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API代表应用程序编程接口,它是一种允许两个应用程序相互通信的软件中介。 换句话说,API是将您的请求传递给您请求的提供商,然后将响应传递回您的信使。幂简集成 作为国内数量最多的API推广平台,其API数量已到达5000+,程序员可以一站式进行API查找。








如果那些服务器上运行的软件(比如信用卡处理软件)是用Java编写的,并且运行在基于Oracle的Java应用服务器上,那么服务提供商可以将其迁移到在Windows Azure上运行的Node.js(服务器端JavaScript)上。






从宏观角度来看,API分为内部和外部 API 。



  • 内部利益相关者:这包括公司员工、开发人员、业务部门以及其他内部系统和服务。
  • 特定角色用户:如数据科学家、产品经理、市场营销人员等,他们根据各自的工作需求使用内部API来获取数据、调用服务或执行特定任务。


  • 提高内部生产力和效率:通过提供标准化的接口,内部API简化了系统间的交互,降低了集成难度,使得各个团队能够更加高效地协同工作。
  • 数据共享和流程自动化:内部API促进了数据在不同系统之间的流动和共享,同时支持业务流程的自动化,减少了手动操作和人为错误。
  • 促进创新和快速迭代:开发人员可以利用内部API快速构建和测试新功能,加速产品迭代过程,从而满足业务需求和市场变化。



  • 第三方开发者:他们可能希望将公司的服务或数据集成到自己的应用程序或产品中。
  • 合作伙伴:与公司有业务合作关系的组织,通过API实现数据交换或服务整合。
  • 最终用户:在某些情况下,外部API也直接向最终用户提供服务,如通过RESTful API访问Web服务。


  • 产生收入:公司可以通过提供付费的外部API服务来增加收入来源,如API订阅、按调用次数计费或提供增值服务等。
  • 品牌打造和开源:将公司品牌打造为开源产品的一部分,通过提供开源API吸引开发者社区的关注,提高品牌知名度和影响力。同时,开源API也有助于建立行业标准和促进技术创新。
  • 改进API和用户体验:通过收集外部用户(包括第三方开发者和最终用户)的反馈,公司可以不断改进其API的设计和功能,从而提升用户体验和满意度。此外,外部API的广泛应用也有助于发现潜在的市场需求和商业机会。



幂简集成是国内领先的API平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。在幂简平台可以通过以下两种方式找到所需API:通过关键词搜索API(例如,输入’大模型‘这类品类词,更容易找到结果)、或者从API Hub分类页进入寻找。


Exoskeletons and Assistive Devices To Enhance Human Potential

Many businesses and organizations, including manufacturers, are now exploring advanced powered and unpowered exoskeletons to enhance mobility, increase strength and protect against fatigue and injury in a variety of conditions. We think this will be great for productivity, but it also represents a boon for the elderly and the disabled who need additional support to be active and independent members of society.

Here we take a look at the latest developments and what they mean for industry, health care, security and more.

Unpowered Systems

One class of exoskeletons includes various unpowered mechanical assists. These are typically armatures and braces that transfer loads away from vulnerable areas of the body – the neck, shoulders, arms and lower back – and down to the ground or to the hips.

One example is the EksoVest from Ekso Bionics.

The EksoVest is a lightweight frame that connects to the shoulders, arms and hips. With stabilizing joints, it’s able to take up the strain from tedious manual labor, especially when holding power tools and other objects overhead for extended periods. This is a boon for auto and construction workers, who experience high rates of work-related injuries that cost industry billions of dollars every year. Right now, the EksoVest is being used by Toyota, Ford and BMW, with many others soon to follow.

The Fortis, built by Lockheed-Martin, is a full-body skeleton that transfers loads directly to the floor. It has sophisticated reinforced joints, is easily customized to the wearer, and can hold 35 lb. loads without strain all day long. Additional attachments allow the unit to be customized for particular industries or tools.

Powered Exoskeletons

Many workers need additional assistance to increase their strength for the performance of repetitive tasks that are especially brutal on the lower back.

The Atoun, developed by Panasonic, has a battery pack and powerful motors built into the hip joints. Using sensitive haptic feedback sensors, the Atoun can sense how much effort is being applied by the wearer and feeds power to the motors accordingly.

This device was developed in Japan as a solution for caregivers, where the rapidly ageing population requires younger workers to assist the elderly out of chairs, into bathtubs, etc. But you can see how valuable it would be for warehouse workers and delivery people moving packages all day, every day.

Lumbar assists like these are also being tested for firefighters, military personnel and security professionals who spend many hours on their feet carrying various types of heavy gear, yet still need to be mobile and energetic in response to emergencies.

Mobility Assistance

Many people have limited mobility, either because of injury, old-age or during physical rehabilitation. Many powered exoskeletons now exist to provide them with renewed independence and even the chance to rejoin the workforce.

The HAL robot from Cyberdyne is an advanced cyborg that provides full mobility assistance to the disabled. When the user wishes to move in a certain direction, their skin produces bio-chemical markers that the suit is able to read and respond to accordingly. It also has limited AI so it gets smarter over time and learns to walk with a user’s normal gait and rhythm.

Keeogo, by B-Temia, is a lower-body armature designed to provide joint stabilization and motorized assistance for those with limited mobility. The wearer initiates the action and the Keeogo follows their intentions, helping the infirm to increase their physical activity and retain their independence. Keeogo is supported by several medical associations, including The Arthritis Society and Muscular Dystrophy of Canada.

Full Robotic Suits

If you’re looking for the state-of-the-art in humanoid robotics, look no further than the Guardian XO from Sarcos.

It is a completely self-contained, powered and untethered exoskeleton that increases strength, reduces fatigue and extends the reach of the human controller. It’s meant for the most demanding industrial environments but can also be used for emergency relief in disaster areas.

These are just some examples of smart engineering being applied to protect workers while enhancing their productivity. This is a perfect example of many emergent technologies – machine learning and AI, efficient batteries and servomotors, haptic sensors – working together to improve lives and the larger society. Want to see how Star has partnered with an innovator in this industry? Read our full case study about the IHMC exoskeleton.

Custom Machined Enclosures: Uses, Methods, and Design

Machined enclosures are essential components in various products, performing different purposes. These enclosures are mandatory in electrical devices, irrespective of size and complexity. These enclosures ensure resistance to harsh industrial environments and prevent electrical hazards.

This article discusses the use of custom enclosures and the different methods and materials for manufacturing enclosures. You’ll also learn the design tips and other applications of machined enclosures.


What Custom Enclosures Use for?

Different Methods for Custom Enclosure Manufacturing

Metal Materials Used in Custom Enclosures

Advantages of Custom Machined Enclosures

Design and Practice Tips for Custom Electronics Enclosures

Applications of Custom Enclosures

Choosing the Right Custom Machined Enclosure Manufacturer



What Custom Enclosures Use for?

Custom enclosures have varying uses in different industries. They protect and house electronic components, electrical equipment, or devices in various applications. Manufacturers often utilize custom electronics cases in consumer electronics, medical devices, automotive electronics, industrial control systems, etc. These custom machined enclosures protect these devices from environmental, electromagnetic, and radio frequency interference.

Manufacturers commonly use machined enclosures to enhance the physical appeal of products, ensuring they fit the intended purposes. Moreover, these enclosures aid optimal customization, allowing designers to meet specific product design requirements and dimensions facilitating efficient component assembly.

In addition, custom enclosures are ideal for protecting electronic components and devices, ensuring safety. They also prevent contaminants such as chemicals, dirt, moisture, and physical hazards, mitigating the risk of electric shock.

Different Methods for Custom Enclosure Manufacturing

Product engineers and designers adopt custom enclosure manufacturing methods that meet specific requirements. However, the ideal method is determined by design complexity, materials used, budget considerations, and the quantities of prototype to production.

Below are typical methods used in making custom enclosures:

CNC Machining

CNC machining processes use automated machines to produce custom metal enclosures with varying shapes and sizes. These processes are well-suited for making prototypes and low-volume enclosures with tighter tolerances and high accuracy.

Sheet Metal Fabrication

Sheet metal fabrication is a widely embraced custom-machined enclosure. It involves bending or forming metals using specialized machines to produce custom electrical enclosures with preferred shapes. It is suitable for making durable enclosures with precise dimensions. This technique is usually cheaper than enclosures CNC machining. Typical sheet metals used in fabricating machined enclosures include carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum.

3D Printing

3D printing or additive manufacturing process creates a custom electronics box by building one layer above the other. This method is suitable for creating test prototypes, custom designs, and small amounts of enclosures with complex geometries.

This additive manufacturing technique offers greater speed and design freedom than most methods. Additionally, 3D printing allows the creation of custom enclosures with intricate details.

Vacuum or Urethane Casting

Vacuum casting is an effective custom enclosure manufacturing method that is quicker and more affordable than injection molding. This technique can produce low-volume enclosures easily. It is perfect for making medical devices and full-size robot enclosures.

Metal Materials Used in Custom Enclosures

There are different materials that are compatible with custom enclosures for various applications as long as you understand the requirements of your products. The best metals for enclosures are usually wear and corrosion-resistant due to exposure to specific working conditions. This section discusses the different metal materials suitable for custom enclosures.


Aluminum is a lightweight and corrosion-resistant metal with significantly low stiffness levels in certain conditions compared to steel. Although aluminum has varying grades, the 5052 and 6061 aluminum are the primary aluminum alloys commonly used in custom enclosures.

Moreover, these aluminum alloys are perfect for custom aluminum enclosures due to their corrosion-resistant and lightweight properties. However, you may need to anodize aluminum parts to enhance their durability and physical properties with protective coatings. More so, chromate coating is an ideal alternative for parts that require electrical contact.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel comprises nickel and chromium, which guarantees increased resistance to corrosion. Additionally, stainless steel provides greater tensile strength than aluminum. Hence, this material is ideal for custom enclosure design for applications with high-impact requirements. Besides, stainless steel components offer a grained finish.

Galvanneal Steel

This metal is a low-carbon steel with zinc coating and annealed. The annealing process ensures the zinc adhesion through diffusion into the substrate. As such, the zinc coating will not flake off during bending or forming. Therefore, Galvanneal is ideal for machined enclosures if your products need to function in wet conditions. More importantly, Galvanneal is also resistant to corrosion depending on its coating.


Rolled close annealed steel material is perfect for indoor enclosures and parts. CRCA provides an ideal combination of strength and stiffness for machined enclosures. As such, indoor applications ensure their longest-term durability. However, CRCA lacks inherent corrosion resistance, it may rust if left uncoated.

Advantages of Custom Machined Enclosures

Custom machined enclosures are ideal for various applications due to their vast benefits. Below are some of the common advantages of custom-machined enclosures.

Design Flexibility

Product designers can tailor custom-machined enclosures to meet the housed components’ required dimensions, shapes, and demands. As such, the permitted customization level of custom machined enclosures facilitates efficient use of space and ideal integration of parts.

Precision and Accuracy

You can achieve high precision and accuracy in machining custom enclosures for various purposes. These enclosures are machined to the specifications of the housed components, allowing the internal components to be adequately held and protected.

Material Versatility

Custom metal enclosures are compatible with various metals, including plastic, aluminum, and stainless steel, with properties like electrical insulation, corrosion resistance, and thermal conductivity. Therefore, considering aesthetics, weight, durability, and conductivity, you can choose the ideal material for your custom-machined enclosures.

Durability and Strength

Machined enclosures are usually solid and durable. As such, they are perfect for applications that require protection against wear and tear, physical impact, and harsh environments.

High-Quality Finish

Machining can create custom enclosures with shiny surfaces and professional finishes. More importantly, you can customize the surface finishes for machined enclosures for an aesthetically appealing appearance.

Better Heat Dissipation

Custom enclosures are ideal for housing components that emit heat. To improve heat dissipation, you can design various features including additional vents, heatsinks, and thermal management solutions.

Design and Practice Tips for Custom Electronics Enclosures

Designing and machining custom enclosures for electronics comprises various steps to ensure overall quality, aesthetics, protection, and functionality. Below are crucial design and practice tips for fabricating custom enclosures for electronics.

Purpose and Working Environment

Determining the purpose and requirements of the enclosure is fundamental to its design. It is best to decide whether or not it is for indoor or outdoor use, protection from water or dust, or resistance to impact. Specify the dimensions of the electronics that the enclosure needs to cover. Most especially, identify the required displays, buttons, ports, and ventilation openings.

Material Choice

Pick a suitable material such as metal, plastic, or a combination of materials for the custom electronic case. It would help to consider the intended material’s thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding capabilities.

Design Software

It is advisable to utilize CAD (computer-aided design) software such as Fusion 360, SolidWorks, or AutoCAD to produce 3D models for the custom machined enclosure.

Enclosure Layout

Ensure the proper fitting and alignment of the electronic components by carefully placing the components and retaining sufficient space for connectors, wiring, and airflow within the device.

More importantly, it would be best to strategically add openings for switches, displays, ports, and indicators without compromising the enclosure’s integrity.

Ventilation and Cooling

Design fans or strategic ventilation openings to mitigate overheating of electronic components. However, ensure the ventilation continuously protects the component from dust or water.

Applications of Custom Enclosures

Custom machined enclosures are perfect for the different industries of electronics applications. These components often require organization, protection, and customization.

Medical Devices

Custom enclosures are ideal for housing diagnostic devices, medical equipment, and instruments. They ensure safety, sanitation, and compliance with medical regulations.


Engineers often use enclosures for housing networking equipment, switches, routers, and communication parts. These enclosures aid organized cable management and protection.

Automotive Electronics

Manufacturers in the automotive sector utilize custom enclosures to protect electronic components like infotainment systems, control modules, and sensors from vibrations, temperature variations, and harsh environments.

Aerospace and Aviation

Custom machined enclosures are well suited for protecting aircraft components such as flight control electronics, avionic flights, navigation equipment, and communication devices to ensure safe operation in harsh conditions.

Outdoor Equipment

The custom electronics box helps to ensure better weather resistance and durability for outdoor equipment like utility metering systems, lighting controls, and weather stations.

Choosing the Right Custom Machined Enclosure Manufacturer

WayKen offers extensive styles of machined enclosures, housing, and shells that fit your intended applications. Whether you’re in aerospace, automotive, electronics, or any other industry, we have the expertise and resources to provide you with machining solutions.

At WayKen, we use advanced CNC machining technology to ensure a high level of accuracy and consistency in products. We also understand that each project is unique, and take pride in our ability to deliver high-quality and cost-effective custom machined parts to meet your specific needs.


Custom machined enclosures are best used in safeguarding and protecting high-end equipment in various applications. As such, product designers and manufacturers utilize these enclosures as the best solution for preserving equipment from rust, moisture, electric shock, and injuries in electronic devices.


What is an enclosure in electronics?

Custom electrical enclosures are box-like structures designed to enclose and protect electronic components like integrated circuits, printed circuit boards (PCBs), processors, switch relays, etc.

Which aluminum is best for a machined enclosure?

6061 aluminum is the perfect aluminum alloy for making a custom machined enclosure for multiple applications. You can easily mill it into the desired shape due to its remarkable material properties, including thermal conductivity, excellent strength, and machinability.

What is the best way to design an enclosure?

The ideal way to make custom enclosures that fit the intended purpose is to define your product’s requirements clearly. It would be best to design the machined enclosures around the component and identify the ideal balance between product aesthetics, accessibility, and functionality.

Corporate Social Responsibility In A Progressive Shop

As China’s economy has grown enormously over the last few decades, hundreds of thousands of small shops and factories have sprouted up all over the country to take advantage of the influx of foreign capital and those buyers and product developers looking for low labor prices. We all know this, and one sad fact of this desire for the cheapest price has been the plethora of so-called sweatshops. Maybe you’ve seen a few yourself, and regardless of the product being made they are all depressingly similar: dimly lit and dirty, with crumbling walls, broken fixtures and a total lack of concern for worker safety or personal comfort.

Prices are low because nothing has been invested in infrastructure or the care of those making the product. The hours are long and exhausting, the machinery is primitive, the pay is low and no one is happy except, maybe, the owner. As for environmental concerns, they can be almost non-existent.

It’s little wonder that this reputation, although not universally accurate by any means, still clings to products labeled “Made in China”, and there are many conscientious buyers from other countries who might be attracted to the low cost but who are understandably concerned about what kind of business they are inadvertently supporting. Increasing attention is therefore being paid to the idea of corporate social responsibility, wherein reputable firms are only willing to do business with suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to ethical treatment of the workforce.

If you look around this website, you’ll see some nice pictures of our factory, our machines and some of the products that we make. We’re proud of our factory, and we didn’t just tidy it up for these photos. It may not be spotless every day; after all, we’re machinists and we make chips fly. But, day in and day out, we work hard to make sure that it’s a safe, comfortable and humane environment for the men and women who make Star what it is.

What you can’t see so clearly is how we treat our people even when they’re not working. When you join Star Rapid, you become part of a family and we treat our family well. Of course, free onsite housing is available if needed, in clean rooms with modern amenities.  A shuttle bus is provided, as are three meals a day in the canteen. Workers get health insurance, a savings plan, yearly bonus and salary review, yearly health screenings, and paid maternity leave among many other considerations.

In addition to those tangibles, there are also parties and special occasions, birthday celebrations, company trips and generous holidays. And since we expect excellence, we also provide cross training in many manufacturing disciplines via our team of seasoned experts. If you expect the best, you need to give the best, and we do. After all, this is our home and we’re investing in the future of the business and the people who make it work. We welcome you to come and see for yourself. Contact us today to set up a factory tour.


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Best China Electric Heater Under Blanket Warm 220V Home


Basic Info.


Blended Blanket

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Transport Package
Wooden Case or as Per Clint; S Requirement



Shandong. China

Production Capacity
20, 000 Sets/Month

Product Description

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Company Profile


Afcon Ningjin Yahua Industries Co., Ltd Our company is well equipped with all the advanced manufacturing equipments, including machining centers, CNC lathes, CNC milling machine, CNC drilling machine, automatic welding equipment and professional spray lines.

AFCON also has independently established an advanced chemical laboratory. With the establishment of an advanced pressure test centers, it is full-equipped with universal material testing machine, pendulum impact testing machine, ultrasonic hardness tester, ultrasonic thickness gauge, magnetic detectors, ultrasonic nondestructive testing equipment, low temperature testing machine, cold stamping testing machine, the establishment of an advance pressure test center.

AFCON today is one of the leading companies specializing in the R&D, design & manufacturing of a full range of INDUSTRIAL valves made from premium materials. These include butterfly valves, fully welded ball valves, dual plate check valves, Y strainers, as well as aluminum die casting and a wide range of related accessories for pipe fittings.

The modern AFCON office, engineering & manufacturing facilities, located in a small industrial town called Dezhou City, Shandong Province, which is 40 minutes away from the Tianjin transportation Hub, and only one hour Beijing by high speed train.

AFCON has continuously committed to the Research and Development of Industrial valves in our engineering and manufacturing. We will be making every necessary effort to offer “environment friendly” and “customer oriented” products to the high quality expectations of our present and future clients.

AFCON’s Export Sales Team looks forward to meeting with new ‘friends’ in our industry in order to fulfill our joint desire for mutual business growth.

“Quality IS our Business”

With over 10 years of growth development and experience with our successful product research, manufacturing expertise and sales performance we have proven that “Quality IS our Business”.

Quality sets the guidelines and targets that we need to meet our Customers’ demands therefore ensuring we continually endeavor to strive for improvement with our Research and Development, products and standards so they always meet with and satisfy the ever increasing needs and demands of our customers.

We also have a specific focus to develop products that enhance ‘Safety’ and the workplace. We plan to release some innovative valves, especially in fire safe industries with API approval for this in the very near future. “

Our TEAM looks forward to meeting you in the near future.






Q: What is your payment term?
A: T/T 30% down payment, balance to be paid before shipment. Or L/C.

Q: How long is your delivery time?
A: Depends on QTY.

Q: Are you a manufacturer or trading company? How to reach your company from Beijing?
A: We are a well-experienced manufacturer. And it is about 1.5 hours by high speed train from
Beijing Nan Station.

Q: Do you provide samples? Is it free or charged?
A: Yes, we can offer sample free but shipping charges covered by customer.

Q: If products have some quality problem, how would you deal with?
A: We will responsible for all the quality problems if it is not human causes.