Rosa Mendes Talks About Her Return To The Ring And Life After WWE

Former WWE Diva and Total Divas cast member Rosa Mendes recently spoke with Sportskeeda for an interview promoting her return to the ring and upcoming book. Featured below are some of the highlights.

On what she has planned over the next 18 to 24 months: “The Totally Fit Mama recipe book, coming out with some new products for Totally Fit Mama and getting back in the ring. Training starts next week! Stay tuned!”

On not being in the ring enough during her WWE run and wishing she was part of the Women’s Revolution: “I feel like I wasn’t in the ring enough during my career, I was mostly a manager. I would love to get back in the ring. With the ‘Women’s Revolution,’ the women have more time to have these mind-blowing matches, I would have loved to be a part of it.”

On life has been since having her first daughter and retiring from WWE: “It’s been so different. Becoming a mother has been the most amazing experience that I have ever had, watching my daughter grow into this little intelligent, wonderful, and caring human being has made me feel like I’m doing a really good job as a mom, Totally Fit Mama has been doing so well, we are launching our recipe book very soon. I miss the travel, can you believe that? I never thought I would ever say that, but most of all I miss the fans.”

On the biggest differences she’s noticed about herself since becoming a mother: “I don’t take s–t from anyone, sorry I had to swear. If people are rude and disrespectful, I call them out on the spot. Whether it’s a public place or at a dinner party. I work too hard and have learned that voicing my opinion in the classiest way possible, with a smile, teaches people how you expect to be treated. I would have let things slide in the past, but now that I’m a mother, I’d like Jordan to be strong enough to defend herself if people mistreat her or disrespect her in any way.”

Check out the complete Rosa Mendes interview at

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