'Slap in the Face to the People of Flint' as Former Mich. Gov. Snyder Appointed to Harvard Fellowship

A fellowship at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government for former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder sparked outrage over the weekend, though the school seemed set on keeping the disgraced former executive, who was partially responsible for the Flint water crisis, in the school even in the face of an email campaign demanding his ouster. 

“Snyder oversaw the poisoning of thousands of people in Flint.”
—Mariame Kaba

The appointment to the school of Snyder, a Republican, which begins today, was first announced Friday. By Sunday, as news of the fellowship spread, Flint advocates and environmental activists expressed outrage over the appointment, especially given Snyder’s role in the Flint crisis. 

In a statement, Food and Water Watch executive director Wenonah Hauter said Snyder’s appointment was “a slap in the face to the people of Flint by one of the most elite institutions in America.”

“Snyder is a leader, alright,” said Hauter, “he led Flint straight into one of the nation’s most notorious disasters in recent memory. His appointment of an emergency manager set the stage for the lead and bacterial contamination that resulted in unnecessary deaths and the lead poisoning of children. The timeline of events shows that his administration knew more about the events early on than what they disclosed to the public. This is criminal, and he must be held accountable.”

Activist Mariame Kaba told Common Dreams that she was “appalled” to learn about the appointment given that “Snyder oversaw the poisoning of thousands of people in Flint.”

“His policies through pushing an emergency manager law led to one of the largest examples of environmental racism in this country’s history,” said Kaba. “The crisis continues to this day.”

The decision was “disgusting,” tweeted activist Jordan Uhl, who shared a brief video detailing Snyder’s involvement in the water crisis. 

In a statement, Snyder praised the school and welcomed the opportunity at Harvard. He did not mention his role in the Flint crisis.

“Shame on Harvard for giving this failed Governor a national platform and calling it leadership.”
—Wenonah Hauter

“I’m excited to join the talented faculty and staff there who are on the leading edge in improving public policy, civic engagement, and innovations in state and local government,” said Snyder. “I look forward to sharing my experiences in helping take Michigan to national leadership in job creation, improved government performance, and civility.”

Kaba, in her comments to Common Dreams, said she was floored that Harvard would reward Snyder after his role in the Flint “travesty.”

“Snyder hasn’t taken accountability for the harm that he caused,” said Kaba. “What a complete and utter insult to the people of Flint!”