In an interview with the Dragon Gate USA website promoting his debut for the company against CIMA on September 6th, former WWE wrestler Brian Kendrick comments on his release from his previous employer for the first time.
Kendrick said he’s happy to not to be in WWE anymore as a comedy heel designed to “make old men laugh.” While he plans on incorporating some of what he learned in WWE into his wrestling style on the indy circuit, he will ultimately wrestle in a style that pleases himself.
Kendrick summed up his time in WWE by saying neither side was compatible.
“I had some fun in WWE,” Kendrick said. “I learned a lot, made some friends. It’s a corporation, I am a human. This human didn’t fit into the corporation’s plans, and that corporation didn’t fit with my human side. I had some laughs, but I am awfully happy the ride is over, and I don’t want back on.”
To read the article in its entirety, click here.
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