– The former El Generico is now using the name ring name Sammy Sane at NXT.
– WWE taped 5 episodes of NXT on Thursday night from Full Sail University, including a “Clash of the Champions” episode featuring all title matches.
– Thursday night’s tapings featured many more WWE talents than usual, including Chris Jericho, The Shield, Wade Barrett, AJ Lee, Kaitlyn and Naomi. WWE Hall of Famer Harley Race was also in attendance.
Here are some Tweets from various WWE talents who were there:
Jim Ross: “We taped five, one #NXT broadcasts tonight in just under four hours. Hard work, some outstanding matches, full house. Thanks to all. #WWE Really fun night at #NXT. Young talents stepping up. Post WM29 call ups intriguing.”
Chris Jericho: “Had a great time at @WWENXT last night-what a facility! Killer fans too! Very good match w @WWEBrayWyatt…I predict he’ll be a champion soon”
Wade Barrett: “Thanks to the guys and girls @WWENXT. Overflowing with talent right now. Crowd @FullSail is one of the best I’ve ever known. Loud.”
Michael Cole: “Historic night @WWENXT. The stars of tomorrow are truly here! There are guys ready for major stardom on main roster right now. The best part about @WWENXT is the arena @FullSail and the nxt fans! It’s truly your show. Thanks for the support each month!”
William Regal: “A night to remember(Shalamar!)at @WWENXT.Thanks to @IAmJericho @WadeBarrett @AntonioCesaro and all the NXT competitors,staff and announcers