Daniel Auteuil : « Marius et Fanny fait partie du patrimoine »

Deux ans après La Fille du Puisatier, Daniel Auteuil renoue avec un cinéma patrimonial, auquel il s’attaque tout en modestie. Pour son nouveau projet, Marius et Fanny, l’acteur-réalisateur souhaite dépoussiérer le genre, sans tomber dans les clichés.

Daniel Auteuil aime le sud dont il est originaire. Plus encore il aime les reflets dorés sur la Méditerranée, les accents qui chantent et les histoires intemporelles de Marcel Pagnol. Dans Marius/Fanny, il fait d’une pierre deux coups en adaptant les deux premières histoires de la trilogie marseillaise. Mais pour Auteuil, pas question de s’inspirer des réalisateurs qui l’ont précédé, Korda pour Marius, Marc Allégret pour Fanny: «Ne pas revoir ces classiques m’a, au fond, décomplexé, explique-t-il à Première. Je me suis fait ma petite grammaire cinématographique sur La Fille Du Puisatier et là, sur ces deux films, j’étais un peu plus rodé. Plus libre…»

Alors qu’il s’attaque aux chefs-d’œuvre du cinéma français, Daniel Auteuil a tenté d’épurer son nouveau film pour lui ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives. «Je me suis rendu compte qu’il ne fallait rien rajouter mais au contraire enlever, poursuit-il. Un peu de folklore justement, histoire de mettre en relief son universalité.» Plus concentré sur les dialogues, les échanges formidables de Pagnol, la théâtralité originale, Daniel Auteuil porte son Marius et Fanny au pinacle, avec deux protagonistes d’exception, Raphaël Personaz (Marius) et Victoire Belezy (Fanny), sans oublier Jean-Pierre Darroussin en Panisse hors pair, et, bien sûr, Daniel Auteuil, dans la peau du truculent César.

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«Marius et Fanny fait partie du patrimoine, analyse Daniel Auteuil pour Allociné. Mais je fais mes films sans faire disparaître les autres, avec ma vision d’aujourd’hui.» Marius/ Fanny, le parfait compromis des vacances. Surtout pour l’accent marseillais de Raphaël Personaz qui nous donne une folle envie de prendre les voiles…

M Pokora est en deuil

Alors qu’il est en pleine répétitions de la comédie musicale Robin des Bois, M Pokora doit faire face à une triste nouvelle. Il vient en effet d’annoncer sur Twitter que sa grand-mère maternelle venait de s’éteindre.

“RIP Mamie. This is not a goodbye… This is a see you later… # RIP # grandma” (Repose en paix Mamie. Ce n’est pas un au revoir. C’est un à bientôt.)

Très proche de ses followers twitter (il en compte 1 432 000), M Pokora a souhaité leur faire part de la triste nouvelle sur le réseau social. Il avait aussi procédé de la sorte en novembre 2011 lorsqu’il avait perdu sa grand-mère paternelle. « RIP grand-mère… Bon ben aujourd’hui c’est pas une très belle journée c’est direction l’est pour l’enterrement de ma grand-mère…bonne journée à vous », avait-il écrit.

Dans un documentaire diffusé sur NRJ 12, la chanteur s’était aussi montré très ému en parlant de son grand-père décédé en 2009 de la maladie D’Alzheimer. Il lui avait d’ailleurs dédié le titre Comme un soldat. « C’est quelqu’un dont j’étais proche depuis tout petit. Pour moi, c’était une façon de lui rendre hommage », avait-il alors déclaré.

Pour se changer les idées après la perte de sa grand-mère dont il était très proche, MP va se plonger dans le travail. A J-19 de la première au Palais des Congrès de Robin des Bois, la pression est en effet à son comble autour de ce qui s’annonce comme la comédie musicale de la rentrée. Et le bouche à oreilles fonctionne puisque 230 000 spectateurs auraient déjà acheté leur billet. Le Single Le jour se Lève s’arrache lui aussi dans les charts puisqu’il est déjà double disque de platine avec 115 000 exemplaires vendus.

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EU plans drone fleet to track migrants

Drones controlled by the EU will soon be flying across the continent under a European Commission plan to keep track of migrants arriving on Mediterranean shores.

The Commission says it needs its own fleet of remotely piloted aircraft systems to spot small refugee boats, as well as to enforce emissions standards and monitor ship safety elsewhere in Europe.

Advanced discussions in the Council of Ministers have centered on a request for an annual budget of €22 million to help set up the EU fleet. The plan is to fit drones with video, infrared sensors and chemical “sniffers” for detecting ships that pollute, according to a Commission official.

Europe’s existing satellite and transponder-based technology is useless for tracking the flood of refugees crossing the Mediterranean, said Christine Berg, head of unit in the Commission’s directorate-general for mobility and transport.

Satellite images can take minutes or hours to update, making the technology too slow. Commercial vessels are fitted with transponders, but the smaller, makeshift craft favored by migrants and asylum-seekers and the people-smugglers who often transport them are not. Europe’s drone-mounted cameras will monitor migrant movement during daylight hours, while infrared sensors will help track them at night, Berg told an industry gathering in Brussels.

Pilots will be located in Lisbon, at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), according to the Commission plan — though a number of EU countries are not happy with the details.

Negotiating documents show Germany believes it is “highly doubtful” that EMSA is the right body to operate the fleet because the agency has until now focused on ship safety, not migration. Germany is pushing for the fleet to be headed by EU border agency Frontex.

Berlin is also unconvinced by the proposed budget. The usefulness of drones “is in no way proportionate to the expected additional budgetary resources and posts,” German diplomats said during Council talks.

While there has been no outright government opposition to the creation of an EU drone fleet, there have been concerns, in Malta in particular, that the Commission is seeking to use Europe’s migrant crisis as an excuse for pushing ahead with the creation of an EU coast guard, a longstanding dream of European federalists.

Malta pointed out that the legislative proposals refer not only to drones but also to maritime safety, security, search and rescue, border control, fisheries control, customs, general law enforcement and environmental protection — meaning Brussels regulators will be given powers to meddle in all “coast guard functions.”

The proposal would give the Commission “unlimited discretion” to adopt recommendations that “may prove to be quasi-binding,” according to a summary of Malta’s position recorded in a Council document.

After encouragement from the European Parliament, the Commission agreed a decade ago in principle to the creation of a European coast guard. In practice, however, progress towards this goal has been slow because coast guard functions vary considerably from country to country.

With the EU institutions ostensibly practicing austerity and cutting administrative budgets, drones are one of the few growth areas in Brussels. The proposal has therefore created excitement among Commission officials, who see the fleet as a path to promotion.

The planned upgrade of EMSA is taking place in parallel to an upgrade of both the European Fisheries Control Agency and Frontex – all triggered by the migration crisis. The three agencies are supposed to cooperate closely, though there is no plan to merge them.

Confusingly, the Commission would like to enhance EMSA’s Europe-wide coast guard capacity while at the same time renaming Frontex the “European Border and Coast Guard Agency.” This renaming exercise has also met with opposition from a number of EU governments who believe the name Frontex is sufficient, and should stay.

Justin Stares is editor of maritimewatch.eu.

Commission expected to approve beer mega-merger

The merger was announced in November but has been years in the making | Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Commission expected to approve beer mega-merger

Companies will account for almost one in three of world’s beers.



The European Commission is expected to approve the €92 billion merger between beer giants AB InBev and SAB Miller early this week after the parties promised to sell-off a host of beer brands, according to people close to the process.

The takeover will create a global beer giant, bolting SAB Miller’s leading presence in fast-growing African and Asian markets onto AB InBev’s established might in the U.S. and Europe.

The companies now account for almost one in three beers sold in the world. The merger, which was announced in November but has been years in the making, would be one of the most valuable in M&A history.

To allay competition concerns from Brussels, AB InBev agreed early on to off-load SAB Miller’s Peroni, Grolsch and Meantime brands to Japan’s Asahi in a deal worth €2.6 billion.

But fearing that would not be enough to ensure the deal’s smooth passage through Europe, the world’s largest beer company last month offered to divest all of SAB Miller’s businesses in central and eastern Europe, including the popular Czech beer, Pilsner Urquell.

Margrethe Vestager, the European commissioner for competition, has until Tuesday to either approve the merger or open an in-depth inquiry, following an initial probe that has lasted almost two months.

The Commission and AB InBev declined to comment. SAB Miller could not be reached for immediate comment.

Nicholas Hirst 

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Coronavirus cases in Italy hit 447

Italy has 447 confirmed cases of coronavirus as of Wednesday, according to The Associated Press

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Earlier the same day, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the number of cases had reached 400, marking a 25 percent uptick in just 24 hours. The 47 additional cases were announced later in the evening.

Seven other European nations confirmed new cases of the virus overnight, including 80 new cases in Italy alone as of Wednesday morning, with a concentration in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto. The outbreak has killed 12 people in the country so far.


“The sudden increases in cases in Italy, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Korea are deeply concerning,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Wednesday.

A number of elected officials have self-quarantined to send a message to the public to limit travel in an effort to contain the disease.

Soccer games have also been canceled in Italy, and at least six universities announced Wednesday that they would cancel their study abroad programs there.

“In response, the Italian government has been taking swift action to try to prevent its spread,” a New York University spokesperson said in a statement Wednesday. “While we do not believe there is a pressing health threat to the NYU Florence community, the past month has taught us that countries may swiftly and unexpectedly make decisions that can significantly affect one’s ability to travel.”

EPA official's private response to Trump's water pressure claims: 'Sigh'

An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official in charge of the agency’s WaterSense program expressed exasperation to her coworkers after President TrumpDonald John TrumpThe Memo: Biden seeks revival in South Carolina Congress eyes billion to billion to combat coronavirus Sanders makes the case against Biden ahead of SC primary MORE criticized water standards for appliances.

Emails obtained by NBC News showed Veronica Blette, head of the WaterSense program, forwarding tweets highlighting remarks that Trump made to reporters at the White House complaining about the number of times toilets at the White House needed to be flushed, adding commentary to her coworkers such as “sigh” and “I can’t even.”

Other EPA officials at the WaterSense agency also reacted similarly, including one who wrote to a faucet company executive: “We don’t like faucets that only put one drop of water on my hands — LOL — the only ones I think of that might actually just drip are for Barbie doll play houses!”


Trump attacked the EPA and the agency’s water efficiency standards during a diatribe to reporters at the White House in December, when he said that White House staff were looking “very strongly” at the building’s plumbing.

“We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers, and other elements of bathrooms,” he said at the time. “You turn the faucet on … and you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out.”

He has also suggested at campaign rallies that some toilets need to be flushed “10 times.”

The EPA declined to comment to NBC on the emails, instead pointing to a December statement from a spokesman for the EPA who at the time said that it was working to “ensure American consumers have more choice when purchasing water products.”

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Delta, Hawaiian Airlines limiting flights to Korea as coronavirus spreads

Airline companies such as Delta Air Lines and Hawaiian Airlines will reduce and suspend some flights to countries affected by the coronavirus in an attempt to prevent further spread of the deadly infection.

On Wednesday, Delta confirmed that it would terminate all flights between Seoul and Minneapolis after Saturday until April 30. The company will begin diminishing the number of flights between Seoul and Atlanta, Detroit and Seattle to five times a week, according to The Associated Press.

Hawaiian Airlines will suspend flights between Honolulu and Seoul starting next Monday, which will also terminate flights through April 30. The CEO of the company said the decision to cancel the flights is necessary due to the rising number of cases of the coronavirus reported in South Korea.


As of Thursday, South Korea confirmed 1,766 cases of the virus, according to data from Johns Hopkins.

Delta, along with United Airlines and American Airlines has suspended travel to mainland China and Hong Kong until further notice due to travel concerns and a general lack of demand for flights to the area.

Numerous travel companies have been affected and forced to postpone or reschedule voyages that may put passengers in harm’s way. One of them is Booking Holdings Inc., the parent of travel search engines and booking sites such as Kayak and Priceline, said the virus had “a significant and negative impact across our business” in the first quarter, according to the report.

The company said in a statement, “It is not possible to predict where, and to what degree, outbreaks of the coronavirus will disrupt travel patterns.”

On Wednesday, shares for many of the significant airlines fell. Delta Air Lines Inc. fell 2.6 percent, while United Airlines Holdings Inc. lost 5.7 percent. Hawaiian Airlines parent company Hawaiian Holdings dropped 3.8 percent, and American Airlines Group Inc. sank by 3.5 percent.

Several airlines within Asia and the Middle East have also suspended due to concern over the outbreak, including but not limited to Korean Air, Japan Airlines, and Philippine Airlines.

Johns Hopkins data indicates nearly 82,000 people are infected with the coronavirus globally. 

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Watch: Michael Moore Downplays Bernie Sanders Heart Attack — 'Talk About the Health of This Planet That’s Dying'

Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore dismissed mounting concerns surrounding Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) health and age during a “Bernie’s Back Rally” in New York City on Saturday, declaring that he is “glad” that Sanders is 78 years old and arguing that he would rather “talk about the health of this planet that’s dying” than Sanders’ heart attack.

The Sicko director dismissed concerns over Sanders’ age — he would be the oldest president to take office if elected — and argued that he is “glad” that Sanders is 78-years-old.

“I’m glad he’s 78, and we will benefit for his wisdom and his experience and his knowledge and his love for the American people,” Moore said. “It’s actually a gift that we have a 78-year-old American running for President of the United States. You know why that’s a gift?”

“What has a 78 year old seen? Bernie has seen many of the things we’ve never seen,” the filmmaker said, naming pay raises, pensions, and the defeat of fascism and white supremacy.

The Oscar-winner also added that it is the Electoral College — not Sanders — that is old and outdated.

From there, Michael Moore pivoted to Sanders’ heart attack and dismissed all concerns related to the socialist senator’s health.

“Next thing they say,” Moore began — “they” being those who tout “false” narratives” about Sanders — “is what about his health?”

“How about we talk about the health of this planet that’s dying. That’s the health I care about,” Moore said before joining the crowd in chanting, “Green New Deal!”

“What about the health of the kids in Flint, Michigan,” Moore continued. “What about their health? Talk about that on cable news. What about the health of 40 million people who live in poverty?”

“The only heart attack we should be talking about is the one Wall Street is going to have when Bernie Sanders is President of the United States,” he said.

Germany, France pledge hundreds of staff to support Greece

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, pictured, and his French counterpart, Bernard Cazeneuve, wrote a joint letter to “stress the particularly urgency of such support” to Greece | Fidel Senna/AFP via Getty Images

Germany, France pledge hundreds of staff to support Greece


3/20/16, 4:09 PM CET

Updated 3/20/16, 4:28 PM CET

Eager to implement swiftly the EU’s migration deal on Friday with Turkey, Germany and France have pledged to send 600 police officers and asylum experts to Greece, according to a letter sent to the European Commission within hours of the conclusion of the summit in Brussels devoted to migration.

The agreement, which came into force Sunday, specifies that all migrants who land on the Greek Aegean islands face deportation to Turkey. For every Syrian refugee sent back, the EU will agree to take one currently in Turkey who comes from Syria. The resettlement scheme would start early next month.

As part of the deal, Greece was promised help from other EU countries. Later on Friday, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière and his French counterpart, Bernard Cazeneuve, wrote a joint letter to “stress the particularly urgency of such support” to Greece.

POLITICO obtained a copy of the letter, which was addressed to Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans and Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, who oversees the migration portfolio.

Both governments were waiting only for “the Greek authorities to specify their needs” to relevant EU agencies and were willing to deploy police officers and asylum experts “as soon as (Greece) will be ready to receive those additional experts,” the interior ministers wrote.

Each pledged 200 police and 100 asylum case handlers, which would account for a significant share of the additional staff that the Commission estimates is needed to implement Friday’s deal. The Commission said 400 extra “asylum experts” had to be deployed from other EU countries via the EU’s asylum agency EASO, along with 1,500 policemen.

France and Germany are “ready to offer technical assistance to Greece to strengthen the return procedures,” the ministers wrote.  “This seems adequate given the current situation in Greece, and it is in our view a way to express European solidarity,” they wrote.

Florian Eder 

Louisiana governor calls on judge to step down over using racial slurs

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) on Wednesday called on a state judge to step down after she admitted to texting racial slurs in messages.

Edwards said in a statement that the “state deserves better,” and that District Judge Jessie LeBlanc “has compromised her ability to preside as a judge, and she has damaged the judiciary. She should resign,” according to local news network WAFB.

LeBlanc admitted to using a slur to describe two black individuals, one who is a sheriff’s deputy and the other a law clerk in her court.


“They deserve an apology from me,” LeBlanc said. “I sincerely apologize to both of them for using that word … while I may have been upset, angry, scared, it does not excuse my actions.”

She used the slurs in a private message sent to former Assumption Parish Chief Deputy Bruce Prejean. The two engaged in a previous extramarital affair, according to the network.

The governor maintains his position that LeBlanc should resign.

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“The admitted and repeated use of racial slurs by a judge who has taken an oath to administer justice fairly and impartially is wrong, period,” Edwards said in the statement. “There is never any circumstance or context in which such derogatory and degrading language is okay.”

Baton Rouge NAACP President Eugene Collins said LeBlanc “should be removed from the bench,” warning that a demonstration will take place if she does not voluntarily step down.

Despite multiple calls for her resignation, LeBlanc asserts that she is still the right person for the job of district court judge.

“I know in my heart that I have done my job to the very best of my ability,” she said.

LeBlanc plans to run for another term for the 23rd Judicial District after her current term on the bench ends in December.