Selena Gomez Producing Netflix Series Following Lives of Illegal Aliens

Former Disney Channel teen star-turned pop powerhouse Selena Gomez will produce a docuseries for Netflix that follows the lives of illegal aliens who are living in the U.S. The series is meant to “humanize” the plight of illegals trying to “attain the American dream.”

The series, titled Living Undocumented, follows the lives of eight families of illegals as they circumvent U.S. immigration laws living in this country while attempting to avoid deportation. The series is executive produced by the actress and singer and will debut on Netflix on October 2, according to Variety.

According to a description of the series: “Living Undocumented is designed to illuminate one of the most important issues of our time. But rather than discussing this issue with only statistics and policy debates, we wanted viewers to hear directly from the immigrants themselves, in their own words, with all the power and emotion that these stories reflect.”

“I chose to produce this series because over the past few years, the word immigrant has seemingly become a negative word,” Gomez told the Hollywood Reporter. “My hope is that the series can shed light on what it’s like to live in this country as an undocumented immigrant firsthand, from the courageous people who have chosen to share their stories.”

The series is intended to showcase illegals as useful members of American society and that U.S. immigration policies are unfair. However, a recent study found that many illegals end up on welfare and government assistance programs and are far from useful members of our society.

According to Fox News, illegals use up billions annually in welfare money.

“A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border,” Fox reported in April.

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