Outgoing ambassador to China slams Beijing over coronavirus: 'Could have been contained in Wuhan'

Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad slammed Beijing over its response to the coronavirus in an interview with CNN.

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He said that “what could have been contained in Wuhan ended up becoming a worldwide pandemic.”


“[The] Chinese system was such that they covered it up and even penalized the doctors who pointed it out at the beginning,” Branstad said.

“It’s really, I think, the communist system of China and their unwillingness to admit wrongdoing. That caused this whole thing to happen. And that’s the tragedy of it,” he added.

Branstad, a former Iowa governor who has served as ambassador to China since 2017, announced this week that he will be returning from the country in October. 

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His departure comes amid rising tension between Beijing and Washington over the coronavirus pandemic and other issues, including trade and the Chinese-owned app TikTok.