Date Outfit Ideas for Men – Valentine’s Edition

Valentine’s Day is 13 days away, second Saturday of the month to be specific. You already know what to give; check out Thatsweetgift for amazing gifts for her, know where to get a great meal and where to go so the both of you will have a spectacular time. But maybe you forgot about one last thing – showing up to her doorstep looking like “someone she wants to be seen with on a date”. It’s the most romantic holiday of the year and it’s such a big event to just let your outfit slide. But no worries. We’ve got you covered from dressed-up to dressed-down, or maybe something in between.

Dress to impress without overdoing it. A casual daytime date doesn’t mean you should wear sweatpants and a loose shirt. Play it off some skinny jeans and a leather jacket over a loose turtleneck top. Perfect for chilly weather.

This look is great for a semi-formal event such as attending a party and brings her as your date, or maybe when you guys decide to watch a play or an opera because you’re both into those.

Another casual daytime look. Wear a simple yet chic look like this one for a coffee date, a library date, or something and somewhere just cozy.

Here’s an ensemble that you can sport for a simple (not at all formal) dinner date.

Active date that requires too much walking? If you’re taking her to play mini golf or bolding, wear something effortless yet outstanding. One way to spice up your look is by wearing a statement jacket and a statement pair of shoes.

A black and white look is simply one of the best out there. The contrast is exquisite and gives out a total rocker and bad boy vibe (some women are into those).

Some guys look absolutely wonderful with patterned shirts. Find one that matches your built and skin tone.

The last casual look on this list is this one. Wear a really nice shirt over a statement jacket. If she gets cold, give her your jacket. It’s one of the sweetest and most clichéd gestures but it’s totally worth it.

If you’re taking her to a shmancy-fancy restaurant, you can sport a vintage-y look with gray and navy.

And maybe a full-on navy suit for a more formal look.