A tweet from President TrumpDonald John TrumpDes Moines mayor says he’s worried about coronavirus spread at Trump rally Judiciary Committee Democrats pen second letter to DOJ over Barrett disclosures: ‘raises more questions that it answers’ Trump asks campaign to schedule daily events for him until election: report MORE claiming that he was now “immune” to COVID-19 after his treatment for the virus last week was tagged by the platform as “misleading” on Sunday.
The tweet in question, posted late Sunday morning, stated that the president received a “total and complete sign off from White House Doctors yesterday.”
“That means I can’t get it (immune), and can’t give it. Very nice to know!!!” he continued.
The post was hidden several hours later by Twitter content administrators with a tag that reads, “[t]his Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.” The tag also directed users to the platform’s blog explaining how content relating to the coronavirus is displayed on Twitter’s platform.
White House officials did not immediately return a request for comment.
A Twitter spokesman told The Hill Trump’s tweet was “placed on a public interest notice” for “violating our COVID-19 Misleading Information Policy by making misleading health claims about COVID-19. As is standard with this public interest notice, engagements with the Tweet will be significantly limited.”
The platform moved in May to implement a policy that would place a tag on posts from world leaders and other significant public figures that contained false or misleading information about COVID-19. Posts from other users that are not judged by the site’s admins to serve the public’s interest by remaining on the platform are removed if they contain false or misleading information about the pandemic.
In August, the company followed through with that policy and temporarily banned the Trump campaign from posting on the platform until a tweet containing a video in which the president falsely claimed that children are “almost immune” from the virus was deleted.
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