'Extraordinary': Trump Administration Seeks to Shut Down Lobbyist Ethics Probe

The Trump administration is attempting to squash an ethics inquiry into former lobbyists now working for government, according to the New York Times.

Despite signing an executive order in January prohibiting former lobbyists, industry lawyers, and consultants who are hired as political appointees from working for two years on issues involving former employers or clients (weakening the Obama-era version of the restriction), President Donald Trump has stacked his administration with such employees, presumably by granting waivers to the rules. Trump’s order also made it so that sharing such waivers is no longer required.

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In late April, Office of Government Ethics (OGE) head Walter Shaub, “in an effort to find out just how widespread such waivers have become, asked every federal agency and the White House to give him a copy by June 1 of every waiver it had issued,” the Times reported Monday, adding that Shaub “intends to make the documents public.”

He may not have the chance to do so.