Former Deputy Attorney General Rod RosensteinRod RosensteinEx-DOJ official Rosenstein says he was not aware of subpoena targeting Democrats: report Democrats claim vindication, GOP cries witch hunt as McGahn finally testifies Protect the police or the First Amendment? MORE has said in conversations with associates that he is not be aware of a Trump-era subpoena targeting data for congressional Democrats, CNN reported Saturday.
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Rosenstein has told people in recent days that he was not aware of the subpoena for metadata on House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam SchiffAdam Bennett SchiffEx-DOJ official Rosenstein says he was not aware of subpoena targeting Democrats: report Nixon’s former White House counsel: Trump DOJ was ‘Nixon on stilts and steroids’ Trump DOJ demanded metadata on 73 phone numbers and 36 email addresses, Apple says MORE (D-Calif.) and Rep. Eric SwalwellEric Michael SwalwellEx-DOJ official Rosenstein says he was not aware of subpoena targeting Democrats: report DOJ to probe Trump-era subpoenas of lawmaker records The Hill’s 12:30 Report – Presented by Facebook – Sights and sounds from Biden’s UK visit MORE (D-Calif.), a source told the outlet.
As CNN points out, a leak investigation relating to the Russia probe would have fallen under Rosenstein, as former Attorney General Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsEx-DOJ official Rosenstein says he was not aware of subpoena targeting Democrats: report Nixon’s former White House counsel: Trump DOJ was ‘Nixon on stilts and steroids’ Garland sparks anger with willingness to side with Trump MORE had recused himself from matters relating to Russia.
Former Attorney General William BarrBill BarrEx-DOJ official Rosenstein says he was not aware of subpoena targeting Democrats: report Garland sparks anger with willingness to side with Trump Trump DOJ demanded metadata on 73 phone numbers and 36 email addresses, Apple says MORE also said Friday that he does not recall discussing an investigation of lawmakers, CNN reported. Barr took office a year after the subpoena on Apple was issued.
Apple revealed on Friday that it received a subpoena for data issued by a federal grand jury in early 2018, along with a nondisclosure order signed by a federal judge to keep it in place. The nondisclosure order had three subsequent extensions, each lasting a year.
The tech giant said the request provided “no information on the nature of the investigation and it would have been virtually impossible for Apple to understand the intent of the desired information without digging through users’ accounts.”
The New York Times first reported on Thursday that the DOJ sought the subpoena for at least a dozen people tied to the House Intelligence Committee in 2017 and 2018.
Since the revelations, Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerIt’s not just Manchin: No electoral mandate stalls Democrats’ leftist agenda DOJ to probe Trump-era subpoenas of lawmaker records Democrats demand Barr, Sessions testify on Apple data subpoenas MORE (N.Y.) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick DurbinDick DurbinEx-DOJ official Rosenstein says he was not aware of subpoena targeting Democrats: report Trump DOJ demanded metadata on 73 phone numbers and 36 email addresses, Apple says Overnight Defense: Pentagon details military construction projects getting .2B restored from wall funds | Biden chooses former commander to lead Navy | Bill seeks to boost visa program for Afghans who helped US MORE (D-Ill.) have called on Sessions and Barr to testify before the panel.
News of the probe came as the DOJ was coming under scrutiny for secretly obtaining data from journalists as part of leak investigations early in the Trump administration and into the Biden administration.
The DOJ’s internal watchdog announced Friday that it would investigate the subpoenas, as well as recently revealed ones against reporters.