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在北京时间9月10日的报道中,前NBA球星巴朗-戴维斯在电视节目《Straight Game》上分享了自己对已故篮球传奇科比·布莱恩特的看法和回忆。


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本系列文章专注于 Web API 之 “元语言”的三个关键领域:即 API描述规范、API发现以及 API文档。这些文章将涵盖所有这三个重要的趋势,并包括对这一快速发展的领域的一些关键人物的专访。

Web API 的下一阶段

虽然 Web API 的实现正变得越来越普及,但在工具方面还缺乏一些被广泛接受的标准,用以描述、发现,并且理解大量基于 API 的服务的意义。如何围绕着 API 的“元层面”对工具进行定义与实现,这方面仍然存在着大量的机会。



API描述规范 指的是以一种让人类与机器都可读的形式对 API 进行描述,包括 API 的实现细节,例如资源与 URL、表述格式(HTML、XML、JSON 等等)、状态码以及输入参数。在这一领域方面,有几个关键的带头者正处于前沿的位置。


API发现是指按照一些特定的条件(例如上线时间、许可、定价以及性能限制),寻找以及选择能够提供所需服务(例如购物、用户管理等等)的 Web API 的过程。目前来说,这一过程主要还是由人类驱动的,但已经出现了一些工具,试图将这一过程中的某些部分实现自动化。


“API文档”一直以来都是开发者所关注的内容,它定义了 API 请求与响应中所包含的词汇表术语的含义与使用方式。随着 Web API 的发展,文档也重新获得了技术人员的关注。基于标准API描述,接口文档可由 API文档工具自动化生成。

本文将对 Web API 元数据的这三个方面进行一次简单的回顾,并指出每个领域中的关键性工具与发展趋势。



API描述规范对于从 API开发到AP I文档的一切都至关重要。它们对API集成也至关重要,因为规范在入职过程中发挥着重要作用。API定义让开发人员了解如何使用API,而无需解析代码。定义良好的API规范还有助于确保开发人员的API实现是一致和可靠的。


  • 1.一致性和标准化,API描述验证API的所有方面,以验证它们是定义良好和标准化的。这种标准化有助于确保开发人员了解如何与API交互,减少学习曲线并将错误降至最低。
  • 2.改进协作,API描述规范化使不同的团队能够以尽可能少的摩擦进行协作。后端开发人员可以根据API定义实现API,而前端开发人员可以同时基于相同规范在UI界面上工作。
  • 3.自动文档,API描述规范化使 自动化API文档工具成为可能。此文档通常是交互式的,允许开发人员直接从文档中测试API端点。
  • 4.更轻松的维护和更新,当API需要更新或扩展时,定义明确的API规范使API更容易理解,从而更容易相应地规划更改。这有助于保证API与旧版本兼容,并有助于保持稳定的API版本策略。
  • 5.增强的测试和验证,API规范化描述通常用于 模拟服务器代码生成 和 API生成SDK ,从而使对API进行彻底测试成为可能。此外,API描述规范通常用于验证请求和响应,确保它们符合指定的模式。

描述 API 的实现

目前,对于 API 的设计与实现的关注主要集中于它的 API描述规范。如今经常为人提及的规范包括 OpenAPI 、 RAML 以及 API Blueprint ,但其实现有的格式可以举出长长的一列。这些格式各自采取了一种略有不同的设计方式,但在本质上都提供了相同的基本特性:以多种不同级别的细节对 Web API 进行描述。

最终OpenAPI被广泛认为是API规范的行业标准,具体原因,参考 OpenAPI vs RAML vs API Blueprint。


现如今,大多数设计方式都支持 API优先(即API-First)的概念。你首先以某种基于 XML、JSON 或 YAML 的元语言描述你的 API,并通过生成的 API文档(或文档集)自动生成一些实现方面的元素,例如服务端代码、人类可读的文档、测试 harness、SDK,甚至是包含完整功能的 API 客户端。

API 优先设计方式的一个例子是由 Apiary 所推出的 API Blueprint  API描述规范。它是一种基于 Markdown 的格式,目标是支持人类可读的 API 描述,同时 又保证它的机器可读性。在以下示例中,你可以看到一个单一的资源(/message),它支持 GET 与 PUT 两种方法。你还可以看到其中对人类可读的文本的支持,以描述操作该 API 的方法。

API Blueprint**** API描述规范示例


# Resource and Actions API
This API example demonstrates how to define a resource with multiple actions.

# /message
This is our resource

## GET
Here we define an action using the `GET` HTTP request method.

As with every good action it should return a response

+ Response 200 (text/plain)

Hello World!

## PUT
OK, let's add an update action and send a response back confirming the posting was a success

+ Request (text/plain)

All your base are belong to us.

+ Response 204

RAML 、 Swagger 以及其它一些类似API描述规范的工作方式也是大同小异。

在采用 API 优先方式时,你需要通过工具将设计时创建的元语言转换为可以在运行时起作用的东西。举例来说,Swagger 的 codegen 工具能够解析描述文档,并生成相应的客户端代码。而 RAML-for-JAX-RS 项目则在 RAML 描述与通过 JAX-RS 进行注解的 Java 代码之间提供双向转换的功能。


支持代码优先方式的 API描述规范 为数极少,这种方式是通过源代码生成服务描述。不过,这一领域中最知名的格式 —— Web Service 描述语言(WSDL)在企业级应用社区中仍然相当流行,并且支持 WSDL 的工具为数众多,像微软的 Visual Studio 与 Eclipse 等常见的编辑平台都提供了对它的支持。

下面是通过 WSDL 对某个简单的 Web API 进行描述的一个示例。

HelloService WSDL**** 示例

<definitions name="HelloService"

<message name="SayHelloRequest">
<part name="firstName" type="xsd:string"/>

<message name="SayHelloResponse">
<part name="greeting" type="xsd:string"/>

<portType name="Hello_PortType">
<operation name="sayHello">
<input message="tns:SayHelloRequest"/>
<output message="tns:SayHelloResponse"/>

<binding name="Hello_Binding" type="tns:Hello_PortType">
<soap:binding style="rpc"
<operation name="sayHello">
<soap:operation soapAction="sayHello"/>


<service name="Hello_Service">
<documentation>WSDL File for HelloService</documentation>
<port binding="tns:Hello_Binding" name="Hello_Port">
location="http://www.examples.com/SayHello/" />

如果选择了代码优先方式,那么你就需要通过某些工具,将你的 _ 源代码 _ 转换为可重用的 API 描述元数据。Eclipse 与 Visual Studio 都可以一键实现通过代码生成 WSDL 文件。另外还有一些工具能够 _ 读取 _WSDL 文件,并生成各种实现元素。例如 SmartBear 的 SoapUI 工具就能够基于 WSDL 文件生成代码、创建人类可读的文档,甚至是进行构建与运行测试集等任务。

将 API 文档化

大多数 API描述规范 同样支持生成人类可读的文档,包括 RAML、Apiary 和 Swagger。实际上,开源的 Swagger-UI 工具就是以文档生成器而闻名的(见下图),甚至让某些人产生了一种误解,认为 Swagger 仅仅是一种用于生成人类可读的 API文档的工具。

有一些描述格式在设计时就专注于生成人类可读的文档,Mashery 的 I/O Docs 就是这方面的一个绝佳例子(见下图),它同时还提供测试方面的支持。

Mashery的 I/O Docs示例

"name": "Lower Case API",
"description": "An example api.",
"protocol": "rest",
"basePath": "http://api.lowercase.sample.com",
"publicPath": "/v1",
"auth": {
"key": {
"param": "key"
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Foo": "bar"
"resources": {
"Resource Group A": {
"methods": {
"MethodA1": {
"name": "Method A1",
"path": "/a1/grab",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"description": "Grabs information from the A1
data set.",
"parameters": {
"param1": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"description": "Description of the first
"MethodA1User": {
"name": "Method A1 User",
"path": "/a1/grab/{userId}",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"description": "Grabs information from the A1
data set for a specific user",
"parameters": {
"param1": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"description": "Description of the first
"userId": {
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"default": "",
"description": "The userId parameter that is in the URI."


不过,无论你的专注点是通过元语言生成代码,或是由代码生成文档(或者其它任何一种方式),API描述规范 只是整个创建与部署 Web API 流程中的一个环节的约定而已。这一流程中还包括另一个重要环节,就是了解有哪些“现有”的 API 与服务,以及怎样使用它们。为了实现这一环节,你需要去 发现这些 API。

发现现实世界中的 API

API发现是指定位某个能够完成特定任务所必须的 Web API 的能力。举例来说,你可能需要某个 Web API,以实现 在线搜索、在线支付、管理用户帐号或处理 在线客服 平台上的请求的功能。在实际应用中,你应当能够以最小的代价发起一次搜索、找到符合你需求的 API、获得访问该 API 的能力、实现对接代码并且开始使用该 API。发现公共的开放API的最有效方法是通过 API平台,发现私有API的最有效方法是企业API管理平台。


在讨论 API 发现时,我们通常所指的是 应用程序编程接口 (理解API是什么?)与一个实际 “运行中”的服务这两者之一。对于前一种情况来说,所讨论的内容只是一个接口,我们将用这个接口设计、实现以及部署属于自己的服务。而对后一种情况来说,我们所指的是某个现有的服务实例本身,你可以远程连接到这个服务中,并立即开始使用。由于这两种情况所面临的困难以及所产生的好处各不相同,因此应当通过示例进行一些考查。

API Commons

如果你所寻找的只是一种已经发布的 API 规范,并且能够自己完成它的实现,那么 API Commons 是一个很好的资源。API Commons 的目的在于“为 API 规范、接口以及数据模型提供一种简单而透明的机制,让用户能够以协作的方式共享无版权归属的设计”。打个比方,如果你已经设计了一种 API,并且乐于将它的设计分享给他人,让他们利用你设计的模型实现自己的服务,你就可以将自己的模型发布在 API Commons 上,并鼓励其他人使用。

另一方面,如果你打算实现某个 API,而又想知道是否已经有人处理了相同的问题,那么你可以 API Commons 中进行一番搜索,看看有没有什么现成的设计可以使用。这种发布 / 订阅模式能够促使相似的服务重用相同的接口,而无需与参与者之间讨论协作的细节。在最理想的情况下,如果某个 API 调用者需要使用 API Commons 上所注册的某个 API 的设计,那么他也应当能够使用实现了相同设计的任何一种服务。

API Commons 的运维模式得到了 Creative Commons 的启发,目前由 Kin Lane 与 Steve Willmott 负责维护。


在多数情况下,当人们谈及 API发现时,他们所指的其实是发现某个能够利用的 _ 运行实例 _,即某个可用的服务。目前已经出现了一定数量的服务,它们将追踪实际的可用服务,并且大多数这种服务都是设计为人类可读的搜索引擎。其中最著名的一个例子就是 幂简集成 的 API Hub(见下图)


  • 搜索能够满足你的条件的服务
  • 对于看起来能够满足你需求的 API 进行评估
  • 参与该服务的接入过程,以及最后一条
  • 编写你的 API 调用代码,以匹配你所选择的服务的 API

你所选择的服务有可能会支持一种或多种我们已在上文中涵盖的 API 描述语言,这将简化你创建对应的 API 调用代码的工作。

这种发现服务有一个潜在的缺点,那就是并非所有的服务目录都经过了认真地审查(某些目录要依赖于“手动注册过程”)。你在这一过程中可能会找到一些有问题的 API,它们或许不支持你所需的协议或格式,并且不再更新、或者无法满足你在性能与许可方面的需求,等等。此外,如果你打算使用多个公共的开放API,那么整个搜索、评估、接入以及接口生成循环可能会显得相当冗长。


除此之外,还存在着另一种类型的 API 发现方式,即 API 聚合器。这些聚合器就如同一个或多个现有 web service 的某种代理,并提供一个单一的、统一的 API,方便你进行编码。这方面的一个例子是 Intel 的 Mashery API Network 。

如果你计划调用多个第三方的 Web API,那么聚合器能够让你在接入以及 API 整合方面所需付出的精力大大减少。聚合服务能够调用后端的 API 并进行正规化、管理你的访问密钥、某些服务甚至能够为你提供一个自定义的 API,通过它简化在每个第三方 API 中共享关联数据的任务。


人们还可以以另一种方式来看待这些 API 发现服务,即将其视为一种可配置的本地服务发现引擎。这种发现引擎只存在于某个公司的边界范围之内,并处理寻找以及连接到一或多个运行中的服务实例的工作,例如某个数据存储或业务组件。最近几年来,这种方式正在不断地发展中,这方面的例子包括 Apache Zookeeper 、HashiCorp 的 Consul 、以及 CoreOS 的 etcd 等等。



通过 APIs.io 与 APIs.json 实现 Web 规模的发现功能

与 API 的单一资源集合相对的是 APIs.io 的 分布式搜索概念,APIs.io 是由 3Scale 与来自 API Evangelist 的 Kin Lane 共同合作的成果。它是一种典型的搜索引擎,它本身并不负责 托管API 文档,而是跟踪互联网上找到的所有发现文件,并为这些文件中的数据提供一个搜索界面。

这些发现文件都是以一种名为 APIs.json 的格式所生成的。与 API 描述文档不同,APIs.json 文件并不包含可用的 URL、表述形式以及响应代码的详细信息,而是包含了指向这些描述文档位置的 _ 指针 _,以及指向服务条款、许可、联系方式以及其它相关数据的指针。

这一格式出现的时间很短,但它或许能够提供一种“粘合剂”,将 API 的描述与其它数据连接至一个单一的位置。由于这一格式也是机器可读的,因此它或许能够帮助搜索功能、甚至是 Web API 的上线细节实现自动化。


API 描述与 API 发现的共同目标是简化构建与定位 Web API 的工作,但它们将大量的精力都专注于低层面的实现细节中,例如如何描述协议方法、返回代码以及响应的格式。对于编写实际代码来说,它们固然非常重要,但有时仍不足以实现 _ 设计 _ 优秀 API 的任务。由于它们的多数设计方式都专注于实现细节,因此往往只能描述某个运行中的服务的 _ 单一实例 _(或镜像集群)的特性。



在 API 元服务的开发中的一个最新趋势是创建与共享 API文档信息的想法。与描述文档不同,文档提供了一个更高层次的视图,它描述了 API 所支持的功能,在有些情况下还能够描述客户端与服务器如何以一种机器可读的方式暴露它们的特性。

Web 文档的历史简介

Web 文档的出现已经有很长一段时间了,在 1999 年出现的 HTML 4.01 规范中就引入了文档这一属性。元数据文档可以定义为 a) 一个全局唯一的名称 (URI),或 b) 指向一个实际文档的链接(URL)。它的设计理念是让文档的作者得以为响应中的内容提供额外的描述性信息(例如文档的实用索引属性、服务条款等等)。

在2003 年, Tantek Çelik 定义了 XHTML 元数据文档(XMDP)。XMDP 支持定义同时实现人类可读与机器可读的文档档案(是不是听上去有点熟悉?),这种文档实际上看起来与如今的 API 描述格式非常相像(参考以下示例)。

XMDP**** 的一个示例

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head><title>sample HTML profile</title></head>
<dl >
<dt id='author'>author</dt>
<dd>A person who wrote (at least part of) the document.</dd>
<dt id='keywords'>keywords</dt>
<dd>A comma and/or space separated list of the
keywords or keyphrases of the document.</dd>
<dt id='copyright'>copyright</dt>
<dd>The name (or names) of the copyright holder(s)
for this document, and/or a complete statement of copyright.</dd>
<dt id='date'>date</dt>
<dd>The last updated date of the document, in ISO8601 date format.</dd>
<dt id='identifier'>identifier</dt>
<dd>The normative URI for the document.</dd>
<dt id='rel'>rel</dt>
<dt id='script'>script</dt>
<dd>A reference to a client-side script. When used with the
LINK element, the script is evaluated as the document loads and
may modify the contents of the document dynamically.</dd>

遗憾的是,文档属性没有得到广泛的应用,并且在 HTML 5 发布时从规范中被删除了,只能通过其它方式独立地定义档案属性。

在文档属性从HTML 规范中移除之后, Erik Wilde 提出了 RFC6906 规范,定义了 Link Relation Value 这种文档,并注册在互联网号码分配局(IANA)中。Wilde 的想法是将URI 风格的文档进行标准化,通过一种不透明的标识符,“允许资源表述指定它们是否遵循了一种或多种文档”。

由于我们能够将响应的细节以文档的形式进行描述,因此人们开始不仅将文档应用于人类可读的文档,并且也应用在API 的响应中。在最近几年中也出现了一些URL 风格的文档实现。在本文中,我将介绍其中的两种:DCAP 与ALPS。


在2009 年,都柏林核心元数据启动计划(DCMI)发布了由他们设计的 DCAP 格式,用于描述文档元数据。DCAP 专注于支持资源描述框架(RDF)文档,它“定义了元数据记录,以此满足特定的应用程序需求。同时在全局定义词汇表与模型的基础上,提供了与其它应用程序在语义上互操作的能力。”

以下是 DCAP 文档的一个示例:

DCAP**** 文档示例

Description template: Person id=person
minimum = 0; maximum = unlimited
Statement template: givenName
Property: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/givenname
minimum = 0; maximum = 1
Type of Value = "literal"
Statement template: familyName
Property: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/family_name
minimum = 0; maximum = 1
Type of Value = "literal"
Statement template: email
Property: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/mbox
minimum = 0; maximum = unlimited
Type of Value = "non-literal"
value URI = mandatory

创建 DCAP 的原因是因为如今的表述格式(RDF)非常受限,并且过于泛用(例如元组),在这种情况下,DCAP 能够改进共享数据语义的能力。DCAP 的一个关键优势在于,它并不是直接指出在响应中使用了哪些术语(例如 givenName、familyName、customer、user 等等),而是指出这些术语是 _ 如何 _ 进行通信的。这种方式为创建可共享的在线词汇表铺平了道路。

目前已经出现了一部分与 DCAP 相关的工具,包括在线编辑器、验证功能以及 HTML 的生成器。但 DCAP 的使用主要限制于图书馆、信息科学与学术社区等领域,很少看到将 DCAP 用于业务相关的 Web API 中。


在 2013 年,Leonard Richardson、Mark Foster 与我共同发布了 ALPS 互联网草案的第一个版本。与 DCAP 类似,ALPS 同样借用了 XDMP 的思想,它为数据元素(例如 userName、userStatus 等等)与用例元素(例如 find-user 等等)都提供了元数据。

以下是通过一个 ALPS 文档描述一个简单的搜索 API 的示例:

由 ALPS 文档所描述的搜索 API

"alps" : {
"version" : "1.0",
"doc" : {
"href" : "http://example.org/samples/full/doc.html"
"descriptor" : [
"id" : "find-user",
"type" : "safe",
"doc" : {"value" :
"User search form"
"descriptor" : [
"id" : "userName",
"type" : "descriptor",
"doc" : { "value" : "input for search" }
{ "href" : "#userStatus" }
"id" : "userStatus",
"type" : "descriptor",
"description" : {"value" : "results filter"},
"ext" : [
"href" : "http://alps.io/ext/range",
"value" : "active,inactive"

ALPS 文档专注于接口层面的互动,按 Eric Evans 的话来说也就是边界上下文。ALPS 并不会处理一些实现方面的细节,例如协议(HTTP、XMPP 等等)、格式(HTML、JSON 等等)甚至是资源的URL。由于它无需关注实现细节,因此ALPS 文档能够作为API 设计工具的原始资料,以生成人类可读的文档,甚至可作为发现过程中的一个环节,帮助你选择一个合用的API。

目前,对于ALPS 最佳的描述是将其视为一个“不稳定的”规范,并且在网上关于如何使用它的示例也非常罕见。 Ronnie Mitra 设计了一个实验性质的 Rapido API 设计器(见下图)能够使用 ALPS 文档作为输入,而 Pivotal 的 Spring-Data 工具能够将 ALPS 文档的生成作为 API 构建过程中的一环。


虽然在 Web API 中使用文档的做法重新吸引了人们的注意,但这种技术到底是一种会逐渐消失的实验?还是会由此开创一个新的趋势,以专注于独立地定义 Web API 的数据与行为语义?现在下判断还为时过早。


在本文中,你对于 Web API 元数据的三个关键领域,即描述、发现及文档有了一个初步的了解。Swagger、RAML 以及 Apiary 等技术目前掌握着主动权,它们控制了 API 描述这一领域,而在这个发展良好的生态系统中还存在着一些其它技术。有一些工具能够通过描述格式实现代码与文档生成的自动化,并且围绕着几个关键的格式,出现了许多功能强大的工具集。

API 发现这一领域依然由以人类驱动的搜索与选择方式作为主导,而像 Intel 的 Mashery 这种关键的 API 聚合器依然是通过提供一种聚合的方式订阅远程的 API。而自动化的、基于配置的定位服务也正在逐渐兴起,以支持连接到企业级服务实例的功能。其中有部分方式或许将提供对基于互联网的 API 进行自动化服务发现的功能。

最后是 API 文档,它常用于图书馆与信息科学领域中,而它在与业务相关的 Web API 领域中也逐渐引起了人们的关注。目前出现的一些首创概念要么还属于实验性质,要么很少为人所知,但已经开始有一些 API 提供商开始支持 API 文档了。

Web 是一个充满活力的、飞速发展的领域,为了即时到来的时刻,不妨关注一下 API 生态系统中的这种“元层面”的思想,这一过程应当是充满趣味的。


Mike Amundsen是一位国际知名作者与讲师,他经常在全球各地旅行,就分布式网络架构、Web 应用开发以及其它主题进行顾问工作与演讲。Amundsen 在 API Academy 担任架构总监的角色,负责为全球范围内的公司提供服务,帮助客户与企业了解如何最好地利用由 API 带来的无数机遇。在过去 15 年间,Amundsen 编写了大量与编程相关的书籍与论文。他目前正在撰写一本名为《学习客户端超媒体》的新书,其中涵盖了构建能够充分利用超媒体 API 服务的客户端应用的常见方式。他最近出版的一本书是与 Leonard Richardson 合著的《RESTful Web APIs》,于 2013 年出版。Amundsen 在 2011 年出版的书籍《通过 HTML5 与 Node 创建超媒体 API》是在构建具有可适应性的 Web 应用时经常被引用的一本著作。他目前正在为 O’Reilly 创作一本新书《学习客户端超媒体》,在 2015 年秋季应当能够看到它的身影。

查看英文原文: Description, Discovery, and Profiles: A Primer

本译文转自 《API 描述、发现与文档入门》,译者:邵思华

Keyword: webp转换为png

The pros and cons of Kojic Acid Soap and how to use it!

Do you suffer from hyperpigmentation and pigmentation spots? And are you looking for products that will help you reduce pigmentation spots? Then you may very well have heard of Kojic Acid Soap. Kojic Acid Soap has become an increasingly well-known product for lightening pigmentation spots in recent years. However, there are still many misconceptions about the product and far from everyone knows the pros and cons of using it. In this blog, we explain exactly what Kojic Acid Soap does for your skin and how to use it properly.

What is Kojic Acid Soap?

First of all, it is important to know exactly what Kojic Acid Soap is. Kojic Acid is a particular type of amino acid made from natural fungi or fermented rice wine. This may not sound entirely appetising, but this soap is not dirty or unhealthy! Now we hear you thinking: why does Kojic Acid soap help reduce hyperpigmentation? It has everything to do with tyrosinase. Never heard of it? Understandable.

Tyrosinase is a particular substance that makes melanin, or pigmentation. Kojic Acid helps break down this substance that causes your pigmentation spots. As a result, your hyperpigmentation becomes less and less. Kojic Acid Soap can therefore be used not only for hyperpigmentation, but also for relieving scars and burnt skin.

The benefits of Kojic Acid Soap

Using Kojic Acid Soap brings a lot of benefits. It can be used anyway for various purposes such as scars, pigmentation spots and burnt skin. It is also recommended by several dermatologists to help with age spots. Therefore, the biggest benefits of Kojic Acid Soap are:

  • Helps and reduces pigmentation, scars, burnt skin and age spots
  • It softens and conditions the skin
  • It helps against infections
  • It helps and supports acne and acne scars

Kojic Acid Soap is a cosmetic product that you can either use on its own or incorporate into your daily skin routine. For example, Kojic Acid Soap is perfect to use in conjunction with a lovely body lotion or body shower gel.

What should you pay attention to when using Kojic Acid Soap?

Kojic Acid Soap is a safe and good way to reduce your hyperpigmentation. However, there are some important points to watch out for while using Kojic Acid Soap.

Risk of irritated skin

The first thing to check when you want to start using Kojic Acid Soap is whether your skin can stand it. Generally, people do not get an irritated reaction to the substances, but as with other cosmetics, it is important to always check whether you can stand it. Do you get irritated skin from Kojic Acid Soap? Not to worry. In our webshop, we have several other products that help against pigmentation spots, such as the Makari Glycolic & Rice Water Toner.

Your skin becomes more sensitive to UV rays

Another important thing to consider when using soap is your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Kojic acid actually makes your skin more sensitive to the sun because it blocks melanin. Melanin protects you from the sun when UV rays from the sun or tanning beds hit your skin. Melanin is therefore the reason your skin gets darker. Kojic Acid causes this melanin to be ”turned off”. We recommend leaving a few hours between use and contact with the sun. To strengthen your skin, you can also always use a body oil.

Beware of allergies

As with any kind of cosmetic product, it is always good to look at the full ingredient list if you have allergies. This also applies to Kojic Acid soap. Now, if it turns out that our Kojic Acid soap contains ingredients you can’t tolerate, we still have a huge range of products that also help reduce hyperpigmentation and pigmentation spots. For example, you can look at B.B. Clear Lightening Lotion or the Caratone brightening oil serum.

How do you use Kojic Acid Soap?

The most important thing when using Kojic Acid Soap is to apply it regularly. It can sometimes take months before you see results, but believe in the process! The soap is also very easy to incorporate into your daily skincare routine. The substances in the soap are known to create dry skin. Therefore, it is important to use a lovely moisturiser anyway to keep your skin nourished and moisturised like the Clear Essence Sensitive Moisturising Body Oil.

Kojic Acid Soap can be used in two different ways. You can use it daily like a real soap bar or lather yourself with the soap every other day. You can also use it as a spot treatment. By just rubbing the soap on the pigmentation daily or every other day. This reduces your risk of irritation and dry skin.

Kojic Acid Soap at A&F Cosmetics

As we told you earlier, it is not wise to expose your treated areas directly to sunlight. Therefore, we recommend applying the Kojic Acid soap mainly in the evening or at night. This will minimise your risk of irritation or sunburn. Would you prefer to find out more about Kojic Acid Soap or our other products? Then please get in touch!

Keyword: ecolchi haircare

Exploring Essential Tools in Surface and Underground Mining

Mining operations, whether on the surface or deep underground, rely heavily on specialized tools to extract valuable resources efficiently and safely. Let’s delve into the crucial tools employed in both surface and underground mining operations.

Surface Mining Tools

In surface mining, where deposits are accessible from the earth’s surface, specific tools are paramount for effective extraction:

Sinker Rock Drills: Sinker rock drills are indispensable for various drilling tasks, including horizontal drilling, anchor drilling, and concrete drilling. Featuring a D-type handle for manoeuvrability in tight spaces, these drills facilitate essential tasks in surface mining operations.

Lubricator: High lubrication demands in surface mining are met with ease by lubricators. Inline lubrication is recommended with pneumatic rock drills to enhance their longevity, ensuring smooth operations in surface mining endeavours.

Shank Adapter: Shank adapters and coupling sleeves with industry-standard thread configurations are essential components. They seamlessly integrate with hydraulic drifters, pneumatic drifters, and top hammers, offering versatility in surface mining operations.

Underground Mining Tools

In the intricate world of underground mining, specialized tools play a pivotal role in ensuring productivity and safety:

Pick Hammer: Lightweight and versatile, pick hammers are essential in underground mining. Equipped with a D-type handle for manoeuvrability and an air cushioning system to reduce vibration, these hammers navigate tight spaces with ease, enhancing operational efficiency.

Stoper Drill: Renowned for high performance and reliability, stoper drills are favoured by miners. Featuring a retractable stoper leg and adjustable feed, these drills offer exceptional control and durability in underground environments.

Jackleg Drill: Integrated pusher leg controls ensure safety and comfort during drilling operations. With enhanced durability and reduced impact pressure, jackleg drills are indispensable tools in underground mining endeavours.

Lubricator: Lubricators cater to the high lubrication demands of underground mining equipment, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of pneumatic rock drills.

Pneumatic Drifter: Heavy-duty pneumatic drifters are versatile tools suitable for various underground applications, including drifting, tunnelling, and production drilling. With a bidirectional rotational mechanism, these drifters offer ease of operation in demanding underground conditions.

In both underground and surface mining, these tools form the backbone of efficient and safe resource extraction processes. For quality mining equipment and solutions, contact Global Mining Equipments at +91 7604084406 or email us at marketing@gmedrills.com.

From surface to underground mining, the right tools are vital for successful operations. Sinker rock drills, pick hammers, and pneumatic drifters are just a few examples of the specialized equipment driving the mining industry forward, ensuring productivity, safety, and sustainability. Trust in Global Mining Equipments for your mining equipment needs.

Keyword: mining equipment

All You Need To Know About Amazon Gift Card

Gift cards are a great digital asset to have because of the different uses they provide. We may be familiar with some of these gift cards and how they work, but do you know about Amazon gift cards? Amazon gift card is one of the best gift cards in the gift card market because of the value it holds from the time of purchase and also its potential to enable you to buy any of your preferred products on the Amazon store.


Amazon is an online retail store that issues Amazon gift cards. This store is notable for being the biggest online marketplace in the world with almost everything you want available for purchase in the store. Some of the products and content available on Amazon store are books, electronics, groceries, video games, men’s wear, women’s wear, laptops, etc.

There are different methods of making payments for your purchases on Amazon store and one such is using an Amazon gift card. This may be important for Amazon buyers in sub-Saharan Africa where the Amazon store does not largely support bank transfers or credit card payments from this region. Therefore, an Amazon gift card will suffice to be the payment method for any product you buy on the Amazon store.

However, the denomination of Amazon gift cards varies and this would determine how much of products you can on the Amazon store. For instance, if you have a $100 Amazon gift card, you can only make purchases of products within $100 price, although you buy these products at discounted prices when you use an Amazon gift card.

What Are The Benefits Of An Amazon Gift Card?

1. Better Shopping Experience

Let us reiterate that Amazon gift cards enable you to buy products at your convenience in Amazon stores. You can make purchases from the comfort of your home and you will have the product delivered to you. Amazon gift cards give you this opportunity because it is one of the most preferred payment methods in Amazon stores.

2. Give Amazon Gift Card To Loved Ones As A Gift

Gone are the days when we bother ourselves to think about what to buy for our friends and family for their big day. Not to worry because Amazon gift cards can provide a one-fit-all answer to your concerns. As we all know that Amazon is the one-stop store for all kinds of products and content, regardless of the niche. So giving an Amazon gift card as a gift would be suitable.

3. Resell Amazon Gift Card

Every gift card has a relative resale value. You can decide to sell Amazon gift card for cash if you do not want to redeem the gift card for your use. It is common knowledge that selling gift cards is one of the viable ways to make money online. Also, Amazon gift card has one of the best gift card rates when you sell the card.

Types Of Amazon Gift Cards

There are two (2) types of Amazon gift cards, namely, physical gift cards and e-gift cards.

1. Physical Amazon Gift Card

This is a type of Amazon gift card that exists in rectangular plastic or paper form. You can get a physical Amazon gift card at both physical and online stores. These gift cards are available in the denominations of $15, $25, $50, and $100. But there are selected stores at which you can choose a variable denomination that would preload your card from $25 to $500.

In addition, it is conditional on physical Amazon gift card buyers to activate the gift card at the point of purchase before redeeming the gift card to avoid errors.

2. E-Gift Amazon Gift Card

This can also be referred to as the digital type of Amazon gift card. This is a gift card that you get via email when you buy from either physical or online stores. E-gift Amazon gift cards are readily activated before being delivered to you, so you do not need to activate them as you will do for physical Amazon gift cards.

E-gift Amazon gift cards have denominations that range from $25 to any of your preferred amounts and you have the option of customising the gift card to your taste.

How To Buy Amazon Gift Card

You can buy Amazon gift cards in two (2) major ways and which largely on your preference.

Online Purchase

This is the act of buying your Amazon gift cards on the internet and which would portend some level of convenience for you when you do so. This is the commonest way people use to buy not just Amazon gift cards but almost every gift card. You can buy your Amazon gift card online through the following:

1. Amazon Website

For those of you that are sceptical about buying your gift card online, the Amazon website is the safest place to buy your Amazon gift card. This is owed to the fact that you are buying directly from the store that issues the gift card and your purchase is 99.99% safe. You can buy both physical and e-gift Amazon gift cards on the Amazon website.

2. Other Online Retailers

There are other gift card trading platforms or online marketplaces on which you can buy your Amazon gift card. The only thing here is to ensure that the online retailer is credible and not a scam. In this regard, I will recommend Prestmit as one of the best gift card trading platforms in Nigeria and Ghana, by extension, Africa. You can safely buy your Amazon gift card on our platform and we will get your gift card delivered to you within a few minutes.

In-Store Purchase

This is in contrast to buying your gift card online. In-store purchase is buying your Amazon gift cards at physical stores nearest to you. Here, you can buy your Amazon gift cards at:

1. Amazon Bookstores

There are Amazon bookstores located in different places and you can be assured that you will get an Amazon gift card in these locations. Amazon bookstores are like the physical representatives of the Amazon store which is largely online.

2. Other Retail Stores

These are physical stores that products like groceries, electronics, books, and whatnot from which you can buy Amazon gift cards if they are into gift card trading. These retail stores are spread across the country and you can try to locate one that is nearer to you.

How To Redeem Amazon Gift Card

There are different ways to redeem Amazon gift cards, which is a function on where you want to redeem the gift card.

1. Redemption On Amazon Website

You can redeem your Amazon gift card on the Amazon website with the following steps:

  • Go to Amazon website
  • Create an Amazon account and log in
  • Navigate to “Program & Features” and click on “Gift Cards”
  • Click on “Redeem a Gift Card”
  • Enter the 14 characters of the alphanumeric code on your gift card and click on “Apply to your balance”
  • The value of your Amazon gift card will be added to your gift card balance

2. Redemption On Amazon App

You can redeem your Amazon gift card on Apple and Android devices through the following steps:

  • Open the Amazon shopping app and click the person icon to access your account information
  • Navigate to the Payments section and select “Manage gift card balance”
  • Click on “Redeem another gift card” to activate your gift card by entering the alphanumeric code of your card or scanning it

3. Redemption In-Store

The cashier at the in-store (Amazon bookstores or other retail stores) can help you redeem your Amazon gift card by entering the alphanumeric code on your Amazon gift card.

Amazon Gift Card Restrictions And Limitations

You must take cognizance of some factors when buying Amazon gift cards. These are:

1. Country Restrictions

Amazon store is headquartered in the United States and which makes its gift cards to be largely in US dollars. Notwithstanding, Amazon gift cards exist in other foreign currencies like the British pound, Euro, Turkish lira, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to use an Amazon gift card in any of these foreign currencies if the currency does not support your location of residence.

For instance, you can not use an Amazon gift card in Turkish lira in Nigeria because the user is outside the Turkish region.

2. Expiration And Fees

One major limitation of Amazon gift cards is that the card expires one year from the date of issuance. This means that an Amazon gift card can lose its validity of use after a year, although there is room for the revalidation of an expired Amazon gift card.

3. Gift Card Balance

You must have a sufficient Amazon gift card balance before you can use the gift card to buy products and content on the Amazon store. The amount of the balance you have determines the value of what you can access on the Amazon store. Also, you can not transfer the balance of your Amazon gift card to someone else.

What Are The Tips For Using Amazon Gift Cards?

1. Check The Gift Card Balance

You must ensure to check your Amazon account balance immediately after redeeming your gift card to confirm the addition of the amount of the gift card to your balance. You may encounter a zero balance error even after redeeming your gift card. So it is important to always check Amazon gift card balance.

2. Use The Gift Card Before The Expiration

Amazon gift cards do expire after one year of issuance, and you must understand. Therefore, endeavour to redeem and use your gift card before the expiration of its validity period. You can use the gift card to shop for different products, hence there is a wide range of options for you.

3. Combine Multiple Gift Cards

You can harness the values of your Amazon gift cards to give you a much larger amount on your Amazon account. This enables you to have an unlimited shopping experience on the Amazon store where you can always buy your preferred products or content.

4. Use The Gift Card On Amazon Prime Day

You can enjoy Amazon Prime Day by using your Amazon gift card to make purchases for your preferred products. Amazon Prime Day is known to have promotions that enable you to buy products at discounted prices while you save more money.


Amazon gift cards offer a wide range of benefits when you have one. While there are physical and e-gift types of Amazon gift cards, you can be assured that Amazon gift cards are never a waste. You can easily buy one if need be, although you have to understand the tips for using Amazon gift cards.

If you are thinking of buying a gift card today, I will suggest an Amazon gift card to you as it is capable of meeting your varying needs. Are you ready to buy an Amazon gift card? Buy on Prestmit today.

Best Swimsuits – Flattering Swimwear

Each summer I outfit my clients in the best swimsuits. Each one is tailored to my client’s needs and water lifestyle. Their activities range from kayaking and water slides to lounging by a pool they have no intention of getting into, but the requests are consistent: flatter my body. I have also been asked about minimizing tan lines, supporting the breasts, emphasizing the breasts, and general style wishes. Some of my favorite requests are for stylish, sporty looks for my more active clients. Below are the best swimsuits I have put on my clients this month. I will be updating this post with all my amazing finds throughout the summer.

Miraclesuit Crisscross One-Piece Swimsuit

This Miraclesuit Crisscross One-Piece Swimsuit is beloved by many women who desire the most slimming look possible. It is best suited for the less busty.

Sizing Tip: Runs small, order one size up.

Uniqlo Women Long-Sleeve Rash Guard

I adore this Uniqlo Women Long-Sleeve Rash Guard. It is as flattering as it is stylish. I will be using this for colder days in the water and sun protection on hotter water sports days. This suit is super thin and lightweight making it incredibly comfortable. I wear it without anything underneath, but I have recommended a white bathing suit top to my clients who want a thicker cover over their breasts.

Sizing Tip: Runs small, order a size up.

Trina Turk Flutter Bandeau Bikini Top

This Trina Turk Flutter Bandeau Bikini Top can be bad for tan lines on your arms, but it’s a great look. It hides inner arm issues and armpit fat. This top is available at Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale’s, and Dillard’s.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size.

Trina Turk Studio Solids Bikini Bottoms

The ruching on this Trina Turk Studio Solids Bikini Bottoms is fantastically flattering on your hips. These bottoms are available at Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s, and Dillard’s.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size, but I always like to compare with a size up when it comes to bathing suits.

J.Crew Plunging Halter Swim Dress

For those in need of a more conservative look, this J.Crew Plunging Halter Swim Dress is very flattering.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size, but order a size down if you want to compare two sizes.

Luli Fama ’Wavy’ Brazilian Side Tie Bikini Bottoms

I love Luli Fama ’Wavy’ Brazilian Side Tie Bikini Bottoms for their flattering behind. Bottoms with the ruched center seam create a perky shape for the bum and prevent drooping over the years. Bottoms without the ruched center seam tend to get baggy after years of chlorine, salt water, and washings. These bottoms are available at Nordstrom, Zappos, and Amazon.

Sizing Tip: I always order a larger size to get more front coverage. I make up for the larger size by tying the strings tighter.

Rye Oh My Bikini Top

This Rye Oh My Bikini Top is one of the most flattering and edgier bikinis this season. It makes your breasts look fantastic. This top is available at Nordstrom and Shopbop.

Sizing Tip: Runs a little small, order your usual size as well as a size up to compare.

Rye Oh My Bikini Bottoms

The sides of this Rye Oh My Bikini Bottoms are super flattering. They are available at Nordstrom and Shopbop.

Sizing Tip: Runs small, order a size up.

Becca ‘Color Code’ Triangle Bikini Top

The indigo shade of the Becca ‘Color Code’ Triangle Bikini Top is wonderful on all skin tones. The style of the bikini top is also flattering, sexy, and creates the least amount of tan lines, as well as the most flattering tan lines. This top is available at Nordstrom, Zappos, and Bloomingdale’s.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size.

Becca Color Code Tie Side Pant Bottoms

The Becca Color Code Tie Side Pant Bottoms in matching indigo are high quality with a nice thickness — and the side tie prevents muffin tops.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size.

O’Neill Highway Stripe One-Piece Swimsuit

This O’Neill Highway Stripe One-Piece Swimsuit makes your breasts look amazing and slims your torso. It’s great for a sporty, sexy look. This swimsuit is available at Nordstrom, O’Neill, Macy’s, Zappos, and Amazon.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size.

Vix Swimwear San Andreas Ripple Bikini Top

The Vix Swimwear San Andreas Ripple Bikini is very flattering. A tie bottom is always the most flattering option because it doesn’t cut into fat, and a triangle top creates the longest line for your torso.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size, but order a size up if you want more coverage.

Becca ‘Color Code’ Triangle Bikini Top In Raisin

This burgundy shade of the Becca ‘Color Code’ Triangle Bikini Top is so rich and unique. It also gives a little more coverage than other triangle bikinis.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size.

Becca Color Code Side Tie Bikini Bottoms

The Becca Color Code Side Tie Bikini Bottoms in matching burgundy are the same style as the indigo ones mentioned above. The string ties and thicker fabric are very flattering.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size, but order a size larger for more coverage.

Miraclesuit One-Piece Swimsuit

The Miraclesuit One-Piece Swimsuit is the best option for bustier women who desire the most slimming one-piece suit.

Miraclesuit Bell Rives Charmer One-Piece Swimsuit

I adore this fresh Miraclesuit Bell Rives Charmer One-Piece Swimsuit. It’s great for a busty woman wanting to have some fun with her swimsuit, while achieving a slim look. This swimsuit is available at Nordstrom, Zappos, and Amazon.

Tory Burch Costa Smocked Bandeau Bikini Top

Hate those string tan lines? This Tory Burch Costa Smocked Bandeau Bikini Top is great for a strapless look that stays put and gives you coverage. This top is available at Neiman Marcus.

Sizing Tip: Runs true to size, but depending on the coverage you want, order a size up or down to compare.

Tory Burch Costa Smocked Hipster Bikini Bottoms

These Tory Burch Costa Smocked Hipster Bikini Bottoms are another flattering option that does not involve tying a string. They are available at Bloomingdale’s, Shopbop, and Neiman Marcus.

Sizing Tip: Runs small. Order a size or two up.

J.Crew U-front Bandeau Bikini Top In Liberty Alpine Pasture

I love this J.Crew U-front bandeau bikini top in Liberty alpine pasture for laying out and preventing décolletage tan lines. The matching string bikini bottoms are almost sold out, but you can pair this with a solid colored green or navy bikini bottom of your choice, like Luli Fama’s Wavy Brazilian Side Tie Bikini in green, aka ‘armed and ready.’

Miraclesuit Breakers Sanibel One-Piece Swimsuit

This Miraclesuit Breakers Sanibel One-Piece Swimsuit is another great option for women who want coverage and slimming in their swimwear. The sweetheart neckline flatters so many body tops. This suit is available at Nordstrom and Zappos.

Sizing Tip: Runs small. Order a size up.

Keyword: high-end fashion

利用 Instagram API 开展业务的 11 种方法

通过访问 Instagram API,您可以跟踪标签、查看 Instagram Business 账户的表现、收集提及数据以衡量受众对品牌的态度、在网站上发布 Instagram 照片等。

在本指南中,我将向您介绍 Instagram API 的定义、常见用途示例以及如何使用 API 为您的业务带来好处。

什么是 Instagram API?

Instagram Graph API 允许您将自己的应用程序与 Instagram 的特性和功能连接起来。Instagram 企业和创作者可以使用此 API 全面管理他们在 Instagram 上的存在,包括查找提及、获取其他企业的基本数据以及查找有标签的照片。

为了保护数据隐私,Instagram 关闭了其公共 API,取而代之的是控制性和限制性更强的 Graph API。需要注意的一个主要变化是,你需要一个 Instagram Business 账户才能使用新的 API 收集数据。

“如果你是一个想在 Graph API 基础上进行开发的开发者,你会发现有一系列功能可供使用。一旦获得Instagram的批准,你就可以创建让用户更轻松、更有趣的应用程序。您还可以考虑将 API 与您的网站整合。

有了这个 REST API,社交媒体管理者们仍然需要第三方应用程序,允许他们能够使用自己的企业账户发布信息和进行互动,并分析发布信息的效果。因此,如果你想建立一个Instagram应用程序,现在正是时候。

Instagram 基本显示 API

Instagram基本显示应用程序接口可让您轻松访问Instagram的数据。您可以用它来获取 Instagram 用户的基本信息和相关数据(如评论、媒体、标签和 Stories)。它与 Instagram Graph API 的不同之处在于,它不是为企业管理其在 Instagram 上的存在而设计的。

Instagram API Key

与大多数开放式 API 一样,Instagram API 也要求你拥有一个独一无二的密钥,然后你就可以用这个密钥在你的网站或应用程序上访问 API 的特性和功能。

Instagram Graph API 将其密钥称为 “用户访问令牌”。您可以在访问 API 的过程中创建用户访问令牌。下面我们将详细介绍这一过程。

如何访问 Instagram Graph API

要访问 Instagram API,您需要准备几样东西:

  • 一个 Instagram 企业或创作者账户
  • 你拥有并运行的与该账户相连的 Facebook 页面
  • 一个 Facebook 开发者账户(以下是注册方法)
  • 一个已注册的 Facebook 应用程序,该程序由你拥有并运行,且已进行了基本设置(以下是如何设置 Facebook 应用程序的方法)

如果你已经拥有了这些,那么现在就是访问 Instagram Graph API 的时候了。

  1. 前往 Facebook 应用程序的 “应用程序控制面板”。
  2. 在侧边栏上,点击 “产品 ”按钮,旁边有一个加号。
  1. 点击 Facebook 登录产品卡上的 “设置”。
  2. 输入 Facebook 登录设置。确保所有选项都设置为默认。
  1. 使用 Facebook 登录文档,根据目标设备(iOS、Web、Android)在应用程序中实现 Facebook 登录。
  2. 在实现过程中,将其配置为请求这些权限:
  3. 返回应用程序,使用 Facebook 账户登录。确保同时登录了 Facebook 开发者账户。
  1. 点击 “确定”,为你的应用赋予之前设置的 instagram_basic 和 pages_show_list 权限。
  2. 全部完成!你应该会在屏幕上看到一个用户访问令牌。

然后,你就可以使用此访问密钥检索用户页面、Instagram Business 账户和媒体对象。更多详情,请查看 Facebook 的 Instagram Graph API 教程。


沙盒模式是一种测试环境,您可以在发布网站或应用程序之前测试 API 调用。

当您完成将应用程序或网站连接到Instagram API的过程时,您首先需要进入沙盒模式。这是使用 Instagram API 的必要步骤。您将有机会进行以下操作:

  • 确保 API 调用工作正常。
  • 让 Instagram 有机会审查您的应用程序或网站集成。


Instagram API 控制台


Any API 的 Instagram API 控制台就是这样一个例子。你可以使用这个工具对 Instagram API 进行实时 API 调用并进行测试。

接下来,让我们看看 Instagram API 的一些示例。


以下是 Instagram 应用程序接口的一些使用示例。

1.Instagram Stories API 示例: Insta-Stories.online

Insta-Stories.online使用Instagram API从Instagram公共账户中提取故事。您可以匿名浏览,无需登录。


  • GET /{media-id}
  • GET /{user-id}/media

2.Instagram 分析 API 示例: Minter.io Instagram 分析

Minter.io 的 Instagram 分析工具提供有关 Instagram 性能指标的数据。您可以用它将分析数据输出到各种界面,以方便报告。

Minter.io使用Instagram Graph API的以下功能:

  • Insights

3.Instagram 媒体 API 示例: Inflact Instagram 媒体下载器

Inflact的Instagram媒体下载器是一款适用于Instagram、Facebook、Twitter和Twitch的媒体下载器。它使用 Instagram API 让你从 Instagram 下载内容资产。

Inflact Instagram 媒体下载器使用 Instagram 基本显示 API 的以下功能:

  • GET /{media-id}

4.Instagram Hashtag API 示例: Instagram的Inflict标签生成器


Inflact标签生成器使用Instagram Graph API的以下功能:

  • Hashtag Search

5.Instagram Feed API 示例: Instagram 应用程序

App for Instagram 是一个 Chrome 浏览器扩展,它使用 Instagram API,让你可以直接从浏览器浏览你的信息源、DM 其他用户和查看其他用户的资料。

App for Instagram 使用 Instagram 基本显示 API 的以下功能:

  • GET /oauth/authorize
  • GET /{user-id}
  • GET /{media-id}

如何使用 Instagram API

6.在网站上添加 Instagram 照片。
10.用 Instagram 照片装饰物品。

现在,您可以访问 API,根据您的业务目标,您可以用它做很多事情。以下是使用 Instagram API(图谱 API)的几种方法。


如果你想知道如何营销你的业务,你需要知道你在哪些方面取得了成功,哪些方面需要改进。Instagram API 将允许你在整个平台上获取任何关于你业务的提及–无论好坏。




  • Insights


使用 Instagram API 查找特定标签的数据,从特定标签中提取图片,并实时发布到网站上。这对于向网站访问者推广社交媒体账户非常有用。


您还可以使用 Instagram API 查找自己或竞争对手的标签并评估其表现。



  • Hashtag Search


虽然我们不建议使用 Instagram 机器人根据用户使用的标签自动点赞、评论和关注用户–这违反了 Instagram API 的使用条款,也是让你的账户被关闭的好方法–但我们建议使用 API 为你的品牌找到合适的粉丝。

像机器人一样手动操作。但是,利用人类的推理能力,特别注意那些可以成为你的非官方品牌大使的 Instagram 用户。他们应该是与你的品牌互动最多的用户,在正确的位置,并且拥有自己的粉丝。他们可以向他们的粉丝推广你的品牌,进而增加你的粉丝数和品牌影响力。


  • Insights
  • Mentions


Instagram API 可让用户提取最受欢迎的内容,您可以利用它进行研究、收集营销见解或在网站上发布相关内容。



例如,TagFinder.com 使用 Instagram API 按城市或国家显示最常用的标签。拉斯维加斯的热门标签之一是 #LosAngeles,这意味着如果你想成立一家洛杉矶旅游公司,拉斯维加斯可能是一个极佳的市场拓展地点。


  • Hashtag Search


您可以设置一个比赛,鼓励人们拍摄您企业的活动照片,并使用 Instagram API 根据您设置的标签提取每张照片。您可以在 Instagram 和网站上展示入围的最佳照片。让你的受众通过点赞 “投票 ”选出优胜者。



  • Hashtag Search

6.在网站上添加 Instagram 照片

无论是否是竞赛的一部分,如果您想将您在 Instagram 上发布的照片添加到您的网站上,Instagram API 都能为您提供便利。您可以发布已有的照片,也可以设置一个照片流,在照片上传到平台时自动添加。

这些照片可以来自特定用户的账户或标签。你可以利用这一功能创建一个来自 Instagram 企业账户的照片库。这不仅有可能提高网站的美观度,还能宣传你的产品,鼓励网站访问者关注你的社交媒体账户。

还可以考虑使用 Instagram API 添加所有营销活动中的图片,包括粉丝和其他参与者的照片。


  • Hashtag Search
  • IG Media
  • IG User Media
  • User Media (Instagram Basic Display API)


由于可以根据标签和地理标签提取内容,因此还可以使用 Instagram API 监控活动或事件。通过查看照片,你可以了解用户对特定产品、服务或话题的反应。如果是与会者分享的活动,你可以通过他们的发言来判断活动的受欢迎程度。


  • Insights
  • Hashtag Search





  • Mentions
  • Hashtag Search


如果你需要打印 Instagram 上某个事件或标签的照片,Instagram API 可以帮你实现。通过配置 API,可以自动打印你上传的任何照片或以特定标签发布的照片。

您可以使用 Instagram API 创建一个有趣的拼贴图,将每天特定时间段拍摄并上传的照片拼贴在一起,或者在活动结束时将带有特定标签标题的照片拼贴在一起。


  • IG Media
  • IG User Media
  • Hashtag Search

10.用 Instagram 照片装饰物品。

将 Instagram 照片印制在手机壳、明信片和马克杯等物品上,进一步将照片带到线下。这是让客户脸上露出笑容的好方法。例如,给 Instagram 比赛的优胜者颁发证书,上面印有所有参赛者的拼贴照片。


  • IG Media
  • IG User Media
  • Hashtag Search


Instagram Graph API 为您提供了在 Instagram Business 个人资料上管理评论的高级功能。使用它可以隐藏或取消隐藏评论、删除评论、检索对评论的回复尤其适用于了解有关您的品牌或活动的长篇背靠背争论、回复评论以及禁用或启用评论。您不必再通过 Instagram 消费者应用程序来确保您的评论能代表您的品牌。


  • Comment Moderation

利用 Instagram API 实现更好的发展

Instagram Graph API 为您提供了 Instagram 日常用户无法获得的访问权限。作为创意企业主或营销人员,有很多方法可以利用它来发展品牌。请使用本指南,充分利用您的努力,让您的品牌成倍增长。


Children Kids Polyester Printed Flannel Fleece Blankets Custom

Basic Info.

Model NO.


Age Group

Anti-Pilling, Portable

Chemical Fibre Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Plain Color

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Hospital, Hotel

Transport Package
Sea Carton

on request



HS Code

Production Capacity

Packaging & Delivery

Package Size
50.00cm * 40.00cm * 55.00cm

Package Gross Weight

Product Description

Blanket MATERIAL Polyester ( As per your request ) STYLE Plain SIZE 80*130cm ( As per your request ) COLOR As per your request    MOQ 300pcs Small trial order can be acceptable. LOGO As per your request Printing, Flat embroidery,3D Embroidery,  Applique embroidery, Leather patch, Woven patch, Metal patch, Felt applique ect. , PRICE TERM FOB SHANGHAI Basic price offer depends on final cap’s quantity and quality PAYMENT TERM T/T/Western Union SAMPLE CHARGE Sample fee is free SAMPLE TIME Within 7 working days PRODUCTION LEAD TIME 30-60 days approx after pre-production samples confirmed, special time based on bulk quantity SHIPPING METHOD By sea or air or express, as per orders request SUPPLY ABILITY 200000pcs per month

Children Blanket Without Padding High Quality Baby Blanket

Basic Info.

Model NO.

Polyester / Cotton

Age Group

Anti-Pilling, Wearable

Baby Blanket

Knitting Method
Stitch Knitting

Printing Pattern

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Bath, Hotel

Transport Package


Y and P


HS Code

Production Capacity

Product Description

Dalian Duojia Trade Co., LTD established in 2003. It is a professional children’s wear company which combines of design, research, production and sales. The main products mainly include knitted children’s wear, matching with woven wears, woolen wears and so on.

Products are mainly sold to Italy, Spain, Canada and many other countries. Our company pursues the business philosophy of “customer first, reputation first, integrity and pragmatic, the pursuit of excellence”. The famous Italian brands IDEXE, CHICCO, Spain- MAYORAL and Canada-Gold Tulip/Amouire/All Navy have been established a long time cooperation with our company.

With high quality fabric and accessory at home and abroad, sincere service for customers, carefully design each product, deeply trusted and praised by customers, our company has already became the appointed supplier for some internationally renowned brands. The company’s annual capacity of kinds of baby clothes is about 3 million pieces. The annual export earnings is about 9 million US dollars.

Dalian Duojia Trade Co.,Ltd owns two professional garments factories which are Yingkou Yijia Garment Co., Ltd and Dandong Huijia Garment Co., Ltd. There are more than 400 experienced sewing workers now. Factories focus on “people-oriented”, all staff follow strictly the concept of “sincerity first”. With experienced professional technical personnel, international advanced equipment, closed production process and strictly product quality control system, we can guarantee the high quality of products.

Dalian Duojia Trade Co., Ltd wish to cooperate with foreign customers sincerely. We’ll provides high quality products and best service. We hope we can open co-existence, co-prosperity and win-win business model and create a better future together.