— Hart family patriarch Stu Hart and “The Million Dollar Man” are expected to headline this year’s WWE Hall of Fame class, so from a marquee standpoint compared to recent years, it will be weaker. Bret Hart will be inducting his father while DiBiase will be inducted by two of his sons, Ted Jr. and Brett.
WWE is flying the entire Hart family in from Canada for the ceremony and the DiBiase family will also likely be in attendance.
Ultimate Warrior was asked to headline this year’s ceremony since it’s taking place in his hometown of Phoenix. Warrior himself publicly stated last year he would be willing to do it, but a deal could not be reached, believed to be due to money. (source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)
— Shawn Michaels and his wife, Rebecca, will appear at Cabela’s this Saturday in Fort Worth, Texas. HBK, Rebecca, Weston and Jodi will surprise “another deserving hero with the hunt of a lifetime.” They will be joined by Cabela’s Pro Staff Weston and Jodi Clark from the Higher Grounds Outdoors television show. Click here for more information.
— Click here for Howard Finkel’s thoughts on this past Monday’s episode of Raw. He notes changing his tune on seeing Undertaker and Shawn Michaels battle again at WrestleMania.
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