WWE Vintage Collection Report: 1st March 2009
By Shaun Best-Rajah.com Reporter
Hosted by: Mean Gene Okerlund
The WrestleMania Road Trip gathers pace this week, with a whistle stop tour of WrestleManias IV, V & VI. WrestleMania IV took place on March 27th 1988, at the Trump Plaza in New Jersey. WrestleMania V was held at the same location, on April 2nd 1989 and WrestleMania VI emanated from the Sky Dome in Toronto, Canada on April 1st 1990.
Footage from The Main Event on February 5th 1988 opens the show. “Crooked” Dave Hebner screws Hulk Hogan out of the title, in a match with Andre The Giant. Andre surrenders the title to Ted DiBiase. The Hebners fight and WWF President Jack Tunney declares the title vacant. This leads to the WrestleMania IV tournament detailed later in the show. Four matches are showcased today, with Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura handling commentary duties.
WWF Tag Team Titles
Strike Force vs Demolition w/Mr Fuji
Smash pounds away on Martel. Strike Force come back with cross bodyblocks and a double clothesline to Smash. Strike Force focus on the arm of both Demos for a bit. Smash catches Santana in a bearhug, allowing Ax to clothesline from the apron. Demolition isolate Santana in their corner for a while. Smash dishes out a suplex and slam. Each time Santana fights back, Demolition illegally switch to keep him in trouble. Santana clocks Ax with a flying forearm to enable the hot tag. Smash receives a backbodydrop, before Martel throws dropkicks galore and double axehandle sledges. Martel traps Smash in a Boston Crab. Ventura doubted Martel could turn either Demo over. Santana clears the ring of Ax, then throttles Fuji, who drops his cane. Ax whacks Martel with the cane. Santana accidentally bumps the referee, who has to awkwardly recover quickly to register the three count. A bit sloppy in parts, but new Tag Team champions nonetheless. This was the start of a year + reign for Demolition. WWE has piped in generic music over the “Wrecking Crew” theme, to save on royalty payments. Here Are Your Winners: DEMOLITION.
The Ultimate showdown from WrestleMania VI is quickly recapped. Ultimate Warrior dethrones Hulkamania, which then runs wild, stealing Warrior’s post match glory. Hogan clearly didn’t like sharing the spotlight with the Warrior.
In a WrestleMania VI Road Trip moment, Steve Allen mocks the Bolsheviks, playing bogus renditions of the Russian National Anthem backstage in a bathroom on a piano. Unfortunately, the Bolsheviks’ subsequent blink-and-you’ll miss it loss to the Hart Foundation isn’t recapped.
Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake vs Mr Perfect w/The Genius
WrestleMania VI. Perfect was yet to be pinned on TV at this point. Joined in progress. Perfect is bumping out of the ring off an atomic drop, and around the ring, following Irish whips and a clothesline. Beefcake calls for the sleeper, but Genius distracts the referee, subtly dropping his scroll, allowing Perfect to whack the Barber. Perfect hits kicks, punches, and a kneelift, talking trash as he slaps Beefcake around. Out of the blue, Beefcake slingshots Perfect into the corner. Perfect hits the ringpost before going out like a light. Beefcake pins him 1-2-3. Strange booking considering Perfect would win the Intercontinental Title tournament straight after WrestleMania. Great selling from Perfect as always, building heat and making the limited Barber look good. The Genius’ post-match hair cutting is edited out. Here is Your Winner: BRUTUS “THE BARBER” BEEFCAKE.
Before their WrestleMania bout, Slick tells the Rockers he’ll talk slow as they can’t think fast. Akeem tells them they’re going to feel the agony of the Twin Towers, while Boss Man promises a lesson in justice, the Twin Tower way.
Shawn Michaels calls this the biggest and possibly most dangerous match of their lives. Marty Jannetty says the Twin Towers can’t have what they can’t catch. They’ll have to deal with speed, quickness and the Masters of Motion.
The Rockers vs The Twin Towers w/Slick
Okerlund dubs this match as “might” vs “flight” beforehand. Joined in progress. Boss Man was really heavy at this point. Boss Man gives Jannetty a headbutt and running spike in the ropes. Akeem splashes him in the ropes, before the Towers crush Jannetty with a two-man avalanche in the corner. Jannetty ducks a charge, sending Akeem crashing into Boss Man. Jannetty crawls under Akeem to make the tag. Michaels connects with a dropkick and a mounted punch assault in the corner. The Rockers give Akeem three Irish whips and a double flying shoulder tackle from the second rope. Akeem slows Michaels down with a clothesline. Boss Man misses an ugly splash attempt from the top rope, landing on his knees. Boss Man catches a Michaels hurricanrana attempt, so Jannetty crouches behind Boss Man, to trip him up. Akeem receives a double dropkick, while standing on the apron. The Rockers slightly mistime a top rope double dropkick on the Boss Man. Akeem breaks up a cover, then tosses Jannetty to the floor. Boss Man catches Michaels in mid-air with a spinebuster, Akeem hits a big splash and the Towers win it. Good match, a little sloppy in parts, but the Rockers did their best to move the big guys around. Here Are Your Winners: THE TWIN TOWERS. Slick’s “Jive Soul Bro” theme has been dubbed over.
To set up the Main Event from WrestleMania IV, we see how the finalists made their way through the 14 man tournament. Ted DiBiase got by Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Don Muraco, while Randy Savage bested Butch Reed, Greg Valentine and One Man Gang.
Macho Man Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase w/Andre The Giant
As Savage comes out, Elizabeth shields her hands away from the fans. She doesn’t look comfortable out there. Andre trips Savage twice at the start to let him know he’s around. The crowd chant for Hogan. Earl Hebner’s refereeing. After some chain wrestling, DiBiase takes control with chops in the corner, followed by a clothesline and shoulder tackle. Savage thwarts a sunset flip attempt then delivers a clothesline of his own. Following commercials, Savage has absorbed some punishment, as he leaps over the top rope, snapping DiBiase’s throat down across it on his way out. A running knee to the back puts DiBiase on the outside. Savage goes to the top rope, but Andre stands in Savage’s path. Savage gets down and sends Elizabeth to the back. DiBiase takes control, with a series of fistdrops. DiBiase applies a chinlock, as Monsoon calls DiBiase “Hulkster” by mistake. Elizabeth comes back out with Hogan, who perches himself across the ring from Andre. Andre interferes again, so Hogan rushes around to punch him. DiBiase fails to put Savage away folllowing a clothesline, side suplex, gutwrench suplex and slam. Savage catches DiBiase up top, throws him off but then misses a top rope elbow. DiBiase applies the Million Dollar Dream. Andre slaps Savage away from the ropes, causing Hebner to get distracted. Hogan takes advantage by smacking DiBiase in the back with a chair. Savage hits the top rope elbow, hooks the leg and wins the title. This prompted the birth of the Mega Powers and a solid one year title reign for Savage. Good times. Pretty good match. Here is Your Winner: MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE. Post match sees Hogan give Savage the belt and fend off the heels by brandishing his chair.
Okerlund signs off to end the show. I’d have held off on WrestleMania VI until next week. By doing that we could have enjoyed some more of WrestleMania V (matches like Mr Perfect vs The Blue Blazer and Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage.) Never mind. The Road Trip continues next week, with what I presume will be WrestleManias VII, VIII and maybe IX, so I’ll see you then. Have a good week. Shaun.
Comments/praise/feedback/criticism/discussion points please direct to shaunmb1@hotmail.com.