- As we previously noted, Undertaker is set to undergo major hip surgery in the near future. He had some “minor” surgeries last year in order to temporarily relieve him of some issues mainly so he could return to WWE and compete at WrestleMania 33. The backstage word all last week was that he was going to lose to Roman Reigns and retire to end the show.
- Undertaker had technically retired after WrestleMania 32 last year, leaving his gloves in the middle of the ring but that was not something WWE mentioned or publicized. The year before in his match against Brock Lesnar, Vince McMahon purposely booked the finish to have Lesnar go over as it was believed that it was ‘Taker’s last match and he wanted to establish a star at the expense of Undertaker’s winning streak.
- While WWE nor Undertaker has made any sort of official statement acknowledging the retirement, almost everyone believes this year he is done for real.
- In another interesting note, Undertaker specifically requested that Jim Ross call his match against Roman Reigns since it would be his final time in the ring and reports indicate that Goldberg also requested the same.
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Subscription information & prices available at f4wonline.com