Teenage Fan Enters The Ring After Match At Tuesday's TNA "iMPACT!" Taping

source: www.prowrestling.net

A teenage fan jumped the guardrail and entered the ring following the Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan match at last night’s iMPACT! taping in Orlando. The fan, who was described as being 13 years old, charged towards Anderson and held up his arm after the match. Morgan got up and clotheslined Anderson, which apparently scared the teenager as he ran away. The scripted angle continued as planned once the intruder left the ring.

There was heat on Universal Studios security for allowing the teenager to reach the ring. The fan was told that he is prohibited from attending shows at The Impact! Zone.

On another note, there was a lot of joking backstage following the incident about how Morgan should have taken the kid out.

Click *HERE* to see video of woman going after John Cena at Raw ->