Edge Says He Won't Be At WrestleMania 29, Another Movie For The Rock

– As if Dwayne Johnson’s movie schedule wasn’t busy enough, several newspapers based out of the Middle East are reporting that The Rock has another project on his schedule slated for March 2013.

The Rock has reportedly signed on to star in a remake of “Arabian Nights” along with Anthony Hopkins and Zac Efron. The movie will begin shooting in March 2013 in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E and has a budget of around $90 million. For more information, visit GulfNews.com.

– WWE Hall of Famer Edge, who underwent another neck surgery last week, tweeted a series of messages on Monday night stating that he won’t be at WrestleMania and sounds like he’s tired of talking about WWE. Here’s what Edge said:

Does he keep up with RAW?: “not really”

Does he have a Legends contract?: “don’t even know what a ‘legends contract’ is. Not on a legend, non legend, mid card, or janitor contract.”

Will He Be At WrestleMania? “no, in Winnipeg that day”

Does he miss being in the ring? “just crowd reactions. Nothing else”

* Major Shakeup Coming To WWE, John Cena’s Next Feud, Big Returns