Beyond Clinton vs. Trump, Green Party Convention Kicks Off

The Green Party kicked off its national convention in Houston, Texas on Thursday, where presumptive nominee Jill Stein will present a third-party challenge to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The convention will run from August 4-7. The proceedings are expected to include keynote speeches from scholar and activist Dr. Cornel West, who endorsed Stein over Clinton after Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race, and Philadelphia-based activist YahNé Ndgo. Local Green Party candidates for office will also appear.

Stein is expected to accept her party’s nomination on August 6.

On Wednesday, CNN announced it would host a Green Party town hall on August 17—offering the party a rare chance to access the large media platform usually reserved for establishment candidates.

CNN writes:

The theme of insurgent candidates was prominent throughout the election. Now, with Sanders out of the race, 2016 has become “the best and worst year to be Jill Stein,” as Bloomberg puts it.