This week’s RAW starts with Bret Hart coming out to the ring. He’s wearing a Batman t-shirt under his obligatory leather jacket. Into the ring and off comes the sunglasses. Bret grabs a mic and gives a cheap pop to the already wild fans. He says for the past two weeks he’s been home training for SummerSlam. Then everything falls apart. Boos. He said he’s a little disappointed, that’s an understatement. Edge and Jericho quit the team. Three weeks go he went to meet with his good friend Cena and vouched for those guys. Said they have the experience and will see the big picture. That Nexus’ momentum needs to be stopped now. Guess he was wrong. It’s not too late, so he’s asking Jericho and Edge out to face him, face to face. See if they can put this machine back together again. “Y2J” chants.
Jericho out in black suit, black shirt, black and white tie. Jericho says he can’t vouch for Edge, but Bret needs to dazzle him, impress him, tell him he’s the best in the world at what he does. Heat for Jericho. Blow him away… Bret told him to shut up, he doesn’t have time for that crap. It’s put up time. Jericho’s chance to be a man, step up the plate and change things. He put his reputation on the line for them to join the team. If Jericho doesn’t join Team WWE, they’re not hurting them, they’re hurting themselves. Nexus doesn’t want anything to do with them. All the superstars they turned on, they don’t want anything to do with them. If Nexus walks out of SummerSlam with their hands raised, they’re only hurting themselves. They’ll be men without countries, out casts, nowhere to go. Dogs without bones. This is their chance, step up and join Team WWE and make things right. Do the honorable thing!
Jericho looks sheepish, looks at the fans out of the corner of his eyes. Bret asks if he’d consider rejoining Team WWE now, or will he look in the mirror everyday and know he quit, walked out, broke his word. This is his chance to do right. Jericho says Bret says things that made him thinks and his answer is… still no. He had Bret figured out years ago. He’s a phony. He’s a hypocrite like all them. Not concerned about beating Nexus, he’s more concerned about the beating of his life tonight from him and Edge. He’s afraid of the spear, tapping out to the walls. He’s a desperate man, can see it in Bret’s eyes. He scared. Even worse, Bret knows they can’t beat Nexus at SummerSlam without him and Edge. No one can replace them. Not in this company or the industry. Again, Bret is screwed. He made it clear that he’s not interested in teaming with Cena and less interested in teaming with Bret. He’s only interested in dismantling Bret, right here.
Edge’s music and he’s out in a plaid shirt over a black t-shirt and holed up faded jeans. Edge asks Jericho what’s the matter with him, this is Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart. They grew up idolizing him. He’s the reason they got into this business. Jericho trained in the Dungeon. Edge grew up in Toronto, had Bret’s poster on his wall. He shoveled driveways in the winter to get money to go to Maple Leaf gardens to see Bret and hope he’d put those sunglasses on his head. Edge says he doesn’t know about Jericho, but he can count Edge in. Edge shakes his head at Jericho. Jericho drops and rolls from the ring. Bert and Edge shake, but then Edge tries to kick Bret. Bret grabs the foot and sets up for the sharpshooter. Jericho in with a thumb to Bret’s eye. Natalya runs to the ring, past Jericho and Edge. She begs him…
Backstage Nexus is beating the heck out of Kidd in a locker room. They stomp the heck out of him, then it shows that it’s Smith too. Wade says it’s not Bret’s night and they need Hart Dynasty replacements. Bret and Natalya run up the ramp.
– Commercial
The trainer, Natalya and Bret checking on the boys. Bret up, Natalya asks where he’s going. Bret says to take things into his own hands. Cena cuts him off and tells Bret that he’s walking into their hands. Stay, take care of his family and he’ll work on it.
The Miz out to the ring. Miz shows off with his case in the ring. Evan out, gets the fans pumped, then slides into the ring.
The Miz Vs. Evan Bourne
They lock up, knee to Evan’s gut. Evan kicks back to Miz’s thigh, Evan runs into a big boot. “Miz is awesome!” chants. Miz holds Evan’s chin, then a forearm from behind. Cole is playing the uber heel in King‘s direction over Cole‘s love of the Miz and how King‘s finally admitting it. Evan on the second rope. Miz chokes, then lands on Evan’s back. Miz pins for two. Headlock on Evan in the middle of the ring. Evan up and kicks out, but then Miz pulls Evan’s feet out from under him. Evan lands on the back of his head. Miz clotheslines Evan in a corner. Miz pins for two. Arm hold on Evan, but also a handful of Evan’s hair. Chinlock on Evan in the middle of the ring. Evan elbows out, but takes a knee to the gut. Evan up for a delayed vertical suplex, but Evan knees Miz to the head. Evan hits sick (fast) head scissors on Miz. Miz clotheslines Evan to get back at him. “Miz is awesome!” chants. Miz nails his SCF and gets the three.
Winner – The Miz
Cole says he hopes Miz is Champion soon. Video of the high points in the match. Miz has a mic and says he doesn’t care if it’s Sheamus or Orton who wins this Sunday. When he’s ready to cash in his contract, he’ll be the WWE Champion, be cause he’s the Miz and he’s awesome.
Backstage Cena is talking to Khali. They’re well back from the camera and a mic.
Slam Of The Week – Six Divas Tag Match last week. Fox took advantage of a distraction and scissor kicked Natalya for three. She said no one can beat her, then Melina came out and took Fox apart.
Melina out, red carpet, paparazzi, split and all. She’s in a blue and black two piece outfit similar to her old ring gear, but with different accent designs. Fox out in purple and gold.
Melina Vs. Alicia Fox
Fox picks Melina up and slams her back into a corner. Fox flings Melina across the ring by her hair, then kicks her in the gut. Melina fights back from the apron, then back in with forearms to Fox’s face for two. Fox on Melina, but Melina hits her Matrix move. Back elbows to Fox, then Fox face first to the mat. Melina slams Fox hard to the mat. Fox out to regroup. Melina out, but runs into a clothesline. Fox back in and the ref counts, but only to three.
Fox pins Melina with a handful of hair. Fox slams Melina down hard by her hair. Fox grabs Melina, but can barely get her flipped for a backbreaker (looks bad). Fox pins for two. Fox flings Melina around by her hair, takes a bit for the ref to say anything. Knee to Melina’s back. Fox gets Melina up on her shoulder, grabs Melina’s hair. Melina finally elbows free and hits her last call sunset bomb, screaming the whole time. Melina pins Fox for three.
Winer – Melina
Video of the finisher from different angles. Melina celebrates. Fox barely comes too and realizes she lost.
Josh talks to Khali, Singh isn’t there. Josh asks if he’s with Team Khali. Khali screams into the mic, but Josh is confused and asks for English. Khali says something, him and Khali, tonight. Josh says it’s Wade Barrett who Khali has challenged.
– Commercial
During the commercial the GM emailed. Cole announces that Fox will defend her Title against Melina at SummerSlam.
Backstage Edge says to Jericho how pissed he is that Bret told them what to do. Jericho says Bret could be right. Nexus doesn’t want the and if Nexus takes over RAW, they’re in trouble. Edge asks if they should crawl back to Cena? Jericho says no, but they might have screwed themselves. Edge says Austin, Rock, Taker, McMahon, the Alliance. They’ve survived them all and will survive this. Jericho says they generals. They need to talk out Cena and Bret, then there won’t be a match at SummerSlam. Without a match, they’re in the clear. Edge likes that.
Morrison says they need to have each other’s backs. They agree to this. But they need replacements. Henry walks up and says he’s there, they don’t need two, only one. This match is his audition.
In another room Nexus is watching on a monitor. Wade nods, a bunch of the guys leave.
– Commercial
Ted DiBiase out with Maryse on her arm. Maryse is in a tiny silver snakeskin dress. She holds the ropes for Ted, then he holds them for her. Mark Henry out to the ring, but two of Nexus are suddenly on the stairs. The rest come out behind Henry and attacked him. They send him shoulder first into the stairs. They leave him in a heap on the floor. Video of the attack on Henry. Henry’s still face down and hasn’t moved as the trainer’s checking on him.
Backstage Sheamus’ heading for the ring to call out Orton.
– Commercial
WWE Rewind – Last Monday Orton faced Miz, Sheamus watched closely. Miz in control, but ran into an RKO for three. Sheamus rushed the ring, but stopped when Orton was ready for him.
Sheamus out to the ring. He poses with his strap held high. Sheamus gets heat. He says after RAW went off last week, the entire WWE Universe thought he was scared to get in the ring with Orton. He was scared, scared of what he’d do to Orton. Usually when people say that they’re talking out of their asses, but he hurts people. Has been since he came into the WWE, that why he’s Champion. If Orton thinks he’s going to swoop in and become Champion, he should watch this carefully. Video of Sheamus beating people up and winning matches. He took out HHH, ended his career. He’ll do the same to Orton at SummerSlam. Sheamus asks how many think he’s afraid of Orton. That proves he’s afraid of no one in the WWE. He’s ended careers in this ring. Right now he wants to call out Orton and tell him face to face, but Orton…
Orton’s music hits quickly and out he comes. Sheamus says he’s surprised Orton accepted his invitation. Orton cuts him off and says he has something to say first. He believes Sheamus’ capable of hurting people, but that he didn’t get in the ring for fear of what he could do to him? He thinks it’s bull. He had the opportunity to prove he should be taken seriously. Sheamus says everyone takes him seriously, fella. Orton says he blew it then and will blow it this Sunday. “RKO” chants about took the roof off. Sheamus can show all the videos, say all he wants, but he’s never beaten Orton and never will. Sheamus yells that Orton’s wrong, they’re all wrong. Funny thing is HHH and Cena looked him right in the eye. Orton says he’s not HHH and certainly not Cena. Sheamus says he’s not the WWE Champion either, Sheamus is. And will be after SummerSlam. Just like Cena he’ll go back to the end of the line. If he has anything to say, Orton won’t have another opportunity. Orton says Sheamus’ never beaten him and won’t this Sunday, but if he wants to redeem himself for last Monday, then do something about it. “RKO” chants. They stare each other down, Orton’s lips twitching.
Ding-Ding! Cole says, “Sheamus, your Title matches in the past have been marred with outside interference. Therefore is anyone does get involved, they will be suspended indefinitely. Furthermore, I agree with you Sheamus, if Orton loses at SummerSlam, there will be no rematch and he will go to the end of the line. But I also agrees with Orton, if Sheamus isn’t scared, I encourage Sheamus to do something about it, right now!” The fans are cheering, screaming, clapping, stomping. They stare off, then Sheamus about to leave, then comes back at Orton, but doesn’t touch Orton. Orton attacks as Sheamus leaves the ring. Punches to Sheamus, but Sheamus comes back with a big forearm to Orton’s face. Sheamus goes for the big boot. Orton ducks and nails a neck breaker on Sheamus. Orton stares down at Sheamus, but then backs off. Orton backs into a corner, then rushes to punt Sheamus’ head, but stops dead. They stare, Sheamus freaked, then Orton leaves the ring. Orton grabs the strap and holds it up, stares at Sheamus holding his belt. Orton then tosses it into the ring, to Sheamus. Orton walks up the ramp, but smile, devilish laugh. Sheamus still sits in the corner looking totally freaked out.
– Commercial
Sheamus is still pacing around in front of announce. He looks pissed and freaked.
In the ring are six of the NXT Rookies.
Percy & Lucky &Kaval Vs. Husky & Mike & Alex
Percy and Mike lock up. Side headlock on Percy, then a shoulder block drops Percy. Mike runs the ropes then eats a back elbow for two. Arm bar on Mike, but he gets out and a big dropkick to Percy for two. Alex tags in and stomps Percy in the heel corner. Percy’s pinned for one. Arm/chin hold on Percy. Percy punches out, but then an elbow to the back of his head, then slammed to the mat. Percy nails Alex with an enziguri, then tags in Kaval. Kaval works Alex over with kicks. Alex sends Kaval over to the apron, then puts a back headlock on Alex over the ropes. Kaval comes off the top rope, kicking Alex in the head. Mike breaks the count. Lucky in to take Mike out. Lucky over the top onto Mike. Alex sends Kaval out over the top, but he comes right back in onto Alex to land on him with both feet. Husky gets a blind tag and attacks Kaval from behind. Husky tries a back splash, mostly misses Kaval, but picks up the three.
Winners – Alex & Mike & Husky
Outside the ring Sheamus nails Lucky with a big boot. Sheamus then attacks Mike. Sheamus into the ring. Sheamus grabs Kaval and nails his border toss finisher on Kaval. Sheamus out, grabs a mic, then back in. Sheamus says that’s a message to the GM, everyone and Orton. This time next week he’ll still be our WWE Champion. Video of Sheamus’ freak out.
Backstage R-Truth and Morrison head for the ring.
– Commercial
R-Truth out singing. The fans are singing right along with him. Regal and Zack Ryder are already in the ring. Ryder seems to have lost his one legged ring gear and seems to have a license plate on the bum of his trunks. Cheap pop from R-Truth and they answer loudly! Morrison out to the ring in his normal slo-mo way.
R-Truth & John Morrison Vs. Regal & Zack Ryder
Regal and R-Truth start. Ryder distracts R-Truth and Regal attacks. Regal works R-Truth over, then Ryder tags in and works R-Truth over for a one count. Snap mare and Ryder pins for two. Chinlock on R-Truth in the center of the ring. R-Truth gets free, but eats a corner. R-Truth down to the mat, Ryder runs at him, tries to kick, but R-Truth moves and Ryder lands awkwardly. Morrison gets the tag and rushes in to work over Ryder. Dropkick to Ryder, then hits this standing, flipping, slamming move to Ryder. Morrison pins, Regal breaks the count. R-Truth in and takes Regal out. Morrison slams Ryder face first, then kicks Ryder in the gut. Starship pain and Morrison gets the three.
Winners – R-Truth & Morrison
R-Truth in and hugs Morrison. They pose, then hug again. Video of Morrison’s new move, then at starship pain. Morrison and R-Truth talk in the ring.
King and Cole talking about Khali. The video and audio are off a bit. They then go through the matches slated for SummerSlam.
Backstage the Bellas heading for the ring with beach towels and floaties.
– Commercial
In the ring are a bunch of Divas and Santino and Kozlov. Santino is in a yellow one piece short sleeved, longer legged, high necked spandex suit with a yellow floaty ring around his waist. Maryse in a black bathing suit, matching hat and sunglasses. Jillian in a blue suit. Kim in a purple suit, Eve in light blue suit with white wrap slid down an large inflatable slide that was set up on the ramp, covering most of the stage! The Bellas slide down in matching black skirted suits, very 50’s.
Eve & Kim Vs. Maryse & Jillian Vs. The Bellas – Special Guest Refs – Santino & Kozlov
Maryse rubs her hat in Eve’s face to start. Eve takes Maryse down and Santino freaks. Eve bumps into one of the Bellas and is tagged out. Maryse attacks ever from behind. Then the Bella in on Maryse. They go back and forth. Jillian grabs the Bella with a towel and Santino gets all distracted. Jillian tags in and throws the Bella down. Jillian slaps her, then pulls her arms back with a knee in her back. She fights and flips Jillian over her head. Nikki tags in and dropkicks Jillian. Head scissors on Jillian, then a low dropkick. Eve breaks up the pin and nails Nikki with a neck breaker. Maryse rushes in and Kim takes her down. Jillian kicks Eve out and slams Kim out. Brie flies, takes Jillian down for the three.
Winners – The Bellas
The twins celebrate in the ring, but then suddenly Tamina is in the ring, right in front of Santino. She’s in a black and white patterned halter bathing suit and big earrings. Santino tries to leave, she steps in front of him. She tries again and she steps in front of him. She steps right up, boobs to his chest. She lets him by and slaps his ass hard. He looks shocked. He gets out on the apron, turns and looks at her, smiles goofily, waves a bit, then drops down. He and Kozlov talk a bit as they get to the stage. Santino keeps looking back at Tamina.
SummerSlam Recall – 1991 MSG – The Mountie and Big Bossman in a feud. Jimmy Hart is Mountie’s manager. Alabama slam to a rather thin Big Bossman. The cuffed the Mountie, threw him in the back of the paddy wagon, brought him in, printed him and locked him in a cell. All the while the egotistical Mountie screamed about who he is.
Backstage Khali is heading for the ring. Chop block and Nexus is all over him. They beat him down, then leave Khali holding his knee. A ref shows and calls for help.
– Commercial
Nexus stomps out. Video of the attack on Khali. Nexus into the ring with serious heat. Wade with a mic says he’s been informed that his match against Khali has been cancelled. This Sunday a new chapter of the WWE will be written by Nexus. The balance of power is about to shift dramatically and permanently. They will defeat Team WWE and they will achieve more than anybody could ever imagine.
Skip take the mic and says RAW has become their show. Much heat to that. Bret Hart will join Steamboat and Mr. McMahon as their victims. Just like McMahon, we will never see Bret again. Morrison, R-Truth and Cena, they’re not going to damage them physically, they’re going to damage them mentally to a point they never, ever recover.
Otunga took the mic and said if anybody in the locker room is even considering joining Team WWE, then think about what they did to the Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry, Khali. Then think if you want to be next. You’re either Nexus, or you’re against us. HUGE heat for Nexus.
Backstage Bret and Cena are heading for the ring. Miz is there smiling. Miz says he wants to address the inevitable. Two members of the team have quit, Hart Dynasty taken out and one was just Nancy Kerriganed in the hallway. Miz says they need help and it’s a matter of time before they come looking for him. Bret asks what he wants? Miz says he wants to hear them ask him. Bret says fine, is he in or out? Miz wants to hear it from both of them. Cena says, that’s fair. Is he in or out? Miz says they’ve come a long way in the past year. He’ll let them know on Sunday. Cena thanked him. Bret asked about actually using that guy? Cena says it sucks that they might actually need him. They continue on to the ring.
– Commercial
Special Guest Host next week, Justin Long.
Nexus are around the ring, ready to be lumberjacks. Edge out to the ring first. He watches Nexus closely. Jericho out to join him, he also watches Nexus carefully. Bret Hart out in the same street clothes he was out in earlier, knee pads are the only change. Cena out to round out the match.
Cena & Bret Hart Vs. Edge & Jericho
Cena starts with Edge. “Cena” chants. Edge kicks Cena in the gut then stomps him down in a corner. Cena reverses a whip and nails his bulldog on Edge. Edge up to his feet and eats a punch from Bret on the apron. Side headlock takeover on Edge. Cena keeps the hold on. Edge up and free, forearm to Cena’s back and then Edge sends Cena out on the one side Nexus is lined up. They beat Cena down, stomp him, then send him back into the ring.
Jericho tags in. Edge holds Cena and Jericho attacks. Jericho then throws Cena from the ring. Nexus beats Cena up again, then throw him back in. Jericho pulls Cena to his feet, then tosses him to Nexus. They stomp Cena. Slater punches Cena and he’s sent back in. Cena’s a lump in the ring. “Cena” chants fill the arena. Jericho taunts the fans. Jericho about to send Cena out, he reverses it and sends Jericho out. They don’t touch Jericho. Jericho squares up and struts back into the ring.
Cena gets Jericho up for the AA. Jericho reverses out and set Cena up for the walls. Cena fights and gets free. Punches to Jericho’s gut. Jericho ducks Cena’s shoulder block and Cena rolls out. Wade comes around and Cena punches him down. Cena rolls in. Wade up on the apron. Cena sends Jericho into the ropes. Jericho slams into Wade sending him flying into announce. Cena clotheslines Jericho from the ring. Jericho yells at Nexus to get Cena. They beat Jericho down. Edge tries to help and gets beaten down too.
Bret grabs Gabriel and pulls him into the ring by his hair. Bret punches Gabriel down. They pull Gabriel from the ring. Nexus regroups outside the ring and discuss. HUGE “Cena” chants. Nexus lines up and looks at Cena and Bret. They get up on the apron. Morrison and R-Truth run to the ring. Nexus into the ring. Edge and Jericho up high on the ramp. They look at each other, then start to leave. They talk, then run to the ring and line up with the rest. The arena is so loud, the stomping, the cameras are vibrating!
Edge rushes first and the fight ensues. Bret on Slater. Wade and a few others flee, then all of Nexus flees. Team RAW leaves the ring to give a little chase, but not much. Nexus is up in the stands staring down at Team RAW. Team RAW get back in the ring and stare up at them. A mixture of “Cena” chants and “You suck!” chants for Nexus. Cena’s music plays. Lots of pointing back and forth between Nexus and Cena. Even Edge and Jericho are glaring up at them. Bret stands a little behind the younger boys, let them do the showboating and get the hype.
Biggest pop
Bret Hart
Biggest heat
I have to say that’s one of the loudest, hottest crowds I’ve heard in a long time. They were really into that show and let everyone know. I don’t think I’ve heard stomping, cheering, heat and chants like that in months. Maybe at WM, but not since.