‘Too much of a hurry’: Hamilton owns up to Imola mistake

Lewis Hamilton apologised to his Mercedes team mates for mid-race mistake during the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix at Imola’s Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari on Sunday.

Hamilton had taken a surprise podium for the race in qualifying, but lost the lead at the start to Max Verstappen when the Red Bull muscled its way through at the first corner leaving Hamilton with front wing end plate damage.

But Hamilton was still in the running by the time the cars made a pit stop to exchange their wet weather tyres for slicks, although Hamilton wasn’t able to pull off the over-cut on Verstappen to retake the lead.

And then seconds later, Hamilton slid off into the gravel at Tosa, dropping to ninth place and seemingly out of the running for a podium.

  • Read also: RACE REPORT – Verstappen dominates in Imola, Hamilton scrambles to second

“I guess I was in a bit too much of a hurry to get by everyone,” Hamilton told the media after the race when recalling the nightmare events. “I was a bit unfortunate.

“There was only one dry line,” he explained. “I came into the inside and I could see it was wet. I was trying to stop but the thing wouldn’t stop and it sent me off.”

Hamilton was inadvertently helped by an accident for his team mate Valtteri Bottas who collided with Williams; George Russell just seconds later.

The debris from the incident forced a red flag stoppage which gave the Mercedes engineers the chance to make repairs to Hamilton’s battered W12.

“I’m really, really grateful that we got to get going again, and to get some points for the team is really important today.”

The interruption also gave Hamilton a chance for a mental reset, and when the race resumed he was rapidly on the march forward despite Imola being a narrow track at the best of times and not particularly conducive to passing.

“I didn’t know whether or not we’ll be able to overtake, because again offline was going to be wet,” he said.

“You don’t have time to dwell on it, so that’s what I did – got back into racing spirit,” he continued. “We still had some really good fun battles with all the guys.”

He made short work of the likes of Lance Stroll, Daniel Ricciardo, Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc, and finally dispatched McLaren’s Lando Norris to regain his second place.

“Congratulations to Max, he did a fantastic job today and just solid work from him,” Hamilton said. “And also to Lando, what an awesome job. It’s so great to see McLaren back up there.

“I was just trying to get over the gutting kind of feeling it is when you make a mistake, and just moving on from it and just learning from it real quick,” he added.

“On my side it was not the greatest of days,” he added. “First time I’ve made a mistake in a long time, but I’m grateful I was able to bring the car home.”

As a result of fighting back to second, and picking up the bonus point for setting the fastest lap of the race along the way, Hamilton retains the lead in the 2021 drivers championship by one point over Verstappen after two rounds.

However his team mate Valtteri Bottas filed to finish the race following his accident with Russell.

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Danse avec les stars, le casting moqué : Clara Morgane monte au créneau

L’aventure Danse avec les stars est bel et bien terminée pour la plantureuse Clara Morgane qui a fait son dernier tour de parquet le samedi 26 octobre 2019. Au terme d’un face-à-face avec Ladji Doucouré, le mannequin a vu le rideau se fermer sur cette expérience qu’elle a vécue comme un rêve. Invitée sur le plateau de Touche pas à mon poste (C8) le lundi 28 octobre 2019, la belle de 38 ans est revenue sur son élimination, jugée injuste par de nombreux internautes.

Même si elle aurait aimé rester un peu plus longtemps, Clara Morgane reste fair-play et déclare comprendre les votes des téléspectateurs. Elle n’hésite pas non plus à prendre la défense de ses camarades dont la participation a été remise en cause par les chroniqueurs de TPMP, Elsa Esnoult, notamment, que beaucoup estiment avantagée par la production. “C’est une star de TF1, après je ne dis pas qu’on doit être fan des Mystères de l’amour, mais en tout cas c’est une star de la chaîne ! La preuve, elle est très soutenue par le public et c’est pour ça que moi je ne le suis pas, parce que je suis beaucoup moins à l’antenne, notamment sur TF1. Les gens votent pour ceux qu’ils voient le plus !“, assure-t-elle avant de soutenir Yoann Riou, mais aussi Linda Hardy, actrice dans Demain nous appartient, et Azize Diabaté, acteur des Bracelets rouges, deux séries diffusées sur TF1.

Alors que les chroniqueurs présents sur le plateau commencent à hausser le ton, Clara Morgane insiste : “Ce sont des stars ! Certes pas des superstars, mais des stars dans leur domaine, et je trouve ça assez joli qu’on puisse mettre la lumière sur des gens comme ça.

Cyril Hanouna lui demande ensuite si elle regrette sa participation à l’émission de danse, question à laquelle Clara Morgane répond sans la moindre hésitation : “Mais c’est le bonheur de ma vie ! On ne m’a jamais rien proposé d’aussi incroyable ! Moi qui ai une véritable fibre artistique, pouvoir m’exprimer artistiquement sur TF1, y a pas plus beau cadeau !“, s’exclame-t-elle, un grand sourire aux lèvres.

L’animateur crée ensuite la surprise en questionnant Clara Morgane sur ses projets à venir, la jeune femme cite alors son cabaret, son calendrier, mais précise qu'”en télé, ce n’est pas encore concret“. Ce à quoi Cyril Hanouna répond immédiatement en lui proposant un rôle dans son émission La Grande Darka. Quelques secondes après, Clara réalise que la proposition est tout à fait sérieuse. “Ah c’est comme ça, c’est officiel ?!” s’étonne-t-elle avant que Cyril Hanouna ne confirme : “Oui je te demande officiellement, tu réfléchis“, conclut-il avant de terminer l’émission.

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Alain Chamfort : Honoré à 70 ans auprès de Sheila et Audrey Tautou

À 70 ans, Alain Chamfort ne chôme pas et la retraite semble encore bien loin. Avec un quatorzième album sorti en 2018, Le Désordre des choses, il enchaîne concerts et prestations.

Alain Chamfort a connu plusieurs vies. À 17 ans seulement, il accompagnait, dans l’ombre, Jacques Dutronc sur ses plus grands succès. Quelques années plus tard, Claude François le prend sous son aile pour en faire un chanteur à minettes, avec un succès réel, mais très bref. Il compose pour la star et publie plusieurs 45 tours en son nom. Dès 1976, le duo se brouille. Il racontera les frasques du chanteur du Lundi au soleil à Voici en mai 2018.

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Il faudra attendre 1979 et la rencontre avec Serge Gainsbourg pour le voir trouver son style grâce au tube Manureva. Là encore, il en a des choses à raconter. Alain Chamfort produit la jeune Lio. C’est le coup de foudre. Leur passion interdite ne dure que quelques mois et pour cause, il est déjà en couple, sa fille Clémentine est déjà née et sa femme est enceinte de jumeaux. Lio et Alain s’envolent vers Los Angeles avec Gainsbourg pour écrire les textes de Poses, le futur troisième album d’Alain Chamfort qui contient les tubes Manureva, Palais Royal et Géant.

Depuis, Alain Chamfort est devenu la star que l’on connaît. ll a été décoré Commandeur dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres au ministère de la Culture, par Franck Riester le mercredi 30 octobre 2019 en présence de ses amis dont Catherine Madar et Bernard Montiel. La chanteuse Sheila, le comédien François Morel, la danseuse Marie-Claude Pietragalla et l’actrice Audrey Tautou étaient également nominés ou promus.

Evangeline Lilly se rase la tête et dévoile le résultat !

En général, les gens se font surtout une coupe d’été, enlevant du volume pour moins souffrir de la chaleur, mais l’actrice Evangeline Lilly a fait plus original : une coupe d’automne. La star canadienne de 40 ans a surpris ses abonnés sur Instagram, samedi 2 novembre, en leur révélant qu’elle s’était rasé les cheveux.

Une coupe maison (tournez le diapo). Stop ou encore ?? Pour ceux d’entre vous qui suivent mon compte @thesquickerwonkers… vous savez déjà la raison“, a-t-elle écrit en légende de sa vidéo pour ses 2,4 millions de followers. Une référence pour les initiés qui connaissent son oeuvre littéraire The Squickerwonkers lancée en 2013. Sur le compte en question, on peut d’ailleurs voir l’actrice le crâne rasé, lire un livre à des enfants dans une école publique, à l’occasion d’Halloween.

Au lendemain de cette publication “likée” plus de 200 000 fois, Evangeline Lilly a posté un selfie d’elle, la boule presque à zéro. “Salut, c’est une belle journée“, a-t-elle sobrement commenté. Alors qu’elle était interpellée dans la section des commentaires par un internaute lui demandant pourquoi elle avait fait cela, la star a simplement répondu : “Parce que j’aime vraiment, vraiment ça.

La belle brune révélée par la série culte Lost, vue ces derniers temps au cinéma dans Ant-Man and the Wasp ainsi que dans Avengers : Endgame, est attendue l’an prochain dans le long métrage Dreamlanddagger réalisé par Nicholas Jarecki.

#homecut (swipe) Stop or keep going?? (For those of you that follow me on @thesquickerwonkers…you already know. )

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@evangelinelillyofficial reading #The PreShow at a local school for their Halloween Fair. #halloween #haunts #halloweenkids #halloweenreading #halloweenbooks #trickortreat #evangelinelilly

Une publication partage par The Squickerwonkers (@thesquickerwonkers) le

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Stéphane Hénon dévoile une amusante photo de son fils

Stéphane Hénon est un papa comblé. L’interprète de Jean-Paul Boher dans Plus belle la vie (France 3) a une fille prénommée Tina (18 ans, née d’une précédente union) et deux fils avec sa compagne actuelle, Isabelle : Milo (né en 2012) et son petit dernier, né durant l’été 2016 (et dont on ignore le prénom). Son second fils lui a d’ailleurs offert un moment assez amusant le 5 novembre 2019.

Sur Instagram, Stéphane Hénon a publié une photo du benjamin, le nez dans le réfrigérateur. “#quandtonfilschercheamanger #famille #dîner #bonheur“, a-t-il légendé son cliché. Amusés, ses abonnés n’ont pas hésité à poster des commentaires. Sa collègue Cécilia Hornus (Blanche) a par exemple écrit : “Tu ne lui fais pas à manger ????”

#quandtonfilschercheamanger #famille #diner #bonheur

Une publication partage par Stephane Henon (@stephane_henon) le

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Jarry, son long combat pour devenir père par GPA : “C’est une aberration”

Mercredi 6 novembre 2019, Jarry était l’invité de Ça ne sortira pas d’ici, sur France 2. Celui qu’on retrouvera prochainement dans Mask Singer sur TF1 s’est livré sans langue de bois auprès du sympathique Michel Cymes. L’occasion pour le comique d’évoquer sa vie de famille, notamment son long parcours du combattant pour devenir papa.

Je vis avec quelqu’un que j’aime énormément et j’ai deux enfants“, a commencé Jarry, avant d’en dire plus sur sa vision du couple. “J’ai besoin de sensations, c’est vrai que s’il me dit : ‘On reste à la maison…’ Pour moi c’est : ‘Pardon ? À quel moment en fait ? Ce n’est pas possible.’ Non dehors il y a des choses qui vivent, je veux vivre à fond, être heureux et surpris !“, a-t-il expliqué.

Plus tard dans l’émission, Jarry a raconté son parcours pour devenir père, lui qui a accueilli des jumeaux durant l’été 2016, d’une gestation pour autrui. “J’ai eu recours à la GPA, mais pas par choix. Au départ, j’avais engagé avec mon compagnon une adoption. Il faut savoir que adopter dans ce pays, déjà pour un couple hétérosexuel ça met entre cinq et neuf ans, pour un couple homosexuel c’est encore plus long. Mais en plus on vous donne des enfants comme ils disent ‘à particularité’. C’est absolument ignoble dans ce pays en 2019 de se dire ça. Comme je trouve que c’est une aberration, on a opté pour la GPA aux États-Unis“, a expliqué Jarry sur le plateau de France 2.

C’est très long, puisque d’abord on passe devant un juge. Il y a une enquête sociale qui est menée aux États-Unis qui dure très longtemps, il faut rencontrer des psy, des pédopsychiatres, séparément et en couple. On vous pose toutes les questions : si l’enfant est mort-né, s’il arrive handicapé etc. Des questions qu’on pose à aucun couples hétérosexuels. C’est avant que le juge donne son accord et après vous rencontrez des organismes, puis les donneuses et les porteuses“, a déploré l’humoriste.

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EU preparing quick response to India request for coronavirus assistance

European Union leaders said on Sunday that they were ready to mobilize and provide support to India as it endures a new surge in coronavirus cases.

“Alarmed by the epidemiological situation in India. We are ready to support.,” President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen tweeted. “The EU is pooling resources to respond rapidly to India’s request for assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. We stand in full solidarity with the Indian people!”


European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič tweeted, “Upon request for assistance by #India, we have activated the #EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The [European Union] will do its utmost to mobilise assistance to support people of [India]. Our #ERCC is already coordinating EU MS that are ready to provide urgently needed #oxygen & medicine rapidly.”

In a statement released by Steffen Seibert, spokesperson for the German federal government, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, “To the people of India I want to express my sympathy on the terrible suffering that #Covid19 has again brought over your communities. The fight against the pandemic is our common fight. Germany stands in solidarity with India and is urgently preparing a mission of support.”


The declarations comes the same day the U.S. government announced it would be providing support to the Indian government and Indian health care providers to stymie the spread of COVID-19 in India.

Several other countries have issued travel restrictions from India including Italy, the U.K., Canada, New Zealand and Indonesia.

India’s hospital system is currently battling an enormous surge in cases while also struggling to obtain needed supplies such as oxygen. Some hospitals have resorted to tweeting the federal government for aide. India currently has the second most infections in the world, surpassing Brazil.

A slew of healthcare experts have called on President BidenJoe BidenEmmer: Vulnerable Democrats who vote to raise taxes will lose in 2022 West Virginia to offer coronavirus vaccines to attendees of state basketball tournament US has started preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan, top general says MORE to lift export controls on raw materials needed to manufacture the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is approved for use in India but not in the U.S. The U.S. currently has tens of millions of AstraZeneca doses on hand, which experts have said would be best used as donations to other countries that need the shots.

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Capitol Police watchdog: Agency failed to respond to 'long-standing issues' ahead of riots

A government watchdog found U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) was supplied with aging equipment and failed to follow up on additional intelligence head of the Jan. 6 attack, according to a portion of a report obtained by CNN.

A summary of the report obtained by the outlet paints a picture of an agency that failed to act on various deficiencies that had already been brought to the attention of leadership.

“One thing that is clear from the report is that many of the problems that contributed to the 6th were long-standing issues the department either knew and did not address in time or did not address on a routine manner to prevent,” according to a summary from the Office of Inspector General within USCP.


The report specifically highlights intelligence from the Department of Homeland Security sent to the agency on Dec. 21 warning of online chatter discussing the Capitol tunnels. 

“The Department of Homeland Security notified the Department of a blog referencing tunnels on U.S. Capitol grounds used by Members of Congress and research of the website identified four ‘threads/blog topics containing comments of concern,’ ” according to the summary.

“The report identifies the website as https://thedonald.win and includes several pages of comments posted to the website.”

The excerpts obtained by CNN come as USCP Inspector General Michael Bolton is expected to appear before the House Committee on Administration on Thursday.

Neither Bolton’s office nor USCP responded to request for comment.

The summary also details that officers had been given aging equipment, with shields improperly stored at temperatures that rendered them ineffective and ammunition that had also expired.


Roughly 140 law enforcement officers were injured during the attack, and Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died shortly after responding to the riot.

The report also found Capitol Police responding to the attack didn’t use some of its less lethal options, like sting balls, which elicit a bright flash as they explode, dispersing rubber pellets. 

In all, the Civil Disturbance Unit responsible for responding to the attack was “operating at a decreased level of readiness.”

The summary lists 27 recommendations, including the need to “refine document reporting that better captures operational impact to include improbable outcomes based on intelligence, trend data, threats to members, and information analysis.”

The report is the second from Bolton’s office slamming “deficiencies” in the agency’s handling of intelligence leading up to the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol after issuing a report last week.

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Biden to offer 22K additional guest worker visas, 6K targeted toward Northern Triangle

The Biden administration plans to offer 22,000 extra guest worker visas for the rest of the year, setting aside 6,000 for countries where the president has pledged to address the surge of migration to the U.S. 

If finalized, the rule forwarded by the Department of Homeland Security is one of the few avenues to temporarily increase the number of legal pathways for those seeking to come to the U.S. without getting congressional approval.

The number is a substantial increase in the number of H-2B visas. These visas otherwise cap at 66,000 per year and allow people to enter the U.S. for seasonal work in industries such as tourism and landscaping.


Those from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, collectively called the Northern Triangle, would be able to apply for the 6,000 visas specially set aside.

“The H-2B program is designed to help U.S. employers fill temporary seasonal jobs, while safeguarding the livelihoods of American workers,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro MayorkasAlejandro MayorkasBiden to offer 22K additional guest worker visas, 6K targeted toward Northern Triangle Hillicon Valley: Apple approves Parler’s return to App Store | White House scales back response to SolarWinds, Microsoft incidents | Pressure mounts on DHS over relationship with Clearview AI Top House Republicans ask Harris for meeting on border MORE said in a release announcing the proposal. 

“This supplemental increase also demonstrates DHS’s commitment to expanding lawful pathways for opportunity in the United States to individuals from the Northern Triangle,” he added.

Nearly 85,000 of the 172,000 southwest border encounters in March were between U.S. Border Patrol and migrants from the Northern Triangle countries, compared with 62,000 with those from Mexico.

President BidenJoe BidenBiden overruled Blinken, top officials on initial refugee cap decision: report Suicide bombing hits Afghan security forces Jim Jordan, Val Demings get in shouting match about police during hearing MORE has pledged to spend $4 billion in the Northern Triangle over the course of his administration on efforts to boost the region’s economy and address violence and corruption.


Though Tuesday’s move is designed to increase legal pathways for those interested in temporarily working in the U.S., some are concerned major visa processing delays at the State Department — an issue exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic — will limit the impact of the increased cap.

“It’s certainly a welcome development and something that could provide a great deal of meaningful assistance to businesses and people in the Northern Triangle,” said Jorge Loweree, policy director at the American Immigration Council.

“But its impact remains unclear due to the fact that visa processing abroad still remains sparse following disruption from COVID-19 pandemic and the Department of State has not outlined a clear plan for moving forward,” he added.

Research released earlier this month by the Cato Institute found some 76 percent of consulates remain partially closed to visa processing, while a review of State Department data shows that this February employees processed a just under a third of the number of visas processed at the same time last year.

The proposal secured some Republican backing.

“Expanding the H-2B visa program will strengthen economic growth and help ensure our small businesses have the seasonal workers needed to meet demand,” Sen. Rob PortmanRobert (Rob) Jones PortmanHow to save the Amazon rainforest Biden to offer 22K additional guest worker visas, 6K targeted toward Northern Triangle GOP Rep. Steve Stivers plans to retire MORE (R-Ohio) tweeted.

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Texas nonprofit lands no-bid border contract after hiring Biden transition team member: report

A Texas nonprofit that recently hired a Biden transition team official landed a no-bid contract to help with the influx of migrant children at the border, Axios reported.

The contract is worth $530 million and is the largest contract awarded to the nonprofit Family Endeavors. The contract is worth 12 times more than the group’s annual budget, according to Axios

The Biden official involved with Family Endeavors is Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, a former official at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. During the presidential transition, Lorenzen-Strait advised the Biden-Harris team on Department of Homeland Security policy and staffing matters, the report stated. 


The crisis has emerged as one of the biggest early challenges for the new administration as waves of immigrants escaping poverty and insecurity in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras travel to the border. 

It as led to thousands of unaccompanied minors being taken into U.S. custody. 

The government contacted Family Endeavors last month to provide “emergency intake” services and “wrap-around care” services in a temporary facility holding migrants, Axios reported. Family Endeavors has never before received a contract from the Department of Health and Human Services. 

Axios reported that Lorenzen-Strait has previously run a consulting firm that advised companies on government procurement and that his LinkedIn page highlighted his experience with parts of the government dealing with child migrants: the Administration for Children and Families.

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