The U.S. Army will begin issuing camouflage-print official combat cloth face coverings to new soldiers next year, the service announced Wednesday.
The Army Uniform Board (UAB) recommended the move this summer and and Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville approved the recommendation, according to an official release.
Beginning in the second quarter of fiscal 2021, the Army will give two combat face coverings to each new soldier in initial entry training as part of their clothing bag issue.
The service has been providing other reusable or disposable solid-color masks to soldiers in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The masks will most likely be available for consumer purchase at Army and Air Force Exchange Service uniform stores later next year.
Soldiers will still be permitted to wear Army-issue neck gaiters and other types of face coverings, the release said.
The UAB meets twice a year and is composed of soldiers from all levels of duty, including National Guard and Reserve members.