— According to f4wonline.com, Chris Jericho suffered a minor ankle injury when he (and everyone else) was being tossed around by Brock Lesnar last night at the Royal Rumble.
— Last night, there were multiple reports of major seating and parking problems at the Alamodome, site of the Royal Rumble. Some of the complaints included the disabled parking lot being shut down to accommodate WWE employees, many fans with floor seats being asked to move and at times, being forced to stand for much of the event as well as some seats in the upper levels being closed to cameras and sound equipment.
— WWE’s statement on the matter was:
“As with any major live event, not to mention one with more than 52,000 attendees, you can expect to receive some number of complaints. The 20 complaints we received is much less than any event of its size. Nonetheless, WWE will, as always, do everything possible to accommodate our fans.”
— The WWE network also suffered through a few glitches, including multiple buffering issues as well as some fans not being able to watch the replay of the event. One of our readers sent us the following note of the service crashing on Roku on Saturday during the NXT TakeOver event:
Good morning. Happy Rumble Day. I think you guys might be interested in this story
that WWE is really dropping the ball on. A good majority of network subscribers use
a Roku and or gaming system devices to watch events. There’s been a horrible trend
during the Big 4 weekends in particular with NXT takeovers. Last night for the 3rd
time, WWE Network crashed in Roku and other devices. The WWE Network Facebook page
was flooded with crystal for help. Instead of simply putting out a PR post saying
we’re experiencing technical difficulties, we are working on the problem, they
sparsely responded and continued to post the results real time as many subscribers
were unable to see the event. TODAY, they are finally getting back to everyone
saying if they’re still experiencing difficulties please message them. Too little
too late for a lot. I’m lucky and was able to get it on my DVD player.