Link Love: Holiday Medley 2019

It’s become tradition to ring out the Link Love year with a collection of style-related stories that didn’t quite fit into the themed Link Love posts we published throughout the year, but are worth sharing anyway. Have fun browsing!

  • My Mom Was a Spy for the CIA, and This Is What She Wore to Work.
  • In the first instalment of Fashionista’s series The Future of Sustainable Materials, they look into the potential of bison wool.
  • Refinery29’s Parisa Hashempour investigates what it is about short hair that often riles men.
  • An innovative partnership between the brands Harper Wilde and For Days aims to recycle a nearly unrecycable garment: the bra.
  • Blind and visually impaired women are claiming their space in the beauty business.
  • Here’s a look at what 9 people wore “when shopping for $1 million old master paintings.”
  • The Guardian asked 5 women why they decided to start sporting multi-coloured hair.
  • If you’re looking forward to watching the Downton Abbey movie over the holidays, this one’s for you: Hair & Makeup Secrets from Downton Abbey (the article contains some spoilers!).
  • What’s next in the evolution of the mall piercing?
  • According to The Guardian the clothes moths population has tripled in five years. Can they be stopped?
  • Claiming Space: 26 People Talk About Being Fat and Working in Fashion.
  • As consumers grow tired of cheap, disposable items, six people tell the story behind the piece of clothing they’ve cherished longest.

Fab Links from Our Members

This article about returned online purchases often going to landfill distressed Suz, and makes her rethink the way she sometimes shops.

How to wear scarves ‘right’, nuancedream thinks many people wear scarves as an afterthought: “Just a little bit of effort would make them look so much better.”

Kari adds that “MaiTai has the best collection of scarf tutorials and inspiration pictures that I’ve ever seen for folks looking to wear scarves in a creative way.”

Slim cat wanted to share this article about how millennials are changing the perfume business.

The Cat thought this blog post by Imogen might be of interest to those of us who want to identify their type (e.g. according to the Kibbe system, or Myers Briggs) or improve their style.

Vildy was bursting into laughter with this long, humorous thread from reddit Female Fashion Advice about outfit misinterpretations.