20 Truths About Personal Style

Style has never been more personal than it is today, which makes me all the more passionate about helping others on their style journey. Nothing gives me more job satisfaction than a client who has found their own sense of style. Their happiness radiates from within.

Here are 20 things I believe about style that I hope you find inspiring in 2017:

  1. There is no one way to look stylish
  2. Style is a celebration of individuality
  3. A stylish body type is a healthy one
  4. Style is an energy and confidence that is expressed through clothing, footwear and accessories
  5. Style is subjective
  6. Style is an art form that is enjoyed by you and your audience
  7. Style is a sum of many parts
  8. Style emanates from the inside out
  9. Fashion unites us, and style sets us apart
  10. Style can be learned
  11. An interest in fashion and style brings people together from all walks of life
  12. There is beauty and style at every age
  13. Fashion is one component of style
  14. It’s stylish to dress the body you have right now
  15. Authentic style is manageable and makes you happy
  16. Being patient with your style is the best style tip of all
  17. Your style can put a smile on someone else’s face
  18. Your favourite colours are always in style
  19. Style evolves over time
  20. You can always have fun with fashion and style

We at YLF wish you a happy, healthy and stylish 2017.