Concern Over CM Punk Getting Burnt Out, Comparisons Made To Bret Hart

With John Cena currently out of action due to injury and Randy Orton off shooting “12 Rounds: Reloaded,” a lot of people in WWE have been talking about the lack of roster depth these days and how important WWE Champion CM Punk is to the company.

Punk has been living the hectic, non-stop lifestyle as WWE’s “top guy” for the entire year and there is some concern that Punk will get worn out like everybody else in that position gets. Some of noted that Punk has looked very tired lately.

With CM Punk being the company workhorse but not still not being viewed as the “top top” guy like John Cena, comparisons have been made to Bret Hart, who was WWE’s workhorse in the mid-90’s but still in the shadow and not on the same level as Hulk Hogan.

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(Source: PWInsider)