Amid Wave of Anti-Choice Laws Across US, Warren Introduces Plan to Protect Abortion Rights

Two days after Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law a ban on almost all abortions in the state, and with the Republican-controlled Missouri legislature poised to pass its own regressive law, Sen. Elizabeth Warren called on the U.S. Congress to step in and pass federal laws to prevent further erosion of their reproductive rights.

Detailing her latest plan since she announced her presidential run in January, the Massachusetts Democrat called on lawmakers to block a potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by removing states’ rights to legislate which medical procedures are and aren’t permitted in each state.

“People are scared and angry. And they are right to be. But this isn’t a moment to back down — it’s time to fight back.”                                                   —Sen. Elizabeth WarrenDenouncing extremists for throwing women’s rights and the country into a “dark moment,” Warren wrote in a Medium post and on Twitter that advocates, especially those in Congress, must fight against the GOP’s anti-choice agenda.

“People are scared and angry,” Warren wrote. “And they are right to be. But this isn’t a moment to back down — it’s time to fight back.”

Under Warren’s plan, Congress would pass laws that prohibit states from passing their own measures blocking people from accessing certain medical procedures and medical providers from performing specific procedures, including abortions.

“Under the Supremacy Clause of our Constitution, federal law preempts state law,” Warren wrote. “And because these federal protections would be valid on a variety of constitutional grounds — including equal protection and the commerce clause — they would ensure that choice would remain the law of the land even if the Supreme Court overturns Roe.

Warren wrote that Congress should also pass laws preemptively blocking Targeted Regulations on Abortion Providers, also known as TRAP laws, which impose restrictions on abortion clinics to make it impossible to deliver care, and should repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from being used for abortion services. The rule keeps abortion care out of reach for many low-income and marginalized women who rely on Medicaid and the Indian Health Service for their healthcare.

The passage of the so-called “Alabama Human Life Protection Act” on Wednesday prompted outrage from women’s rights groups, Democratic lawmakers, and even provoked ultraconservatives including televangelist Pat Robertson and Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren to condemn the law as too extreme.  

Under the law, abortion would be illegal—and punishable by up to 99 years in prison—at every stage of pregnancy. The Republican-controlled legislature rejected exceptions in the case of incest or rape; the only exception included in the law is when a woman’s life is at risk.

Missouri lawmakers are expected to vote Friday on H.B. 126, a bill that would ban abortion after eight weeks Georgia and Ohio have also passed abortion bans in recent weeks which prohibit women from obtaining abortion care after six weeks of pregnancy—before many women even know they are pregnant.