Mom Chases 'Pervert' In Dressing Room: Her Smackdown Is Beautiful

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH — Don’t mess with Utah mom Doris Stiles-Scown. She turned the camera on a man she says tried to videorecord her 12-year-old daughter in a clothing store dressing room and now his face is all over the internet.

“Not today, buddy. Not today,” Stiles-Scown said on the video. “I’m going to make sure your face gets out, so that you’re not in any more stalls, looking under [at] little girls dressing. … I’m going to make sure you go viral.”

She was as good as her word. Her video on Facebook has been viewed at least 14 million times and shared hundreds of thousands of times. The guy is taking a real thrashing in the comments.

Salt Lake City police said witness accounts support Stiles-Scown’s story that a man tried to record her daughter from an adjacent dressing room stall inside the Rue 21 store at Brickyard Plaza on Saturday. Jorge Leon-Alfaro, 36, was arrested and faces felony charges of voyeurism of a child under 14, according to a report by television station KSTU.

“People are aware of what’s going on and paying attention,” Detective Greg Wilking of the Salt Lake City Police Department told the television station. “Other people were paying attention, too and saw similar things that concerned them and that led to his arrest.”

Stiles-Scown didn’t just videotape Leon-Alfaro. First, she chased him out of the Rue 21 store. The camera started rolling as he cowered and looked down at the pavement, looking as if he wished it would split and suck him out of the moment. The emotional mom spoke for every mother and father or brother and sister and, well, most everyone who grasps the sheer reach of internet pornography and its power to damage lives.

Her spiel was epic, a smackdown worthy of admiration. Stiles-Scown was one mad mama and proud of it.

She called the man “a sick pervert.”

“A 12-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl — that’s what she gets for her birthday? It’s her birthday in two days. And she gets some sick pervert looking under her stall trying to grab her? Do you have kids?

“You’re so lucky. You’re so lucky that I don’t hurt you. Because that’s what I want to do right now, . Because what you did to her, you’re going to leave a scar on my daughter permanently.”

Salt Lake City police say it’s important to keep in mind that Leon-Alfaro is innocent unless he’s proven otherwise and will get his day in court.

Stiles-Scown says she’ll be there for “every single court date.”

Photo: Renee Schiavone/Patch

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