通过 Google Ads 吸引更多电话询单的 4 种方法

吸引更多来电对于业务增长极其重要,尤其是对于严重依赖电话查询的企业而言。如果您运行 Google Ads 是为了向新客户展示您的业务,您可能会想知道如何不仅能增加点击量,还能增加电话询单量。

在本文中,我们将讨论使用 Google Ads 为您的企业带来来电的四种不同方式,以及如何跟踪广告系列中的来电转化情况,以便了解哪种方式最有效。

通过 Google Ads 提高来电转化率的 4 种方法

您可以通过四种主要方式使用 Google Ads 为您的企业吸引来电:

  1. 使用资源素材,在资源素材添加电话号码
  2. 使用来电广告
  3. 优化您的广告以吸引来电
  4. 微调您的着陆页(并添加通话按钮)


1、将通话素材资源添加到 Google Ads

向 Google Ads 广告添加通话素材资源可以显着提高广告效果,尤其是对于依赖通话的企业而言。这允许您的广告显示您的电话号码或包含通话按钮。


  1. 登录您的 Google Ads 帐户:转到 Google Ads 主页 ( https://ads.google.com ) 并登录您的帐户。
  2. 单击广告和资产:要将通话资产添加到您的广告中,只需将鼠标悬停在您要编辑的广告上,然后单击铅笔图标即可。
  3. 滚动到底部。单击更多资产类型,找到“通话”并在此处添加您的电话号码。
  4. 保存更改:设置通话资产后,单击“保存”以确认更改。
  5. 监控性能:密切关注呼叫资产的性能。Google Ads 提供有关您的电话号码被点击频率的数据,帮助您评估此资产对广告系列成功的影响。监控通话资产效果对于优化您的 Google Ads 广告系列至关重要。Google Ads 将来电资产视为转化操作,从而提供有关广告在吸引来电方面的有效性的宝贵见解。这些数据使您能够将活动重点放在产生更多来电上。





  1. 在要制作“点击通话”广告的广告组中,点击“+”按钮添加新广告。
  2. 选择“来电广告”广告类型。
  3. 在“公司名称”字段中输入您的公司名称或强烈的号召性用语。
  4. 在“电话号码”字段中输入您的公司电话号码。这是人们点击拨打电话的号码。
  5. 撰写引人注目的广告标题,鼓励用户致电。
  6. 填写显示 URL 和描述字段。
  7. 确保在您的广告中包含清晰且有吸引力的信息,强调致电您的公司的好处。


来电广告和来电素材资源非常适合推动来电转化,但在使用 Google Ads 时掌握基础知识也很重要,这样才能获得最佳效果。

以下是您应该关注的另外四种Google Ads 策略:


了解目标受众是 Google Ads 广告系列取得成功的基础。确定理想客户的人口统计特征、痛点和动机。考虑年龄、性别、地点、职称、收入水平和行业特定需求等因素。利用这些知识来发现他们在搜索像您这样的服务时会使用的正确关键字。










着陆页优化是Google Ads 广告系列成功的关键组成部分,尤其是当主要目标是吸引来电时。确保您的目标网页用户友好、引人入胜,并在移动设备上突出显示可点击的电话号码,可以显着提高点击通话策略的有效性。

以下是使用 tel: HTML 代码通过可点击电话号码优化着陆页的分步指南。






要使电话号码在移动设备上可点击,您可以使用 tel: HTML 代码。此代码允许用户在点击电话号码时直接从移动设备发起呼叫。

电话如下: HTML 代码格式:<a href=”tel:YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER”>点击呼叫</a>

将 YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER 替换为您的实际电话号码。例如:<a href=”tel:+1234567890″>点击通话</a>





不要仅仅让您的电话号码可点击。更进一步,将号码直接无缝集成到您的 CTA 中。通过以这种方式合并您的号码,您不仅可以让事情变得更容易,还可以让事情变得更容易。您展示了您愿意提供帮助的意愿,即使对于那些在桌面环境中浏览您的网站的人来说,单击按钮的功能与在移动设备上的功能不同 – 在这里他们可以选择查看并拨打它。

如何在 Google Ads 中跟踪来电转化

您有几个选项可以有效地跟踪这些操作。一种选择是将它们配置为Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 中的转化,然后将转化导入 Google Ads。

或者,您也可以使用Google Ads 转化跟踪代码,该代码会在用户点击网站元素(例如电话号码、按钮或链接)时触发。需要注意的是,Google Ads 仅将这些互动记录为点击,而不是实际的通话或操作,本质上是衡量使用电话号码、按钮或链接的人数。

Google Ads 还允许您跟踪点击您的广告然后继续拨打电话的用户所拨打的电话。Google Ads 会放置一个转接号码,该号码会显示在您的网站上,任何拨打该号码的人都会被注册为转化。

使用以下步骤在 Google Ads 中跟踪来电转化:

  1. 转到 Google Ads 中的工具 → 转化。
  2. 单击加号 (+) 按钮创建通话转化。
  3. 选择“跟踪电话”。
  4. 选择“拨打您网站上的电话号码”,然后单击“继续”。
  5. 输入转化名称(例如“潜在客户”)。
  6. 选择“不使用价值”来跟踪通话价值。
  7. 选择“每个”来计算每次互动的转化次数。
  8. 配置可选设置,例如通话长度和转换窗口。
  9. (可选)启用“包含在‘转化’中”并设置归因模型。
  10. 创建转换并继续。
  11. 转到标签设置并选择“使用 Google 标签管理器”。
  12. 获取转化ID和转化标签。
  13. 在 Google 跟踪代码管理器中启用转化链接器代码。
  14. 在 Google 跟踪代码管理器中创建一个新跟踪代码。
  15. 命名标签(例如“GAds – 呼叫分机 – 所有页面”)。
  16. 将代码类型配置为“来自网站转化的 Google Ads 来电”。
  17. 输入要替换的显示电话号码。
  18. 粘贴转换 ID 和转换标签。
  19. 设置触发器(例如,“所有页面”)。
  20. 保存配置。

注意:请提供准确的电话号码和转化 ID/标签(在转化操作中找到)等详细信息,并根据您网站的具体情况调整设置。

开始通过 Google Ads 提高来电转化率

总而言之,通过遵循我详细介绍的策略,您不仅可以增加点击量,还可以培养客户对话。 来电资产、来电广告、Google Ads 最佳实践、优化的着陆页和精确跟踪的巅峰之作为您的广告工作带来了整体方法,产生了重要的见解和结果。

Keyword: 谷歌代投




  权限 建议主要管理者 一级经理帐户 创建子帐户、设置帐户预算 客服主管 二级经理帐户 帮助客户进行日常帐户维护 客服人员 客户帐户 日常维护帐户 客户


● 从一级经理帐户进入下面的子帐户;
● 点击 “我的帐户”下面的 “预算”标签,然后选择 “Reseller Order”,点击 “修改”来给帐户充值。


● 币种:请选择人民币作为支付币种。
● 时区:请选择北京时间。


● 登陆一级经理帐户
● 在一级经理帐户的控制面板上,选中你要移动的子帐户的二级经理帐户
● 在该二级经理帐户的控制面板上,选中你要移动的子帐户
● 点击“更改二级经理帐户”按钮
● 在“所有客户经理”名单中选择要移动的子帐户的目标二级经理帐户

● 点击“保存更改”


谷歌广告里面什么是 AdWords 编辑器?

所有广告客户(无论帐户规模大小)都可以使用AdWords 编辑器,但它特别适合拥有多个广告系列和大量关键字或展示位置的广告客户使用。
要下载AdWords 编辑器。


如何安装与使用 谷歌AdWords 编辑器?

要开始使用AdWords 编辑器,请参考以下步骤:

1. 下载谷歌AdWords 编辑器

Windows 或Mac,然后点击下载AdWords
AdWords 编辑器了。

2. 打开您的谷歌AdWords 帐户

接下来请下载您的AdWords 帐户:
1. 在您首次运行AdWords
编辑器时,打开帐户窗口会自动出现。以后您可以通过文件菜单 > 打开帐户来添加帐户。
2. 点击添加帐户。
3. 输入您现有的AdWords

3. 开始修改谷歌AdWords 帐户
1. 在树状视图中,选择要修改的广告系列。
2. 选择关键字标签。请注意,在选择其他标签时,数据视图中的信息会随之变化。
3. 在数据视图中选择一行。请注意,相应关键字会出现在数据视图下方的修改面板中。
4. 修改关键字、匹配类型、每次点击费用的最高出价或目标 网址。修改过的关键字在数据视图中显示时旁边会标有 Δ。

Keyword: 谷歌seo公司



动画图片广告 支持格式:GIF、JPG、PNG 动画图片广告 支持格式:GIF、HTML5、 1.动画长度和速度 动画时长必须在 30 秒以内 2.动画可以循环播放,但 30 秒后必须停止 3.GIF 动画广告的帧速率必须低于 5 帧/秒 格式 GIF、JPG、PNG 最大大小 150KB


方形和矩形   200 × 200 小方形 240 × 400 竖向矩形 250 × 250 正方形 250 × 360 三倍宽屏 300 × 250 内插矩形 336 × 280 大矩形 580 × 400 Netboard 摩天大楼   120 × 600 摩天大楼 160 × 600 宽幅摩天大楼 300 × 600 半版广告 300 × 1050 纵向 页首横幅   468 × 60 横幅 728 × 90 页首横幅 930 × 180 顶部横幅 970 × 90 大型页首横幅 970 × 250 广告牌 980 × 120 全景 移动设备   300 × 50 移动横幅 320 × 50 移动横幅 320 × 100 大型移动横幅 样式






广告中使用的所有图片都必须满足特定的质量标准。图片版式必须符合 AdWords 标准,并且不得使用模糊的图片。









为确保向用户投放密切相关且安全健康的广告,Google 在特定情况下会限制成人内容,图片广告不得包含任何面向成人的内容。




格式 GIF、JPG、PNG 最大尺寸 150KB


格式 1.91:1 最小尺寸 600 × 314


320 × 50 移动横幅 300 × 250 内插矩形 320 × 480 智能手机插页式广告(纵向) 1200 × 628 横向图片(适用于原生广告)


上传 144 x 144 像素的广告



Gmail 图片模板

图片尺寸规定:上传 [300 至 650 像素] x [300 至 1000 像素] 的图片

HTML5 广告模板自定义


Gmail 单项产品推广模板

上传 [300 至 650 像素] x [200 至 500 像素] 的图片

上传 [200 至 650 像素] x [50 至 200 像素] 的图片

可插入:YouTube 视频

Gmail 多产品模板

上传 [100 至 180 像素] x [100 至 180 像素] 的图片

可插入:YouTube 视频

Gmail 目录模板

主题图:上传 [200 至 650 像素] x [150 至 300 像素] 的图片

产品图:上传 [180 至 650 像素] x [150 至 300 像素] 的图片

可插入:YouTube 视频

Gmail HTML制作说明

自定义 HTML Gmail 广告是一个 ZIP 文件夹,其中包含了折叠式和展开式广告的所有文件。为避免出现问题,请仔细阅读并严格遵守以下格式规范。


1.整个 ZIP 文件夹:<1.25 MB 2.文件数量:<100 个文件 3.文件大小:<500KB


要制作折叠的广告,您需要向 ZIP 文件夹添加以下 2 个文件:
1.徽标图片(命名为“logo.png”、“logo.jpg”或“logo.gif”) 2.文本文件(命名为“teaser.txt”)


文件名必须为“logo.png”、“logo.jpg”或“logo.gif”,而且文件格式必须为 PNG、JPG 或 GIF。

1.徽标图片尺寸:< 144 x 144 2.文件大小:< 500KB 3.文件格式:PNG、JPG 或 GIF(非动画)


徽标图片在正常分辨率的设备上将显示为 50 x 50 像素的方形,但在一些显示效果更清晰的屏幕上,尺寸最高可达 144 x 144 像素。


文件名必须为“teaser.txt”,而且文件格式必须为 TXT。以下是格式正确的文本文件的示例:







  字符数限制 应添加的内容   广告客户 20 公司名称或域名。   主题 25 广告标题可以包含优惠信息、折扣率或吸引人的通告。   广告内容描述 100 广告内容描述可以是简短摘要或者号召性用语。 显示网址 32 该网址会在广告中显示。     着陆页 无限制 前导广告重定向网址 – 用作目标网址,即用户在展开的广告中点击“发件人的简短显示网址”即可跳转至此网址。您可以在此字段中添加静态点击跟踪网址。用户点击显示网址后就会跳转至该网页。


要制作展开式广告,您需要向 ZIP 文件夹添加 1 个 HTML 文件和 1 个图片文件夹:图片文件夹(命名为“Images”),包含展开式广告的图片文件HTML 文件必须命名为“index.html”


广告必须至少包含 1 张图片,最多可以包含 100 张图片。要在展开式广告中嵌入视频,请转至下面的视频部分。


每张图片的最高高度:1000px(注意:为确保最佳广告效果,包含所有文字和图片的整个广告画布的高度最好不要超过 650px。)

HTML 文件规范(技术详细信息)

网址:必须至少包含 1 个绝对网址(最多可包含 15 个),并且所有的特殊字符都必须进行编码(例如,空格、#)。

格式:通过标准 HTML 表格来控制版式,以确保在各类设备上的显示效果都一致。

跟踪:可使用静态跟踪网址跟踪外部点击。不允许使用展示跟踪像素和动态跟踪网址。如果您使用“Gmail 自定义 HTML 广告”模板,请务必在 index.html 文件和 teaser.txt 文件中添加要使用的跟踪网址。

标记:支持 HTML(采用 UTF8 编码)、部分 HTML5 标记(ARTICLE、ASIDE、FIGCAPTION、FIGURE、FOOTER、HEADER、MARK、SECTION、TIME、WBR)和部分 CSS(仅支持代码的样式属性,例如:‹div style="color: black"› )


动画图片:GIF 音频 iframe Flash

JavaScript:‹script› 标记会自动从广告中移除

样式表:‹link› 标记会自动从广告中移除


Keyword: 谷歌seo公司

Step into JITO Bearing’s booth at the 2024 Canton Fair to explore new market

Dedicated to crafting high-quality precision bearings, JITO Bearing offers a diverse range of products including hub bearings, deep groove ball bearings, tapered roller bearings, and more. Our products boast quality grades ranging from P0 to P6, ensuring exceptional performance in every application.

With dozens of invention patents and new utility patents, JITO Bearing leads the industry in innovation. Our bearings find wide application in automobiles, engineering machinery, agricultural machinery, forklifts, and beyond.

For inquiries, reach out to us:
Booth:9.3E01-02 & 19.2M05
Email: bearing@jito.cc
WhatsApp: +86 15865730123 (Ms Wang)
Website: www.jito.cc

Special report to NXZ on the first day

On the first day of the exhibition, we went deep into the XiBei Bearing Co.,Ltd. At the booth,the chief engineer Mr Li HongBin and the chairman Mr Li ChangSheng  from NXZ accepted a special interview and talked about the current location of NXZ Bearing and the next strategic deployment. In the future, NXZ will be a key member of the world's top intelligent  bearing manufacturing . The strategic direction is to further develop and deploy in specialized, high-level, refined and cutting-edge segments.

During the interview, the chief engineer Mr Li of NXZ mentioned: At present, NXZ includes medium, large and extra large top bearings, mainly supporting bearings in the main machinery field, focusing on hydraulic pumps (such as medium and large linear bearings and joint bearings), petroleum, metallurgical machinery and railway Locomotive supporting. It also includes construction machinery bearings, but the relatively large cement machinery bearings produced were not shipped to the exhibition site due to the long distance; hydraulic pump bearings are very popular in the United States, and mud pump bearings and fan bearings are also particularly popular in overseas markets.

For more info, welcome visit booth 3HA032 or send email to nxzjck@gmail.com or visit en.nxz.com.cn or chat via whats app 13895186937

Prototype Parts: How to Successfully Manufacture Them From Metal or Plastic

Have you recently come up with a product (or part) design, or do you have a new product idea that you believe will be the next big thing? If so, you’d agree that prototyping is a vital process in the product development process; it allows you to discover design flaws early and determine the fit and durability of the product.

But before you take the plunge with prototyping, a significant decision you likely need to make is to choose a suitable manufacturing method for your prototype designs. You want an affordable manufacturing process that offers a short lead time without compromising the prototype parts’ quality.

That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you successfully manufacture your prototype parts. This article presents four common methods for rapid prototyping and tips to help you choose the right one. It will also provide helpful design tips for rapid prototyping metal and plastic parts.

4 Common Methods for Rapid Prototyping

#1 CNC Machining

CNC machining has always been a popular method of creating prototypes. For example, as of 2007, when Apple was ditching polycarbonates for aluminum, they used CNC machines to create prototypes of the MacBook’s enclosure from a block of aluminum.

CNC machining is a manufacturing process that utilizes computerized controls to determine the movement of cutting tools and remove material from a workpiece till the desired custom part is made.

CNC machining offers an extremely tight tolerance of up to ±4 μm. Additionally, its broad range of material compatibility means that you can work with pretty much any metal or plastic, provided that you have them in blocks. (Related Post: Should You Use CNC for Rapid Prototyping? The Advantages and Disadvantages)

#2 3D Printing

3D printing and CNC machining are similar because they rely on 3D CAD models and computer instructions to create prototype parts automatically. But unlike the subtractive nature of CNC machining, 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process — it builds prototype parts from scratch by depositing materials in layers.

3D printing technologies include Stereolithography (SLA), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), all of which have a minimum feature size ranging between 0.25 mm and 0.8 mm. This size range is more than accurate enough for the vast majority of prototyping requirements.

#3 Urethane Casting

Urethane casting, sometimes referred to as vacuum casting, uses silicone molds to produce plastic prototype parts under vacuum. This casting process typically starts with the creation of a master pattern using CNC machines or 3D printers. Liquid polyurethane is then poured into the mold to create copies of the prototype design.

#4 Rapid Injection Molding

Rapid injection molding (RIM) is technically only a quicker version of conventional injection molding. Like urethane casting, the RIM process takes advantage of fast CNC machining to create mold cavities, allowing you to produce complex parts and features.

How Do You Choose the Right Manufacturing Method?

CNC machining, 3D printing, urethane casting, and rapid injection molding all offer several advantages. The right choice typically depends on:

  • The mechanical properties you hope to get
  • The volume of prototype parts you need
  • Your budget
  • Lead time
  • Material compatibility

You should opt for CNC rapid prototyping if you’re looking for a mix of quality, short lead time, affordability, and a wide range of material compatibility. CNC machining is also ideal for creating large volumes of prototypes with desirable mechanical properties. However, this subtractive manufacturing process is associated with material wastage.

3D printing eliminates the material wastage challenge in CNC machining and offers high-quality surface finishes. But it comes with the drawback of high cost and limited material options. 3D printing technology is only compatible with thermoplastics (such as ABS, nylon, PLA, ULTEM) and a few metals like tool steel, stainless steel, titanium, and aluminum. (Related Post: Aluminum Prototype Manufacturing: How do You Determine the Best Method)

Urethane cast and injection molded parts combine the structural integrity of CNC machined parts and the excellent surface finishes of 3D printed parts. They are also quite affordable, especially if you’re looking to fabricate large runs of plastic prototypes.

However, urethane casting and rapid injection molding usually have longer lead times than 3D printing and CNC machining. As a rule of thumb, you should use these methods if you’re looking to create 100 or more identical plastic prototype parts.

Tips for Rapid Prototyping Metal Parts

The following tips will help you with rapid metal prototyping.

  • Use CNC rapid prototyping for metal parts unless you have recessed features in your design that may be inaccessible by CNC machines.
  • Use 3D printers to fabricate prototypes with recessed features that would otherwise be challenging to create using CNC machines.
  • Design your cavities such that the ratio of cavity depth to width is less than 4, as this will help you eliminate excessive vibration and tool deflection during CNC machining.
  • Design your metal prototype parts with a wall thickness greater than 0.8 mm since thin-walled metals are prone to deformation during CNC machining.
  • Outsource the manufacturing process to a top-tier machine shop to save time and reduce manufacturing costs.

Tips for Prototyping Plastic Parts

Although 3D printing, injection molding, and urethane casting remain the most popular methods for prototyping plastic parts, CNC machining might be a better alternative for certain scenarios. For example, CNC machining is ideal if your design features tiny details or you’re trying to work with specialty plastics like PVC, PEI, and PEEK. (Related Post: CNC Machining Plastic Prototypes: Is It the Best Choice?)

Nevertheless, if you intend to use 3D printing for prototyping plastic parts, the following design tips will help you reduce costs and successfully manufacture your prototype parts.

  • Make bulky parts hollow, especially for non-functional prototype parts that you will use for visual representation.
  • Reduce support structures in your design since it uses more material and increases 3D printing time.
  • Choose a third-party manufacturer with state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, highly qualified technicians, and quality control experts.

Prototype Parts Manufacturing with Gensun Precision Machining

Gensun Precision Machining has been in business for nearly two decades providing high-quality prototyping services to many innovative companies. Our rapid prototyping services include CNC machining, 3D printing, rapid injection molding, and urethane casting.

Depending on the prototype design and volumes of parts you need to manufacture, we can help you determine which prototyping method to use and create the prototype parts you need.

Learn more about our rapid prototyping services.

>Dragon Pants

This Chinese Dragon Pants keeps a real structure thanks to a straight cut on the outside of the legs and loose inside.

It is sublimated with a multicolored Dragon pattern offering a multitude of pastel shades contrasting with the deep black fabric.

Details of the Dragon Pants 

• Material: Cotton and Polyester
• Reinforced seams: superior finish
• Machine washable at low temperature

Discover also the chinese pants in our collection of chinese pants. If you want to discover other Chinese clothing for men we also have a collection on our online store.

Transporting a CMI RS500B Soil Stabilizer Safely

Transporting a CMI RS500B Soil Stabilizer Safely

William Thomas / January 2021

We were hired to transport a CMI RS500B soil stabilizer from Wellington, NV to Oroville, CA. Jason, our most experienced oversize load transport specialist, was the one to process the shipment. He started by applying for shipping permits which take some time to acquire. While he waited, he processed the rest of the paperwork and fully insured the CMI RS500B soil stabilizer. After evaluating the dimensions and weight of the two tractors, Jason decided that lowboy trailers were the best to transport them. Lowboy trailers are very convenient when shipping oversized and extremely heavyweight loads. They are very stable because of their lowest off-the-ground option. Our heavy equipment transport specialists are familiar with the specifications of different types of trailers and what they are best for.

Loading The Soil Stabilizer

Eventually, Jason received the shipping permits and was ready to dispatch the shipment.  He contacted our drivers in Werrington, NV and told them where they would pick up the two tractors. Heavy Equipment Transport uses professional and highly experienced drivers. Our drivers are highly trained on how to handle heavy machinery when loading and unloading them. When our drivers got there, they were keen and very careful when loading each of the tractors. When the soil stabilizer was loaded on a lowboy trailer, it driver secured it with chains. Before calling Jason for dispatch, they put red flags on each tractor to warn other motorists to keep their distance.

Transport Your CMI RS500B Soil Stabilizer

Heavy Equipment Transport is always available for a quote. Fill out the form or give us a call now! (888) 730-2951

Start Quote

Delivering the Soil Stabilizer On Time

After they called Jason, he dispatched the soil stabilizer transport and advised them to use route US-395 N. It was safe and the fastest. Along the road, the two drivers constantly stopped to tighten the chains holding down the two tractors. After about 7 hours, they were at the drop-off location unloading the two tractors. Heavy Equipment Transport, we offer affordable, fast and reliable heavy machinery and equipment transportation services. 

William Thomas

Heavy Transport Specialist

Being able to lead a team of such talented logistics agents has been a wonderful experience over the past ten years. If you would like to know anything more about the heavy equipment transport services we offer, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

(888) 730-2951

Keyword: mining equipment

Where to Buy Gift Cards in the USA: The Top 10 Best Places

The use of gift cards for our daily transactions has successfully truncated the need for cash or even bank cards for many reasons.

Gift cards are simply digital assets in the form of gift vouchers preloaded with a certain amount of money which can be used to make in-store transactions.

Businesses have largely adopted the use of gift cards for their brands and this has in turn increased their brand awareness and sales revenue.

Gift cards also help users to make a good budget and stick to their budget in the store since the amount of money in the gift voucher is limited. 

In this modern time, you may not need to rack your brain trying to figure out the best gift item to get for your loved ones on their special occasions such as weddings, birthdays etc. A simple gift card of any good brand and a considerable amount will be the best gift you might get them. When they redeem the card in the store, they can get the gift item of their choice.

Research by Credit Summit has shown that about $21 billion go unspent every year. Truly, most people do not use their gift cards until they are misplaced or lost. 

However, gift cards do not waste, even if you don’t want to use them in the store, you can still sell the gift cards for cash or cryptocurrency on reliable online gift card trading platforms.

You can see that gift cards are real digital assets you don’t want to miss out on. Let’s discuss the many places you can buy gift cards if you are in the USA.

Best Places to Buy Gift Cards in the USA

There are two major ways to buy gift cards in the USA. You can either use physical stores or you can buy from online stores. Whichever route you choose to take, make sure you choose a reliable platform. Let’s discuss the most reputable places to buy gift cards in the USA.

A. Physical Stores:

1. Walmart: 

  • Walmart sells gift cards for many popular retailers, restaurants, and brands.
  • Physical and digital options are available.
  • Walmart discounts select gift cards during certain times of the year.

2. Target:

  • Target offers a variety of gift cards for retailers, restaurants, and entertainment.
  • Physical and digital options are available.
  • Target often runs promotions where you can receive a free gift card with a purchase.

3. CVS Pharmacy:

  • CVS sells gift cards for various retailers and brands, as well as their own branded gift cards.
  • Physical options are available.
  • CVS offers their ExtraCare Rewards program, where you can earn rewards for purchasing gift cards.

4. Walgreens:

  • Walgreens sells gift cards for various retailers and brands, as well as their own branded gift cards.
  • Physical options are available.
  • Walgreens offers full rewards for purchasing gift cards.

5. Best Buy:

  • Best Buy offers gift cards for electronics and tech-related purchases.
  • Physical and digital options are available.
  • Best Buy also offers trade-in options for old electronics in exchange for gift cards.

B. Online Stores:

1. Amazon:

  • Amazon offers a wide range of gift cards for various retailers and brands.
  • Gift cards are available in physical or digital formats.
  • Amazon Prime members can receive free one-day shipping on many gift cards.

2. GiftCards.com:

  • GiftCards.com offers a wide variety of gift cards for various retailers and brands.
  • Physical and digital options are available.
  • Personalisation options are available, such as adding a photo or custom message.

3. Raise:

  • Raise is another platform for buying and selling gift cards from various retailers and brands.
  • Physical and digital options are available.
  • Raise offers a price guarantee, ensuring you get the best deal on gift cards.

4. Cardpool:

  • Cardpool specialises in buying and selling gift cards from various retailers and brands.
  • Physical and digital options are available.
  • Discounts are available for select gift cards.

5. GiftCardGranny:

  • Giftcardgranny is home to over 1000 gift card retailers and brands.
  • It lists discounted gift cards of over 10,000 different gift cards.
  • It doesn’t charge any subscription fee or account fee.

Comparison Factors  Of The Best Places To Buy Gift Cards In The USA

A. Pricing:

Pricing is a major factor to consider while comparing or choosing the best place to buy gift cards in the USA. The prices of gift cards are slightly different in various stores, so you may want to compare and find out which store gives the cheapest price and go for it.

B. Availability:

Some of the gift card marketplaces have more gift cards listed on their platform than others. You may want to compare and contrast before you choose a particular store. 

C. Ease of Use:

An easy and simple user interface is the bedrock of every platform. A complex interface will make the platform very difficult to use. Choosing a marketplace that is easy to use will be to your advantage.

D. Shipping and Delivery Options:

Some of the platforms have the option of home delivery and varying shipping fees. If you want to buy a gift card from a platform, especially online, you should consider the shipping cost and the delivery options.

E. Special Offers and Promotions:

Do they give special offers and promos? Some of these marketplaces offer bonuses and some discounts in the form of promos. 

While comparing which platform you may want to use, you should also consider the probability of getting special offers and promotions.

Tips For Buying Gift Cards

1. Check For Expiration Dates and Fees:

To avoid buying an expired or fake gift card, always check the expiry date and the extra fees attached. If the card is already expired or the expiry date is near, do not buy.

2. Verify the Authenticity of the Card:

Verify if the card is authentic and original before leaving the store or before completing the trade. You can always confirm this by contacting the customer support of the brand or using any other means stipulated for such.

3. Keep the Receipt and Record the Card Details:

This will always come in handy, especially when you want to sell back the card for some cash. You may be asked to provide the receipt of the card. Also, recording the card details will save you in the case of theft.

4. Consider the Recipient’s Interests and Preferences:

This is important when you are buying a gift card for someone as a gift. Considering their interest and preferences will help you choose the best gift card brand for them. If she loves skincare products, then a Sephora gift card is the best shot for her.


Gift card gifting is the best way to express love to our loved ones. Also, our financial life, in general, has become easier with gift cards as people can now easily make a budget of how much they want to spend and stick to that budget, ending the inconvenient use of cash transactions and also giving them the power to choose their gift items by themselves.

There are many places you can buy gift cards in the USA, so you can make a little research based on the listed platforms and pick your best place.