Günther Oettinger – Analytical technocrat

Günther Oettinger – Analytical technocrat

Germany’s commissioner-in-waiting should not be underestimated.



To say that Günther Oettinger’s nomination as Germany’s next commissioner was greeted with little enthusiasm would be an understatement.

In Germany, Oettinger’s nomination was swiftly undermined by the discovery that Oettinger was Chancellor Angela Merkel’s third choice for the job behind Norbert Röttgen, now Merkel’s environment minister, and Roland Koch, the top politician in the land of Hesse.

By then, political rivals in Brussels had already pounced. Merkel had not even officially informed European Commission President José Manuel Barroso of her plan to offer a European career to Oettinger, a man who had spent his entire life in his home state of Baden-Württemberg, when a disgruntled fellow member of the European People’s Party passed on a message to Barroso that Merkel was about to dispose of one of her political enemies. A second-rate regional politician would be dumped in Brussels, implied the informant, who had harboured aspirations for the job himself.

Other criticisms came from outside Oettinger’s and Merkel’s camp. “Who is he?”, asked Guy Verhofstadt, a former prime minister of Belgium and now the leader of the Liberal (ALDE) group in the European Parliament, before accusing Germany of having lost interest in Europe. Martin Schulz, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats group in the Parliament, bashed Oettinger as a “no-name politician”.

The attacks by rivals were perhaps predictable, but the more general lack of respect for Oettinger might seem peculiar to outsiders. Oettinger is, after all, a man who, as minister-president of Baden-Württemberg since 2005, presided over a land more populous than Sweden and one of Germany’s most economically important Länder, home to Mercedes, Porsche and SAP. Part of the dismissive attitude is regional prejudice. Despite its wealth, the heavy regional accent of Baden-Württemberg, Schwäbish, leaves many struggling to avoid being dismissed as bumpkins – a prejudice reflected by the media coverage given after his nomination to Oettinger’s accent (in both German and English), which is heavy and which compounds the occasional clumsiness of his language and his somewhat awkward manner.

Oettinger is, though, the author of some of his own difficulties. Not the touchy-feely type, he has never looked at ease on occasions that the average regional politician would savour. Meeting his electorate, he preferred to deliver facts and figures rather than find a point of emotional connection. He also emerged looking politically maladroit when he appeared reluctant to apologise, at Merkel’s demand, for a laudatory speech in which he implied that Hans Filbinger, one of his predecessors as minister-president, had been an opponent of the Nazis when he had, in fact, been a judge under the Nazis.

Oettinger did much to dispel the doubts that preceded him to Brussels when he appeared before the European Parliament for his nomination hearing in January. After his three-hour hearing, friends and foes alike conceded that the 56-year-old could have the qualities to succeed as a commissioner.

A trained lawyer, Oettinger showed an impressive command of all questions related to energy, the portfolio he will be in charge of. Initially quite tense, Oettinger even displayed glimpses of humour, something he had previously not been associated with.

Curriculum Vitae

1953: Born, Stuttgart 

1971-82: Law studies, Tübingen

1980-94: Town councillor, Ditzingen

1984-2005: Lawyer

1988: Owner of the law firm Oettinger und Partner in Ditzingen

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1988-now: Member of the Baden- Württemberg parliament

2005-now: Minister-president of Baden-Württemberg

2010: European commissioner-designate for energy

“His curiosity and his quest for learning are his assets,” says Rainer Wieland, a centre-right MEP from a neighbouring town in Swabia, who has been a friend and political ally of Oettinger for 36 years (and a man who, early in Oettinger’s career, told him to slow down his speech so that the audience would have a chance to follow).

It is a fair assessment. Oettinger is an analytical technocrat and the Brussels job may well prove to be tailor-made for a politician who never really won the hearts of his voters in his region.

Oettinger is not new to Brussels or to his portfolio. For years, Oettinger made a point of coming to Brussels every ten weeks and, as minister-president of Baden-Württemberg, Oettinger was well aware of EU regulations in the power sector and followed the evolution of the climate-related policies closely. Before his nomi-nation he had met competition commis-sioner Neelie Kroes to discuss the fate of the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg and he has built up enough of a relationship with Siim Kallas, Estonia’s commissioner, to play tennis with him (Oettinger is also a keen skier and footballer).

Still, Oettinger was humble enough to admit that shortly after his nomination he knew about 20% of what he needed to know. He stressed that the months to come will be a period of intense learning. He set about the task and the way he went about the challenge of establishing his private office suggests broader qualities, including a capacity for strategic thinking.

First, he sent two aides from his office in Baden-Württemberg’s capital Stuttgart to interview officials and explore the role of a commissioner’s cabinet. In a second step, he started to form his own cabinet. He declined an offer from his predecessor Günter Verheugen to keep Petra Erler as head of cabinet and instead picked Michael Köhler, previously the head of the cabinet of Joe Borg, the European commissioner for fisheries and maritime affairs. Many an official from Baden-Württemberg had hoped that Oettinger would pick them, but Oettinger looked instead for people who could compensate for his own shortcomings.

Even people with opposing political views commend Oettinger for hiring excellent staff. “He is not someone who would surround himself with dimwits to flatter his ego,” says Reinhard Bütikofer, a Green MEP who knows Oettinger from his stint in the regional parliament of Baden-Württemberg.

As a commissioner, Oettinger will command less public attention than in his present position, which guarantees him an armoured vehicle and three bodyguards. And being beyond the discipline of the German Christian Democrats, a party tightly controlled by Merkel, with whom Oettinger has a rather difficult relationship, Oettinger will have more freedom.

Close aides say he is already enjoying his newly won liberty. But there is one decision that his old Baden-Württemberg audience will watch closely: his choice of car. In Baden-Württemberg, he had no choice but to go for a Mercedes; in Brussels he is free to choose whichever brand takes his fancy.

Silke Wettach