Thanks to Will Mac for sending in the following results from Boston, Massachuttes:
1. The Shield defeated Kofi Kingston and Tons of Funk. The Shield picked up the victory, pinning Kofi Kingston. After the match, The Shield Triple Powerbomb Brodus and Sweet T. The heels stand tall.
-Backstage, Big E Langston is interviewed. He cuts a promo and has a match next against Zack Ryder.
2. Big E Langston defeated Zack Ryder in a quick match. Langston worked over a quick offensive attack from Ryder and finished him off with his finisher.
3. Jack Swagger defeated Yoshi Tatsu. Before the match, Zeb Colter came out and bashed Boston. The match was extremely basic with Swagger dominating Tatsu and making him tap to the Patriot Act
* VIDEO – RANDY ORTON Forgets His Lines On RAW & Asks Sheamus, “What’s My Line?” Several Times