Team Black or Team Non-Black Footwear

You bat for Team Black Footwear if you prefer wearing black shoes above all other neutrals and non-neutrals. You bat for Team Non-Black footwear if you prefer wearing shoes that aren’t black. Any style of shoe counts.

All my clients wear black shoes, but some do more frequently than others. When clients have very dark hair and wear a lot of black, black footwear is often their go-to. Others prefer brown, grey, navy, burgundy, animal print, olive or metallic. A few prefer wearing light, blush, and bright footwear, and white sneakers are extremely popular. I am the only person I know who prefers to wear white footwear above all other colours.

I bat for Team Non-Black Footwear. I don’t have any black footwear after passing on my tall black riding boots last year. I don’t plan on purchasing black shoes. I wear black sparingly, and prefer to bookend my platinum blonde hair with light footwear. Black footwear tends to look off with the sour brights, clear mid-tones, pastels, white, dark blue, and earth tones that I like. I have three pairs of navy shoes and that’s it for dark shoes. I’m very into red, blush, watermelon and citron footwear. Occasionally I wear gold and cognac shoes. I want to add a few pairs of light blue shoes with white soles.

Over to you. Do you bat for Team Black or Team Non-Black Footwear? Tell us why, and no batting for both teams. But there are vegan Beyond Burgers with fresh fixings on the bench if you can’t pick a side. I’m willing to bet that Team Black Footwear will win this poll, but prove me wrong.