On Friday evening at their home base in Orlando, Florida, TNA taped additional content for next week’s edition of Impact Wrestling on Pop TV.
Combined with matches and segments taped in addition to the One Night Only pay-per-view and semi-live Impact Wrestling on Pop TV on Thursday night, below are the remaining spoilers for the second Impact Wrestling episode of 2017.
TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers (Air Date: Thurs., Jan. 12th)
The following are results of the first-half of the content taped for next week’s Impact Wrestling on Pop TV episode (1/12) from Thursday night’s tapings in Orlando, Florida. The below comes from our spoilers posted earlier this week here at Rajah.com (via WrestlingINC.com).
* Aron Rex and Rockstar Spud have been re-branded as a “Liberace + valet” type of unit. Spud is sporting a powder blue doorman suit; Rex in a floor length white fur coat with oversized, sparkly rings on most fingers. Rex cuts a flamboyant promo claiming that Spud has been “reborn” and “it’s not about violence in 2017.” Robbie E interrupts and gets the double attack in ring. Rex will apparently be using his oversized rings as a brass-knuckle type ploy.
* Braxton Sutter defeated Mike Bennett. Allie comes out midway through match as an equalizer against Maria Kanellis. It appears the real-life couples will be continuing this storyline.
* TNA Knockouts Champion Rosemary cuts a promo in the ring on how there’s no more challengers for her to take on. Jade, now sporting short hair, interrupts and requests another shot. Rosemary challenges Jade to a Monster’s Ball match (Red vs. Blue). Rosemary goes on the attack after Jade accepts.
* The Hardys defeated The Wolves to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles. Excellent match with lots of high spots, near falls, 1 on 2 submissions, and 2 on 1 spots. Dissension between The Wolves starts brewing to set up a Davey Richards heel-turn on Edwards.
* Jessie Godderz defeated Bad Bones via submission in a match taped for Xplosion. Godderz is no longer wearing Bro-Mans trunks.
PART TWO (The Remaining Spoilers From 1/6 Taping):
* Aron Rex and Rockstar Spud defeated Robbie E and Swoggle in tag-team action. As noted, the duo debuted a new gimmick / character in the first-half of the show taped on Thursday (read above). The finish in this one saw Rex score the pinfall on Swoggle for the victory.
* Crazzy Steve and Abyss defeated Eddie Kingston and Bram via Disqualification in another tag-team contest. This one saw the match called off when James Storm hit the ring and blasted Abyss with a beer bottle, leading to a big post-match brawl. The official result had Crazzy Steve and Abyss winning due to the interference from Storm.
* Jade defeated Laurel Von Ness in a match taped for a future episode of the syndicated TNA television show Xplosion.