Ben Affleck-Jennifer Garner : qui est le plus riche ?

En dix ans de vie commune, le couple a amassé une fortune estimée à 115 millions de dollars. Qui a gagné quoi ?

Jamais très marrant, un divorce. Même si, dans le cas de Jennifer Garner et de Ben Affleck, il ne s’agit pas seulement de se partager dans la douleur quelques babioles, mais un joli paquet de dollars. Soit une fortune estimée à 115 millions de dollars, accumulée pendant leurs dix ans de vie commune.

Surprise : si la carrière d’actrice de Jennifer Garner compte finalement peu de grands succès mais quelques jolis moments comme Dallas Buyers Club en 2013, elle a gagné en une décennie largement de quoi faire bouillir la marmite. Soit la coquette somme de 40 millions de dollars, largement alimentée par de juteux contrats publicitaires avec Neutrogena et la banque Capital One.

Quant à son ex mari Ben Affleck, il a su sortir de la panade dans laquelle s’était enlisée sa carrière au milieu des années 2000 en se reconvertissant dans la réalisation. Avec des succès public et critiques comme Gone Baby Gone (2007), The Town (2010) et surtout Argo en 2013, couvert d’Oscars. Sans oublier sa participation à Gone Girl de David Fincher en 2014 et sa future apparition dans le blockbuster DC Comics Batman vs Superman dans lequel il succède à Christian Bale dans le rôle de l’homme chauve-souris. Résultat, 75 millions de dollars au compteur.

Pour l’heure, le couple a décidé de continuer à vivre dans la demeure familiale, un palais sis en Californie à Pacific Palissade de 817 m2, histoire de continuer à s’occuper de leur trois enfants sans trop se croiser.

Quant au divorce proprement dit, il semble se dérouler dans une relative sérénité dans la mesure ou le couple aurait décidé de passer les vacances en famille avec les enfants, dans leur résidence secondaire des Caraïbes.

Crédits photos : Dan MacMedan

Une soirée de soutien à John McTiernan au ciné Max Linder Panorama !

Une soirée de soutien au cinéaste John McTiernan, emprisonné depuis deux mois, est organisée au cinéma Max Linder Panorama de Paris. Au menu : la projection de trois de ses classiques, dont “Piège de Cristal”.

Ce samedi 25 mai aura lieu au Max Linder Panorama, à Paris, la première soirée de soutien au réalisateur John McTiernan, emprisonné depuis bientôt deux mois pour faux témoignage. Organisée par l’association Les Nuits au Max en partenariat avec le collectif Free McTiernan, cette soirée, première manifestation d’envergure consacrée à soutenir John McTiernan, sera l’occasion de découvrir certains des classiques signés de sa main dans une qualité exceptionnelle. Son chef d’oeuvre du film d’action Piège de cristal sera ainsi projeté dans une copie numérique 4K. En outre, la soirée sera marquée par diverses interventions destinées à informer le public quant à l’affaire John McTiernan, ses fondements et ses ramifications. Le réalisateur français Florent Emilio Siri (Nid de guêpes, Otage et, plus récemment, Cloclo) sera présent pour introduire la soirée.

Soirée de soutien à John McTiernan – projections de “Piège de cristal”, “Le 13e Guerrier” et “A la Poursuite d’Octobre rouge

Samedi 25 mai à partir de 23h – Cinéma Max Linder Panorama

24, Boulevard Poissonière – 75009 Paris

Places en vente au guichet du Max Linder : 15 euros la nuit (3 films + petit déjeuner + cadeaux à gagner)

La bande-annonce de “Piège de Cristal” :

Piège de cristal

Kate Moss: bientôt le divorce?

Les tabloïds anglais sont de plus en plus insistants sur les rumeurs de séparation entre Kate Moss et son mari Jamie Hince. D’après la presse britannique le couple serait en effet à deux doigts d’imploser.

Il y a quelques semaines déjà, il se murmurait que le couple de Kate Moss rencontrait quelques difficultés. Mariée depuis quatre ans au guitariste Jamie Hince, la Brindille ne serait plus aussi épanouie et apaisée qu’on l’a connue.

Ce week end, le journal anglais The Sun citait des sources proches du couple inquiets pour son avenir. “Ils ne cessent de se prendre la tête, rien ne va plus.” Il y aurait en cause quelques divergences d’intérêts, et surtout une certaine jalousie de la part de Kate Moss, qui ne souffrirait plus de voir son mari “toujours fourré chez le top Lady Mary Charteris et son mari Robbie Furze”. D’autres avancent que Jamie Hince n’aurait pas supporté l’énième scandale de la star évacuée d’un avion en état d’ébriété au mois de juin.

Pour The Mirror qui n’a pas manqué de remarquer que Kate Moss et Jamie Hince n’étaient plus apparus ensemble depuis le mois d’avril, il est évident que le couple ne vit même plus ensemble. The Sun va plus loin: “Les choses vont si mal qu’ils s’évitent depuis plusieurs semaines.”

Après des années de débauche, à jongler entre “sex, drug and rock’n’roll”, Kate Moss était enfin stable, heureuse et assagie depuis sa rencontre avec le guitariste des Kills. Espérons donc que ces rumeurs ne soient pas avérées et que la Brindille et son homme retrouvent ensemble le chemin du bonheur.

Crédits photos : getty image

Eminem: une addiction succède à une autre

Parce qu’il signe la bande originale du film de Antoine Furqua, La rage au ventre, Eminem 42 ans, a été sollicité par le journal Men’s pour une interview. L’occasion de revenir sur les séquelles de son overdose.

Dès la fin des années 1990 quand il se fait connaître du grand public, on pressent qu’Eminem n’est pas exactement un enfant de choeur. Rapidement, en marge de sa musique toujours assez bien accueillie par les critiques et le public, le rappeur fait parler de lui pour ses frasques et ses addictions.

Complètement dépendant à la Vicodin® (un puissant analgésique) et au Valium® (un anxyolitique), il fait une overdose en 2007, qui lui vaut une première hospitalisation. Eminem raconte qu’il pesait alors plus de 100 kgs, alors qu’il ne mesure qu’1,73m. Une prise de poids due à un toxique stratagème pour contrer les effets secondaires de son addiction. “Les médicaments m’ont créé un ulcère à l’estomac, pour éviter d’avoir mal, je mangeais constamment, et mal.” Son IMC (Indice de Masse Corporelle) indique qu’il est en obésité, et les médecins sont formels: ses organes étouffent.

Il quitte l’hopital et se terre dans son domicile du Michigan, déprimé. Un mois plus tard, il fait une rechute et manque d’y rester. Dans le documentaire How to make money selling drugs sorti en 2012, il évoque l’incident comme une prise de conscience: “Si j’étais arrivé deux heures plus tard à l’hopital, je serais mort.”Il comprend alors qu’il doit perdre du poids, et “trouver un moyen de rester sobre”.Car Eminem est papa de trois fillettes, Hailie, Alaina et Whitney.

Il découvre la course à pied, et “comme un pu**** de hamster”, se met à courir plus de 27 km par jour sur son tapis. Son obsession pour les calories perdues paye: il redescend à 67 kg. Mais cette nouvelle addiction pour le sport, toujours dans l’excès, lui cause aussi bien des problèmes. Il multiplie les blessures et doit finalement changer de méthode.

Le Slim Shady se tourne alors vers les DVD de fitness: “Je sais que beaucoup de ces vidéos sont farfelues, mais seul dans mon gymnase j’avais besoin de quelqu’un qui hurle dans la télé pour motiver.” Avec une pratique quotidienne, il trouve son salut et parvient à se stabiliser, mais force est d’admettre qu’Eminem a toujours du mal avec les demi-mesures. Il avoue qu’une interruption de son entrainement, même de quelques jours, pourrait impacter sa motivation… et le faire renouer avec ses vieux démons.

Crédits photos : getty image

Nick Gordon à Bobbi Kristina: « I will always love you »

Compagnon de Bobbi Kristina avant sa mort, Nick Gordon a adressé un message à la mémoire de sa bien-aimée sur les réseaux sociaux.

Nick Gordon est sorti du silence pour la première fois depuis la mort de Bobbi Kristina lundi 17 août. Sur sa page Twitter, le compagnon de la défunte a exprimé sa peine depuis la disparition de celle qu’il aimait le 26 juillet dernier à l’âge de 22 ans. “Je regarde les photos. Souvent, elles me font sourire, souvent elles me font pleurer, écrit le jeune homme. Je suis si heureux et béni d’avoir eu Bobbi Kristina dans ma vie. Je t’aimerai toujours”, faisait ainsi référence au titre de Whitney Houston, I Will Always Love You.

Quelques mots qui mettent fin à plusieurs jours sous les radars. Il faut dire qu’il a beaucoup de chose à gérer. En mauvais termes avec la famille Houston et Bobby Brown, Nick Gordon doit faire face aux accusations qui le rendent responsables du décès de sa compagne. Bedelia Hargrove, avocate de Bobbi Kristina, a porté plainte contre lui. Selon elle, il a commis un homicide involontaire en lui donnant un “cocktail toxique” de cocaïne et d’alcool avant qu’elle ne soit retrouvée inconsciente et la tête dans l’eau de sa baignoire. Elle a assuré : “Je ferais tout pour que la mort de Bobbi Kristina ne soit pas abandonnée par la justice.”

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Crédits photos : Shareif Ziyadat/Getty

Undercover video finds trophy-hunting convention vendors selling captive-bred lion hunts

An advocacy group on Wednesday released an undercover video revealing vendors at a trophy-hunting convention selling captive-bred lions to be killed for trophies, even though the convention had previously vowed they wouldn’t be sold.

The Humane Society of the U.S. and the Humane Society International conducted an investigation at the Safari Club International (SCI) convention in Reno, Nev., last week and discovered that “canned” lion hunts were still for sale. SCI had announced in 2018 it was banning those hunts.  

But video of the convention shows vendors offering the captive lions for sale. The lions are raised in cages and small pens before being put in a larger fenced area. Once the lion reaches young adulthood, customers pay to shoot them and keep trophies, including the skin, skull, claws and other body parts.


“They’re bred in captivity, they’re born in captivity, and then they’re released,” a salesman for Bush Africa Safaris, a South African tour operator, said in the video. “There’s guys who are going to tell you something different on the floor, they’re going to bullshit you, that is what it is.”

Two other salesmen on the video confirmed they were offering captive-bred lions.

Bush Africa Safaris said in a statement that it does not market captive-bred lions in the U.S. The statement said booth operative in the video was discussing wild and wild-managed lions and was showing hunts involving captive-bred lions taken before the ban more than four years ago, it said.

“My operative has been setup with very selective questioning, and also very selective footage on answers that was given to the reporters,” the statement reads. “I once again state that we do not market, or partake, or have for the past 4 years, offer the hunt of captive bred Lions in SA to US citizens.”

Kitty Block, the president and CEO of the Humane Society in the U.S., condemned SCI, which is one of the largest trophy-hunting conventions in the nation.

“This convention does nothing other than celebrate senseless violence towards wildlife,” she said in a statement. “Wild animals are not commodities to be sold, with their deaths something to celebrate. This needs to end.”


In a Wednesday statement obtained by The Hill, SCI said it will continue to ban vendors selling canned lion hunts from the convention and from advertising with the organization.

“Safari Club International (SCI) proudly supports the right to hunt; however, SCI does not condone the practice of canned hunting by our members, outfitters, or other partners,” the group said in the statement. “As sportsmen, we believe hunting is best enjoyed when certain fair chase criteria are met.”

The Humane Society also uncovered a video of canned hunts being sold last year at the convention, prompting SCI to issue another statement promising not to accept advertising from operators selling these hunts or allow them to sell at the convention in the future. 

President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden assures supporters the primary is still ‘wide open’ in lengthy phone call: report Warren: We are watching a descent into authoritarianism Collins: Trump ‘angered by impeachment’ MORE’s son, Donald Trump Jr., spoke at the SCI convention last weekend, and SCI auctioned off an Alaskan “dream hunt” with the president’s son for $340,000.

Updated at 4:28 p.m.

Wells Fargo announces end to mandatory arbitration for employee sexual assault claims

Wells Fargo will no longer require employees who experience sexual harassment on the job to litigate their claims in private arbitration, the company announced Thursday.

A message to company employees from David Galloreese, Wells Fargo’s head of human resources, stated that the company has “no tolerance” for sexual harassment and would end the past policy of requiring arbitration for such claims.

Mandatory arbitration clauses often require employees who are the victims of crimes or discrimination to resolve the matter internally within the company rather than involve the court system.


“Wells Fargo has zero tolerance for sexual harassment. Following internal dialogue and feedback from various stakeholders, including the proponents of a shareholder proposal, we have decided that, effective immediately, Wells Fargo will not require arbitration for employees in connection with any future sexual harassment claims,” read the letter from Galloreese.

“This is the appropriate change to make at this time for our employees,” he added. “The treatment of sexual harassment claims has become an increasingly prominent issue across industries. We’ve taken many steps to create and maintain a workplace environment that promotes and protects the safety and well-being of our employees.”

According to a news release from the company, the arbitration policy “generally applies to employees hired since December 11, 2015,” and appeared to indicate that claims already under arbitration would remain covered by that policy.

A bill passed by the House last year would make mandatory arbitration clauses such as the one previously used by Wells Fargo illegal, though it has yet to pass the Senate.


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Trump administration mulling special negotiator for nuke talks with Russia: report

The Trump administration is mulling hiring a special negotiator for nuclear talks with Russia as the last arms control treaty between the two nations is set to expire next year, Politico reported 

A high-level negotiator would be recruited to act as a special envoy for the negotiations with Russia, although Trump may tap the negotiator to work with China on a nuclear arms deal as well. Two former U.S. officials say the administration has not been able to find a person to hire for the position since the search began last year, according to Politico.

Former ambassador and nuclear negotiator Richard Burt, Treasury Department official Marshall Billingslea and former George W. Bush national security adviser Stephen Hadley are among the names being mentioned as possibilities for the position, various sources told Politico. 


The discussion comes at a time when the president is facing increasing pressure to extend the current arms control treaty, titled the New START, implemented under former President Obama in 2011. This treaty caps the number of deployed long-range nuclear warheads each country can own at 1,550 and the number of long-range delivery vehicles at 770.

Lawmakers on both sides are advocating for the treaty’s extension, and Russia has indicated it is willing to agree to that. But Trump has said the accord is not comprehensive enough and should include China. 

Some Republicans who agree the treaty should be broadened say it should include limitations for nonstrategic or tactical nuclear weapons, according to Politico. They have also said Trump’s move to broaden the accords would contradict the narrative that he’s eager to please Russian President Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinTrump administration mulling special negotiator for nuke talks with Russia: report Former Goldman Sachs CEO rips Sanders after NH win: ‘He’ll ruin our economy’ Lawmakers raise concerns over Russia’s growing influence in Venezuela MORE

The Hill reached out to the White House and the State Department for comment.

National security adviser Robert O’Brien mentioned Tuesday that the administration is planning to work with the Russians on “nuclear disarmament issues.”

“And I think that’s something the Russians are interested in and something President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden assures supporters the primary is still ‘wide open’ in lengthy phone call: report Warren: We are watching a descent into authoritarianism Collins: Trump ‘angered by impeachment’ MORE is very interested in,” he said at the Atlantic Council, according to Politico.

But he added that “the Chinese are not interested in arms control.”

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Democrats highlight lack of diversity at major banks in new report

The nation’s biggest banks lack diversity in their top ranks, and the industry as a whole is falling short when it comes to disclosing workplace data, according to a report released Wednesday by House Democrats.

The analysis from Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee found that while entry-level jobs at banks closely resemble the broader U.S. population, senior level executive positions are mostly held by white men.

In data submitted to the committee from 20 of the 44 biggest banks, including Goldman Sachs, Capital One and Morgan Stanley, only 29 percent of senior executives were female and 20 percent were from a racial or ethnic minority group in 2018.


All 44 banks surveyed by the committee acknowledged they needed to make some improvements related to diversity and inclusion, according to the report.

“The banking industry believes in the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion and that a diverse workforce is critical to the success of individual banks being able to meet the needs of a diverse set of communities and customers across the nation,” Naomi Mercer, senior vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion at the American Bankers Association, said at Wednesday’s House Financial Services subcommittee hearing.

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House Democrats said increasing transparency is one of the first steps that needs to be taken.

“We need to start from the top down,” Rep. Joyce BeattyJoyce Birdson BeattyDemocrats highlight lack of diversity at major banks in new report Both sides of the aisle call for local, state, federal cooperation on homelessness The Hill’s Morning Report – Impeachment trial a week away; debate night MORE (D-Ohio.), chairwoman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion, told The Hill. “I believe we want more transparency.”

Democrats said in their report that there is a shortage of data available from banks regarding their diversity and inclusivity. Financial institutions are not required to disclose diversity data, though some provide the information to federal regulators voluntarily.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said it has a 16.7 percent response rate, followed by 9.3 percent at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and 5 percent at the Federal Reserve, according to the committee report, which found that 23 of the 44 banks surveyed publicly share diversity data in some form.

Democrats appeared split, though, on whether to make reporting diversity data mandatory.

“I think it’s a little early to come to conclusions about how we are going to proceed in ensuring that we get the information related to diversity and inclusion from everybody,” House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine WatersMaxine Moore WatersDemocrats highlight lack of diversity at major banks in new report Fed chief issues stark warning to Congress on deficits 10 Democrats to boycott Trump State of the Union address MORE (D-Calif.) told The Hill. “This report is the beginning.”

Rep. Al GreenAlexander (Al) N. GreenDemocrats highlight lack of diversity at major banks in new report House passes supplemental disaster relief for Puerto Rico Clinton advises checking your voter registration during Trump’s State of the Union MORE (D-Texas), however, advocated for requiring banks to report diversity and inclusion data.

“When you have power you have to use it,” Green said. “We have power. Regulations are the thing to do.”

ACLU to ask federal court to block Trump's border wall funding transfers

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced Thursday that it will ask a federal court to block President TrumpDonald John TrumpHillicon Valley: US hits Huawei with new charges | Judge orders Pentagon to halt ‘war cloud’ work amid Amazon challenge | IRS removes guidance on Fortnite game currency NASA astronaut reunites with dog after breaking record for longest space mission by a woman Trump says his ‘life would’ve been a lot easier’ if he picked Barr over Sessions MORE’s additional border wall funding transfers after the administration declared it would redirect $3.8 billion from the Pentagon to the wall. 

The ACLU will challenge additional transfers by adding the request to its lawsuit against the president filed on behalf of the Sierra Club and Southern Border Communities Coalition last February, according to a press release.

The suit is disputing the constitutionality of the president’s ability to redirect funding for the wall after Congress had rejected the money in the federal budget, calling it an abuse of his emergency powers. 


“Multiple courts have ruled illegal Trump’s pillaging of military funds for his xenophobic border wall,” Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project, said. “Not one court has given his unlawful power grab the stamp of approval. We’ll be back in court to block these additional, unauthorized transfers.”

The Hill has reached out to the White House for further comment.

Congress received a notice Thursday saying the Defense Department is moving $3.8 billion from weapons programs such as the F-35 fighter jet to fund the border wall, which the president has promised would be largely finished by the end of this year. 

The notice said the money was being transferred to the “support of higher priority items” and is “required to provide support for counter-drug activities” at the Department of Homeland Security.

Trump first redirected money for the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2019, with $6.1 billion shifted to go to it last year, The Washington Post reported. Legal controversy has rocked the efforts to build the wall by the end of the election year, with federal judges such as Haywood Gilliam Jr. saying the redirecting of funds was unconstitutional.

But the Supreme Court ruled in July that the administration could continue to use military funding to build the wall.

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