champion being crowned, and is narrated by Freddie Blassie. We then head into the arena to kick off the show. We have a reunion of the commentary team that I’ll always look back on fondly as the voices of my childhood, as Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler call the show together for the first PPV since No Way Out. Lawler had returned to the company after separating from the Kat whom he had initially quit in protest of her release. He made his return the night after Survivor Series on Raw.
Before our opening video package, Mr McMahon makes his way out. He talks about the Rock humiliating him on the Smackdown before the PPV by forcing him to kiss the returning Rikishi’s ass as a means of revenge for the whole Kiss my Ass club Vince had started in recent weeks. Vince says he demands respect but is interrupted by Ric Flair who gets a big pop. Flair basically tells Vince to shut it so the show can get going. Vince says everyone may be laughing now, but he who laughs last, laughs loudest. This was just a basic segment to establish the animosity between the two co-owners.
Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert vs Christian & Test
We kick the night off with a thrown together tag team match. When X-Pac was injured during the Invasion, Albert was left with nothing to do. He would fully turn face shortly after and begin teaming up with Scotty 2 Hotty as the ‘hip hop hippo’. It would not be the last time that he would take on the dancing big man gimmick. The fan favourites take on a duo of former Alliance superstars. Test kept his job by winning the immunity battle royal, whilst Christian is still the reigning WWF European Champion here. Test and Albert were actually partners in T&A a year ago, but there’s no reference of that here. Scotty starts things out for his team, but he’s quickly double teamed by the heels after some initial momentum from their opponents. Scotty eventually gets the hot tag to Albert who cleans house on his opponents. He goes for the Baldo Bomb to Christian, but Test breaks up the count by pulling his former tag partner to the outside. With the two big guys going at it outside, Scotty comes in and goes for the Worm, but Christian avoids it by sending Scotty down and hitting a reverse DDT. From there, the European Champion attempts a Worm of his own, but Albert stops him in his tracks. Test gets back in and nails Albert with a big boot, but Scotty recovers and delivers a Worm to Test with greater success than before. Christian goes for the Unprettier to Scotty, but Albert instead grabs the European Champion and connects with another Baldo Bomb, which gets the win for his team at 6:20. This was a fine enough match to open the show, with the fans into Scotty & Albert’s act. It wasn’t anything special though. I am a bit surprised with the result as it seemed like Test and Christian were both in line for bigger things, whilst Scotty & Albert seemed more a comedy team in the division who had barely done anything recently. Strange booking aside, this was fine for what it was.
Grade: **1/4
We now go backstage to Jonathan Coachman, who is standing by with William Regal. Regal no longer has any authority following the fall of the Alliance and is back to being a regular competitor. Coach alludes to Regal’s recent ‘questionable’ methods, but Regal vows to win the Intercontinental title up next.
WWF Intercontinental Championship:
Edge (c) vs William Regal
As I mentioned earlier, the former commissioner of the Alliance, William Regal, saved his job the night after Survivor Series on Raw by willingly kissing Mr McMahon’s ass. By doing so he would become the very first member of the infamous Kiss my Ass club. After being embarrassed in this manner, Regal would begin to show a far more aggressive side in the weeks that followed. He would resort to sneakily using brass knuckles to win matches, and would earn a shot at Edge’s Intercontinental Championship here. The feud was still in its early stages. Anyway, Edge has the early advantage here, as he builds momentum and hits Regal with a missile dropkick. Regal cuts him off as he attempts a sunset flip, and dishes out some punishment to the champ. Edge mounts a come back with the Edge-O-Matic, and follows by throwing the challenger to the outside. On the floor, Regal avoids a cross body attempt and sends Edge crashing into the ring steps. With the referee tending to Edge, Regal takes the opportunity to go under the ring and grab a pair of brass knucks, which he hides in his tights. Back in the ring, Regal continues to work over the champion with a series of suplexes and powerbombs, but Edge won’t stay down. Regal ends up going for the brass knucks instead, but before he can use them, Edge delivers a spear out of nowhere. That gets the three at 9:06 and Edge successfully retains his Intercontinental title. This was a solid match between the two, with Regal unable to keep Edge down, and the champion being able to pick up the win despite the challenger’s attempt to bend the rules towards the end. You probably would expect a bit more from these two, but Edge was still in the early days of his singles run. The feud between the two was just getting started and Regal would be out for retribution.
Grade: **3/4
We now go to Ric Flair who is on the phone in his office when he is interrupted by Kurt Angle. We get a funny little exchange where Kurt talks himself up as if Flair is doubting his ability to win the Undisputed title, but Flair just keeps telling him he could do it.
Elsewhere, Lita is getting ready to referee the upcoming match between the Hardy Boyz when Matt Hardy comes in. He apologises for putting Lita between he and Jeff, but says its an important night. Lita says she’s going to call things down the middle. Matt says he’ll win regardless and everything will be settled out there. We go to a video package looking at the history of the Hardy Boyz and the recent issues between the two.
Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy
Special Guest Referee: Lita
This goes back to the cage match for the tag titles at Survivor Series, where Jeff’s decision to jump off the cage rather than climb out cost the Hardy Boyz the victory. In the weeks that followed, Matt would chastise Jeff for being selfish and not thinking of the team. The arguments would result in Jeff accepting Matt’s challenge to a match at this show. Lita would try to calm the brothers down backstage heading into the PPV, and they would inadvertently shove her to the floor in the process. Matt would blame Jeff for this as well, which led to Lita telling him to stop. Matt was upset that Lita would not take his side and so he said she could be the referee at the PPV so that everyone could find out who’s side she was on. The tag division guard was definitely changing at this point, as the Hardy Boyz looked to be splitting just months after Edge & Christian split. Both brothers come out to the same music here. The match starts out with both men going back and forth until Matt picks up the early advantage. Jeff fights back and goes up top, but Matt crotches him on the ropes and goes for the Tree of Woe moments later. Lita ends up untying Jeff after having to pull Matt off his brother. Jeff counters a subsequent sunset flip and both men crash to the floor. They get back in and Jeff appears to injure his leg, which allows Matt to target it in his assault. He locks in a leg crab, but Lita yells at him to stop, whilst Jeff gets to the ropes forcing the break. Jeff goes to the top again, but his injured leg gives way under him. That allows Matt to come back and attempt a Twist of Fate, only for Jeff to counter into one of his own. He goes for a Swanton, but again the leg comes into play and allows Matt to stop him in his tracks by slamming him to the canvas. Matt makes the cover using the ropes for leverage, but Lita confronts him over it. Jeff gets a surprise roll up for a near fall on Matt as he’s arguing with Lita, and the action goes back to the top rope. Matt attempts a Twist of Fate from up there, but Jeff shoves him down the mat. That gives him the opportunity to deliver the Swanton to get the victory at 12:32. Matt actually got his foot on the rope during the pin but Lita didn’t see it, adding to the issues between the two. This is another match where you probably expected more, but nobody really wanted to see these guys go at it. If they were going to go at it singles, they should have just split up without entering a feud, which is ultimately what would happen down the line. Realising the storyline was not working here, the Hardy Boyz and Lita would vanish from TV for a few weeks shortly after this show and reunite for another run before trying the singles route again down the track.
Grade: **
Backstage, Trish Stratus find the Rock in his locker room and tells him that she appreciates the way he stood up to Mr McMahon on Raw. She gives him a kiss on the cheek which leads to Rock making sexual innuendos about what they could do after he wins the Undisputed title later tonight.
WWF Tag Team Championship:
Dudley Boyz (c) w/Stacy Keibler vs Kane & Big Show
Our next title match of the night sees the Dudley Boyz, who kept their jobs despite being Alliance members by winning the tag title match at Survivor Series, defending against a newly put together team of two giants. With his brother having an attitude change in recent weeks that I’ll get to later, Kane had begun teaming with the Big Show, who continues to aimlessly float around, leading to a tag title shot here. There’s not much else to say regarding the build here. As expected, the gigantic challenger team starts this one by dominating the champs with their power advantage. After her men are tossed around for the early part of the match, Stacy Keibler gets involved. Big Show ends up putting her over his knee and smacking her. Moments later, Show tags Kane back in, however the champs finally get their chance as they double team the big red machine after Bubba clips his leg. Its short lived though as Kane kicks out following a 3D by the champs and takes both Dudleyz down moments later. He then tags in Show who goes for a chokeslam to D-Von, but Bubba gets involved once again to stop it. Kane goes up for a flying clothesline, but he accidentally nails Big Show instead of his target. This leads to the giants arguing between themselves and the Dudley Boyz take the chance to jump them. Moments later Show accidentally charges right into Kane on the apron, much to the amusement of Stacy. Show attempts to go after her in response, but D-Von nails him whilst Bubba removes a turnbuckle pad. The Dudley Boyz then hit a double flapjack on the exposed steel to Show, which JR calls a 3D, and that gives the champs the win to retain their titles at 6:49. Despite being outmatched on paper, this was a run of the mill title defence for the Dudley Boyz who were clearly going to stick around a while longer as the veterans of the tag division. The Kane/Show team was just to give them something to do here for this show, as they’d go off in their own ways without any real break up. We’d see them team again a fair way down the line actually. As far as the match goes, it was better than I expected it to be, but thats not really saying much.
Grade: **
Backstage Lita attempts to apologise to Matt for missing his foot on the rope, but he storms off. We then go to a video package leading into our next match.
WWF Hardcore Championship:
Rob Van Dam (c) vs Undertaker
With his job safely in tact despite the fall of the Alliance thanks to his holding of the Hardcore Championship, RVD is now in full face mode after months of being one of the most popular guys in the company anyway. His opponent is a man who has had an attitude change since the end of the Invasion. A few weeks after Survivor Series, Mr McMahon decided he was going to force Stone Cold to kiss his ass on Raw from Oklahoma. Austin would low blow McMahon making JR laugh at his boss at ringside. McMahon would retaliate by bringing JR into the ring and telling him to kiss his ass instead. The Undertaker would interrupt, seemingly to the rescue. Instead, Taker said that he had been kissing Vince’s ass for years, and if JR was refusing, he must think that he is better than him. Taker would attack JR and forced him to kiss Vince’s ass after all, turning heel in the process. In the weeks that followed he would demand respect from the fans and the locker room, and also cut his trademark long hair, a look he would maintain for a few years. He still gets a pretty good pop despite the turn, but the fans are behind RVD as well. RVD starts out building momentum, but Taker quickly shoves him off the top to the floor, which allows him to take over as they fight out into the crowd. Van Dam gets his hands on a fire extinguisher and uses it to catch a breather before following up with a trash can lid shot to the challenger. With Taker down, RVD embraces his inner risk taker by going up onto a nearby balcony and connecting with a diving crossbody onto his opponent. From there the action moves up towards the entrance, where Taker eventually regains control by ramming RVD head first through the set. Taker’s not finished though as he wants to continue to beat some respect into his opponent. He picks RVD up and sets up for the Last Ride, but Van Dam saves himself by grabbing onto the set for leverage. Taker ends up going off and grabbing a chair instead, but RVD kicks it back into his face. That allows the champion to deliver the Rolling Thunder. He then goes for the Van Daminator, but Taker recovers and avoids it. Taker gets his hands on the chair and nails RVD with it, and moments later follows up with a chokeslam off the stage through some tables below. RVD is out of it, and Taker scores the cover at 11:04 to win his first ever Hardcore Championship. This was a solid match and I don’t really have a problem with RVD losing here as the ship sailed back at No Mercy in terms of making him a main event guy. The Taker heel turn had to be established here, and it was, with the American Bad Ass beating the hell out of RVD to the point that he couldn’t come back any longer. The heel turn was very much needed for Taker at this point, and it would end up reinvigorating his career. The worst days of Taker’s career are now over. This was a fun hardcore match with a unique pairing.
Grade: ***
Chris Jericho now interrupts Ric Flair in his office. He complains about nobody taking him seriously but vows to win the Undisputed Championship. He says that when he wins, he wants Flair to give him a ceremony the following night on Raw. Flair says he will present the Undisputed title to whoever wins, and if Jericho can do it, good for him.
WWF Women’s Championship:
Trish Stratus (c) vs Jacqueline
There’s really not much to talk about build wise for this match, as it was just a matter of giving Trish an opponent with ring experience for her first PPV title defence since winning the title in the six pack at Survivor Series. It was still early days for the woman who would eventually become the greatest female performer of all time after all. It definitely shows here. Jacqueline takes control in the early going using her experience to her advantage. With King back on commentary he’s fixated on his old puppy jokes of course. Stratus attempts to come back with some kick shots at her opponent, but Jackie is unfazed for the most part and continues to dictate the pace. Despite not really being a heel, Jackie is the de facto heel for this match by the way, and she walks on Trish’s hair after slamming her a few times on offence. After taking a beating from the challenger, Trish comes back with a victory roll but only gets two. She looks to follow up with Stratusfaction, however Jacqueline manages to push her away and hits a dropkick to the back of the champion’s head. Both ladies go down moments later after colliding. Trish manages to recover first, and she scores a pin with a backslide moments later at 3:35. A basic and quick match which was really just here to give the very green Stratus a successful title defence.
Grade: *
We now get a recap of the segment that saw Rock humiliate Vince on Raw by forcing him to kiss Rikishi’s ass. This takes us across to WWF New York, where Rikishi is standing by. Rikishi says Vince got what he deserved before saying he’s glad to be back. He had missed most of the second half of the year due to injury after turning face again around May.
We have our mini tournament up next to crown the Undisputed Champion, so we get a video package looking at the issues between all four guys. Ric Flair initially said it would just be Austin and Rock facing off in a unification match, but Vince came up with this mini-tournament instead.
WWF Championship:
Steve Austin (c) vs Kurt Angle
Our first match of this mini-tournament sees the renewal of an old rivalry between these two as they face off for the WWF Championship, although the roles have now reversed. As I mentioned at the start of this review, Mr McMahon came out on Raw the night after Survivor Series and said he was stripping Austin of the WWF title and awarding it to Kurt Angle. Ric Flair showed up moments later as the new co-owner and told Vince that as Austin was the WWF Champion, he was still employed and would remain the holder of the title. Austin would turn face by default with McMahon back to his old ways, with Kurt now the arrogant heel once more. Austin also has his most famous theme music back, which is a huge improvement from the horribly generic one he had in the Alliance. He gets a big pop as you would expect too as he was a guy people just wanted to cheer despite how fun his heel work was. Anyway, the match starts with some back and forth between the two adversaries. Austin gets the early advantage and starts working over Angle’s arm, but Kurt eventually comes back and applies the Ankle Lock. The champion fights his way out amd goes back to work on Kurt’s arm before choking him on the ropes. The Rattlesnake continues his assault as he sends the challenger into the ring post. After taking more offence from the champion, Angle manages to get the Ankle Lock on again, but this time Austin gets to the ropes to force the break. They go to the outside and Austin takes control once more, ramming Kurt head first into the announce table. Kurt recovers and starts to close in on Austin’s ankle some more. He even busts out the cool figure four around the ring post a la Bret Hart. Back in the ring, the Olympic gold medallist continues to control the flow as he goes into German suplex mode on the champ. He makes a mistake however when he goes up for the moonsault and misses. Austin fires back with the Thesz press and even hits his own German combo on Angle! Kurt turns the tide with a low blow and capitalises with an Angle Slam. Austin manages to kick out though, so Kurt tries to go for a Stunner on Austin. Austin counters into a Stunner of his own and that gets the three at 15:05. Stone Cold retains his title and moves on to face the winner of the next match for the Undisputed title. This was nowhere near the level of the previous matches these two had a few months back. That was understandable though with Austin having to save some for later on. His body was also starting to feel the effects after going hard since his return in late 2000. A good match, but obviously underwhelming when you look at the two men involved and some of their other classics.
Grade: ***
Trish is backstage getting changed after her title defence earlier in the night when Test walks in and hits on her. She does not reciprocate and wants him to leave. Test says she can’t do anything about it since he has immunity from Survivor Series. She ends up throwing him out anyway. Weird little segment that was basically there to continue to make Test look like a sleaze. I can’t remember anything coming from this.
World Championship:
The Rock (c) vs Chris Jericho
We now see the continuation of the rivalry between these two men as they battle for the World Championship. Of course, the World title is the former WCW title. This stems from Jericho double crossing Rock at Survivor Series, turning heel in the process. Jericho would attack the Rock again the following night on Raw, and the tension between these two would continue to build heading into this show. These two have developed some great chemistry since starting up their rivalry a few months ago, and they spend the early part of the match going back and forth trading offence with each other. Jericho ends up taking the advantage early on and he ends up sending the Great One to the outside. Out on the floor, Y2J sends Rock head first into the ring steps, but the People’s Champion fights back from there with a clothesline. His momentum is short lived however, and he gets caught in a sleeper hold by the challenger. Rock fights his way out, but Jericho responds with a Lionsault to the champion. Rock kicks out to the frustration of Y2J and he takes the Rock back to the floor and attempts to put Rock through the announce table with a Rock Bottom. The Rock counters into a DDT instead though and brings Y2J back into the ring moments later. He goes for the People’s Elbow, but Jericho stops him and connects with Breakdown instead. Jericho goes for a People’s Elbow of his own, but it ends up costing him and Rock traps him in the sharpshooter shortly afterwards. Jericho won’t quit though, and he actually counters the hold into a sharpshooter of his own! Rock battles through the pain and gets to the ropes to force the break, but Jericho responds by locking in the Walls instead. Rock ends up countering the Walls into a roll up, but Jericho kicks out. Rock continues to build momentum as he hits Y2J with a Rock Bottom, but this brings out Mr McMahon, who distracts the ref before he can make the count. This was Vince getting revenge on Rock for the Kiss my Ass incident. Rock responds by knocking the co-owner of the WWF off the apron and then delivering a spine buster to Jericho. He goes for the People’s Elbow again, but this time Jericho hits the champion with a low blow. He capitalises with a Rock Bottom of his own, and in quite the upset, Chris Jericho advances to the finals as the new World Champion at 19:08. This was a big shock at the time, as it seemed natural that the two biggest stars in the company at the time – Rock and Austin – would meet in the finals to crown the first Undisputed Champion. Instead, Rock’s night is done, and Jericho moves on to the biggest match of his career to date. As far as this match here goes, it was very good, as these guys just had excellent chemistry together. The Vince interference at the end detracted it a little, making it not as good as their previous matches, but it was still very good with the crowd into it the whole match.
Grade: ***3/4
Undisputed WWF Championship:
Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho
With Jericho still in the ring catching his breath following his previous victory, but his moment is cut short as Stone Cold makes his way out right away and the match starts immediately. This is the big one – the match that will unify the WWF and World titles and crown the very first Undisputed WWF Champion. The crowd is behind Austin big time here. There’s a big chant for Triple H that starts up early on as well since he was on the poster for the event. Not this month guys. Anyway, Austin stomps at Jericho, but a bitter Kurt Angle runs out right away and nails the WWF Champion with a chair. That gives Y2J the chance to get up, but with the Rock still at ringside after the previous match, he gets in and delivers a Rock Bottom to the new World Champion before chasing Kurt to the back. With both men in the match down, Jericho is the first to get to his feet, but once there he goes back and forth before Austin hits a Stunner. Jericho rolls to the apron, but Austin knocks him off and the action goes to the floor. They fight over to the announce area, and Austin attempts another Stunner on top of the Spanish table, but Jericho blocks it and traps him in the Walls instead. Austin fights out and turns the tide back in his favour with a suplex down to the floor. They get back in the ring with Austin on offence from here. He sends Jericho into the turnbuckle and continues to build momentum as the match continues. Jericho locks in an armbar using the ropes for extra leverage, but the ref catches him and breaks his hold on the ropes in response. Austin gets free and ducks a subsequent forearm shot from Y2J, which ends up laying the ref out instead. Jericho goes for a low blow and follows up with a Stunner to Austin, but there’s nobody to make the count. This brings Vince out yet again, with Nick Patrick in tow. He was still an evil referee here, but would be back to normal shortly after the show. Ric Flair comes out in response and decks Patrick, but Vince then shoves his business partner into the ring post. Stone Cold takes Vince out moments later and ends up getting Y2J in his own Walls of Jericho. Jericho taps, but there’s no referee yet again. All of a sudden, the returning Booker T, who had lost his job at Survivor Series, comes in and decks Austin with the WWF title belt. He gets out of there and Jericho covers Austin as the ref recovers. The Rattlesnake is down for the three at 12:31 and Chris Jericho is the first ever Undisputed Champion. Talk about a huge upset, as Jericho was probably the fourth guy most expected to leave as champion behind the other three tournament participants. We didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the end of Austin’s last reign as champion as well. He’d have a very interesting 2002 to say the least. There was a huge amount of interference in this one, but I still enjoyed this match. Chris Jericho gets the huge win as he heads into the new year with all the gold.
Grade: ***
Much like Survivor Series, this was a PPV where the midcard really didn’t mean anything. It was all about the main event – although in this case that was broken down into three separate matches to crown the first ever Undisputed Champion. While those matches were not classics by any means, with the Rock/Jericho match being the best of the three but still not on the level of their previous encounters, they were certainly solid enough. The one issue I have is how Jericho looked quite weak despite emerging with the gold. I get all the interference in the main event against Austin – thats fine as it furthers storylines, but if Vince was coming out in that match, why did he have to also help Y2J against Rock? Sure, Jericho and Angle were being presented as Vince’s guys in the tournament, but Jericho wouldn’t really be associated with Vince after this anyway! We’ll see if this trend continues going forward, but for now its a minor complaint on a night where Jericho has risen even higher than he had a few months prior at No Mercy. Now he’s officially the one top guy in the company and has been given the ball to run with it. The rest of the show was largely forgettable, although I did enjoy the Hardcore title match, and it was good to see Taker freshened up with the heel turn. Another year has gone by and we now look forward to 2002 – one of the more eventful years in company history for multiple reasons. Its going to be a very exciting ride.
Three Stars of the Night:
Chris Jericho – he beat the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in one night remember? This is the night he was referring to.
Steve Austin – put on two solid matches as his last world title reign comes to an end. Nobody would have predicted it at the time.
The Rock – once again the chemistry he had with Y2J shines. They were not done either.
FINAL GRADE: 6.5 out of 10
What I do here is add the three stars of the night with each review so as to keep track of who we can say overall is the greatest PPV performer to any given time. First place scores 3 points, second 2 and third 1.
Steve Austin = 108
Bret Hart = 83
Shawn Michaels = 67
The Rock = 60
Triple H = 51
Mick Foley = 38
Kurt Angle = 29
Randy Savage = 28
Undertaker = 26
Chris Jericho = 23
Owen Hart = 21
Hulk Hogan = 18
X-Pac = 18
Chris Benoit = 16
Jeff Hardy = 16
Diesel = 15
Matt Hardy = 14
Ultimate Warrior = 13
Vader = 13
British Bulldog = 12
Christian = 12
Edge = 12
Ted DiBiase = 10
Razor Ramon = 10
Vince McMahon = 10
Ric Flair = 8
Jim Neidhart = 7
Bubba Ray Dudley = 7
D-Von Dudley = 7
Jerry Lawler = 6
Dynamite Kid = 5
Arn Anderson = 5
Roddy Piper = 5
Mr Perfect = 5
Marty Jannetty = 5
Bob Backlund = 5
Shane McMahon = 5
Rob Van Dam = 5
Ricky Steamboat = 4
Ax = 4
Smash = 4
Bobby Heenan = 4
D’Lo Brown = 4
Rikishi = 4
Kane = 4
Greg Valentine = 3
Tully Blanchard = 3
Tanaka = 3
Bam Bam Bigelow = 3
Sato = 3
Jake Roberts = 3
Hakushi = 3
Yokozuna = 3
Savio Vega = 3
Ken Shamrock = 3
Chyna = 3
Brutus Beefcake = 2
Paul Orndorff = 2
Andre the Giant = 2
Rick Rude = 2
Sgt Slaughter = 2
Jeff Jarrett = 2
Jesse Ventura = 1
Texas Tornado = 1
Tito Santana = 1
Virgil = 1
Scott Steiner = 1
Rick Steiner = 1
Lex Luger = 1
The Roadie = 1
Billy Gunn = 1
Bart Gunn = 1
Marc Mero = 1
Flash Funk = 1
Animal = 1
Hawk = 1
Taka Michinoku = 1
Test = 1
Big Show = 1
Dean Malenko = 1
Scotty 2 Hotty = 1
Rhyno = 1
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