Bret Hart Excited For WrestleMania & Enjoyed Hanging With Austin At RAW

Bret Hart has posted a new blog update on his page talking about working with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at last week’s RAW and says he’s “totally pumped up” for his match with Vince McMahon this weekend at WrestleMania.

“It was great seeing my pal, Stone Cold, last week on Raw. We talked for some time about our old WrestleMania 13 match and how great it was. Steve looked terrific and was excited about his acting career,” Hart said. “I also had a long look back with Kevin Dunn and Pat Patterson after Raw last week. We had some nice reflections on Owen that reminded us all what a tragic loss his passing was. We had some laughs too, and Pat laughed until he cried. All in all, it as a great night for me in San Diego last week.”

Bret also thanked his fans for being in his corner over the past 3 months since his return to WWE. “I’ll never forget it nor will I let you down next Sunday. WrestleMania, here I come!”

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