In Wake of Bombshell Op-Ed, Watchdog Calls for Congress to Investigate 'Erratic' Trump—Starting with Subpoenas for Cabinet

An anonymous op-ed detailing President Donald Trump’s erratic behavior, printed in the New York Times last week, set off speculation regarding which Trump administration senior official may have penned the piece—but a government watchdog on Monday said the op-ed is mainly noteworthy not for the palace intrigue described within but because it gives lawmakers more than enough reason to investigate Trump’s alleged abdication of his duty to preside over the country.

The author of the op-ed described him- or herself as one of several high-level government officials who “are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of [Trump’s] agenda and his worst inclinations”—combating the president’s “amorality” and “erratic behavior” in order to promote a conservative agenda like the one many in Trump’s cabinet have spent their careers working to advance. Some officials, the author wrote, had discussed the 25th amendment, which can be invoked to remove a president from office if the vice president and cabinet declare he or she is unfit to hold the office.

The op-ed was published a day after excerpts from Fear: Trump in the White House, an upcoming exposé by veteran journalist Bob Woodward, began circulating—detailing similar concerns raised by top officials including Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis.

“Whistleblowers have been important throughout history…But the fact that ‘Anonymous’ proudly proclaims there are ‘adults in the room’ holding the line against the president’s worst impulses moves us from whistleblower to an unelected and unaccountable shadow presidency by committee.”                 —Common CauseWhile the op-ed argued that Americans should feel secure in the fact that there are “adults in the room,” Common Cause argued that nothing in the piece should be comforting to the public.